Remus: Don't tell me you are scared.
Sirius: What makes you say that?
Remus: Any more up against the wall and you'd be a part of it.
Sirius: 🙄
Remus: I don't see what you are so afraid of. It's a Christmas tree. It's not even two feet tall.
Sirius: The one at my house used to bite.
Remus: What? A biting Christmas tree? That's crazy.
Sirius: Have you met my family? It's not a holiday unless there is seasonal suffering.
Remus: 😐
Everyone: * Walks in. *
Draco: * See the tree and hide behind Sirius. * Get that thing out of here!
Remus: Oh, don't tell me yours bites too?!🤦🏼
Harry: * Laughing. *🤣
Draco: * Nods. * One year it even scratched me. Truns out it was just my mom's Persian long hair Fluffly that got stuck in the tree.
Sirius: That damn thing is still alive! That stupid cat used to torment me as a kid.
Me: Calm down guys. This is a muggle Christmas tree. It doesn't bite and it doesn't scratch.
Bunny: * Floating. * Aren't they supposed to be bigger?
Me: I haven't finished growing it yet.
Tonks: * Looking at the tree. * I remember having one of these. The cat would knock it over every year.
Me: Watch. * Makes the tree grow too full size. *
Neville: I still have a hard time believing that I am better than you at Herbatolgy class.
Me: Believe it. Now time for the decorations! * Waves wand a box of decorations pops up. *
James: * Puts some garland around his next and truns into Prnngs. *
Sirius: Let me help you with that. * Puts ornaments on James antlers. *
Me: I want to join! * Truns into a deer. *
Harry: You look like Bambi.
Lily: No, that's what we call James.
James: 🙄
Harry: * Put garland around my neck. * I wish I could turn into a deer too.
Bunny: * Puts fake deer antlers on Harry and garland around his neck * There.
Sirius: Being animagus is cool but it can hurt a lot if you mess it up halfway through.
Remus: * Rolls eyes. * Hay Sirius, if you turn into Padfoot you can wear a garland and match with James.
Sirius: Sure. * Truns into Padfoot and runs off. *
Remus: Hay! * Runs after Sirius. *
Everyone but Draco: * Laughing. *🤣
Draco: What the fuck?
Bunny: What the fuck?
Draco: Stop.
Bunny: Stop.
Draco: I sai- * Bunny puts tape over his mouth *
Remus: * Tackls Sirius. * Got ya!
Sirius: * Licks Remus and runs off again. *
Remus: Ew! Dammit, Sirius! Get back here!
Harry: I can't believe this is my family.
Me: Me neither, but it makes specs when you think about it.
Harry: How?
Me: We are all crazy as fuck.
Bunny: Pftt.
Sirius: * Turns back and puts on a garland. *
Remus: You are why I'm a cat person.
Sirius: Ouch. * Fake hurt. *
Draco: This just proves both sides of my family are mental.
Me: Can we see the tree yet?
Everyone but Draco: Yes!
Draco: You decorated it?
Me: Yeah everyone does. Wait do you not celebrate Christmas?
Draco: Not really. My parents just put up the tree and have a few friends over but that's it. I didn't really even know it was a big deal.
Me: It's about the birth of God's son Jesus.
Bunny: Mary's son, Oh no. . .I thought he was kidding. . .
Harry: Damm. I thought getting old socks for Christmas sucked but not even knowing about it.
Dobby and Armina: We love socks!
Me: Well yeah it's a big deal. Here help us with the tree.
Draco: Are you sure there aren't any cats in it?
Me: Yes I'm su. . .
Hermione: * Pulling Crookshanks out of the tree. * Bad cat! Let go!
Draco: Real reassuring. 🙄
( The tree is decorated. )
Draco: Wow.
Me: Yep! Now for today's ship!
Everyone: * Growns. *
Me: You didn't think we were just celebrating Christmas now did you?
Martial: He hoped.
Theodore: And prayed.
Me: So today's ship is to get back at that stunt Bunny pulled.
Bunny: Hit me with your best-shot bitch!
Me: Adam and Bunny!
Bunny: WHAT?! I thought it was better than that!
Adam: 🤢
Me: Other words known as Drama because that's what this ship would be if it was real. A lot of drama.
Adam: No, just no. Well, I am Bi I like men more. . . Besides your sister scars me.
Bunny: Thanks. But no. I mean he's cute but. No.
Harry: Sink.
Ron: Sink because I knew Bunny would kill me if I said ship.
Bunny: Got that right babe!
Hermione: Sink. It's clear there is nothing between them.
Luna: Sink. Besides I ship Adam and Cedric.
Bunny: Hell yeah!
Adam and Cedric: 😳
Me: * Takes a picture. *
Harry: Wait is that. . . Did you take that from Colin?
Me: Maybe. I also took your cloke and map.
Harry: What?! Why'd you do that?!
Me: You use them to sneak around after hours. I use them for their intended purpose, to pull pranks.
James: I'm so proud.
Harry: But you are not good at pranks.
Me: Not on my own, but I have a team.
Harry: Who?!
Me: I'm not going to out our real names, but we do have cold names.
Sirius: Smart kid.
Harry: And the coad names are?
Me: I'm Alpha because I'm the leader. Then we have Flower Creature and Flame.
Remus: Looks like they got this handled.
Me: Yep! Now back to the ship!
Neville: Sink.
Me: You are just afraid of my sister aren't you?
Neville: Yes, but also it's just a wired ship.
Ginny: No, sink. Luna is right, Adam and Cedric are a much better ship.
Adam: Um. . . let's move on.
Dobby and Armina: Sink ms Amelia.
Martial and Theodore: Sink.
The adults: Sink.
Lily: Adam and Cedric would be so cute together.
Tonks: Agreed!
Adam and Cedric: * Pink. *
Bunny: Aww they are blushing!!!
Bellatrix and Voldemort: Ew.
Me: Get bent!
Pansy: Sink! Their freaks! A f*g and a halfbreed. * Choking on soap. *
Me: * Slowly truns to Pansy. * You know there's a disease named after you.
Cho: Sink.
Me: I believe that was every. . .
Gred and Feorge: *Walk in. *
Fred: At least we know where we stand.
George: Yeah.
Me: Oh, right, you two live here too.
Fred and George: * Fake gasps. *
Bunny: For the love of the gods!! You finally got here!!
Me: Gits.
Fred and George: Just to annoy Bunny. Ship!
Bunny: I will get you two for that.
Fred and George: * Shrug. *
Me: It's a sink but you two still have to kiss.
Bunny: Let's get this shit over with. * Kisses Adam. *
Adam: Yuck!
Me: I can't show a picture because vampires don't show up in pictures. But that didn't stop me from taking one to make it look like Adam was kissing the air.
Adam: Will you ever grow up?
Me: The why this war is going I'm lucky to be alive.
Everyone but me: 😐
Me: * Spins the magic ship wheel. * See ya bitches!
Bunny: Bye motherfuckers!
Crookshanks: * Jumps on the tree knocking it over. *
Hermione: No! Bad cat!
Tonks: Now it's Chrismas!
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