Me: * Runs in as a blonde dog. *
Sirius: * Runs in as a black dog. *
Me and Sirius: * Trun back laughing. *🤣
Luna: Your hair is back to normal.
Me: Yeah, It took a lot of shampoo.
Lily: * Truns to Sirius. * What did you two do?
Fred and George: * Walk in covered in bright pink paint and their hair is green. *👚🧑🏻🎤
Everyone but Me Sirius Fred and George: * Laughing. *🤣
Me and Sirius: * Highfive. * 😎
James: I'm so proud.
Fred: They added a long-lasting spell on paint and hair dye.
Me: That was his idea. * Points to Sirius. *
Sirius: * Points to me. * It was her idea to put itching powder in the paint.
Fred and George: What?!
Me: Never mess with a Balck and Potter. * Hits Sirius upside the head with a book. * Snitch. 📘
Sirius: Ow! * Truns to James. * I like this one. Can we keep her?
James: Yes.
Lily and Remus: Oh, god. * Chuckling. *
Me: Ok, now on to the ship. It's Hadric.
Cedric: Why do I hear my name?
Me: Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because you are in the ship!
Cedric: Yay! * Sarcasm. *
Me: Any guess about who else is in the ship?
Harry: I think I know.
Hermione: That's a first.
Ron: Burn!🔥
Harry: * Rolls eyes. * Is it me?
Me: Oh, my god. It can learn.
Everyone but me and Harry: * Laughing. *🤣
Lily: * Laughing. * Be nice.
Me: Maybe.
Harry: Is it platonic or romantic?
Me: It can be both. But most people ship it as romantic. You two seem more like brothers than anything. So sink.
Harry: Sink. Cedric is like the brother I never had.
Me: You still have me you know!
Harry: You tackled me!
Me: It's play fighting.
Harry: What?
Me: You are a lost cause. * Shaking head. *
Hermione: I haven't met Cedric but from waht I heard he is a nice guy. But him and Harry do seem to be like siblings. So sink.
Ron: * Eating chicken. * Sink. 🍗
Me: Can you go one day without stuffing your face?
Ron: You eat just as much as me.
Me: Yeah, but I can go a day without food unlike you.
Ron: * Rolls eyes. *
Luna: * Looking at the ceiling. * Sink.
Me: Are the Nargals on the ceiling again?
Luna: * Still looking at the ceiling. * Yes.
Snape: * Backs away from Luna. *😐
Me: I will get the fly swatter later.
Ginny: Sink.
Neville: I don't know Cedric so I'm going to have to say sink.
Fred and George: Ship! * Laughing. *
Me: Idiots. 🤦🏼♀️
Pansy: Don't care.
Cho: Sink!
Draco: I don't know Cedric but just to annoy your brother I will say ship.
Cedric: Sink. We are only good friends.
Lily James Sirius: Who's Cedric?
Remus: He is that Hufflepuff boy over there. * Points to Cedric. *
Lily James Sirius: Oh. Sink. We don't know him.
Snape: Sink.
Bellatrix Voldemort: We don't care.
Me: You two are just rays of sunshine, aren't ya? * Havey sarcasm. *🙄
Bellatrix: I can kill her if you wish my lord.
Sirius: * Coughs. * Kiss up. * Coughs. *
James: * High fives Sirius. *
Bellatrix: Never mind I'm killing you first.
Me: Well death is certainly better than having to live life as a moronic douchebag that thinks Bella is a cool name. * Smirking. *🦝
Bellatrix: 🤬
James: I think we found our new Marauder.
Me: Really?
Remus: Yep!
Me: Yes! Ok, so that's 3 ships and 17 sinks. It doesn't sail. Now you two have to kiss.
Harry and Cedric: No.
Me: Don't forget which one of us has magic. * Makes a flame in my hand. *🔥
Harry: * Backs up slowly. * Ok. No need to burn me.
Me: * Makes the flame disappears. * You should know by now that if you are in my pack you are safe.
Harry: You are still scary.
Me: How many of you are scared of me?
Everyone but The Marauders and the sliver tiro: * Raise hand. *
Me: Ouch.
( Picture of them kissing. )
Harry and Cedric: Not cool.
Me: You know the rules.
Cedric: * Huffs and kisses Harry. *
Harry: Never again.
Me: You wouldn't say that to Ginny.
Harry: * Truns pink. *
Cedric: Do you think you will ever get shipped?
Me: We will find out. Bye! * Spins the wheel. *
Harry: * Running away screaming. *
Fred George and Ron: * Chanseing Harry. *
Ginny: Leave my boyfriend alone! * Running after her brothers. *
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