Me: * Falls down laughing. *
Ginny: Is she ok?
Luna: She hangs out with us so no.
Neville: * takes a piece of paper I was holding and starts to laugh. *
Harry: What is so bloody funny?!
Luna: * Looks at the paper. * You.
Draco: Told you he was a joke. 😏
Ginny: * Looks at the paper. * I wouldn't be getting cocky if I was you.
Draco: And why not?
Me: Because the ship is Darry. * Falls down laughing again. *
Everyone but Draco and Harry: * Falls down laughing. *
Harry and Draco: Ship! * Kiss. *
Everyone: * Stops laughing. *
Pansy and Cho: * Run out crying. *
Harry and Draco: * Pull apart. *
Me: What the fuck?! I thought you two hated each other!
Harry: Oh we do.
Draco: Yeah I hate him.
Me: Then what the fuck was that?!
Harry: Cho and Pansy had been trying to get us to go out with them so when we heard about this reacting thing we figured we could us this as a way out.
Me: So you two still hate each other?
Harry: Yeah.
Me: Ok, because you two together would just be weird. Sink.
Ron: Sink. As for as I know they like girls. You do right?
Harry and Draco: Yeah.
Ron: They hate each other they wouldn't get together ever!
Hermione: What Ron said.
Ginny: Yeah, besides Harry is mine. It's a sink. * Pulls Harry to her side. *
Harry: * Blushing. *
Luna: Yeah, from what I have heard they almost hexed each other last year. Sink.
Neville: Yeah. Sink.
Fred and George: * Smirking at each other. * Ship! * Start laughing. *
Me: * High fives both of them. *
Me: Well the girls ran away so here's the picture.
Harry: Oh, god.
( Picture of them kissing. )
Harry and Draco: 🤢
Everyone but Harry and Draco: * Fall down laughing. *
Me though laughs: The bathrooms are over there. * Pointing to the bathroom. *
Harry and Draco: * Run to the bathroom to puck. *
Me: Ok I'm done laughing. * Spins wheel. *
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