( Sleeping room in the ROR. )
Everyone: * Sleeping peacefully. *
( Loud crash. )
Everyone but Bunny me and James: * Walks up screaming. *
Snape: Lily control your kid!
Neville: If it was Amelia we would have woken up to Taylor Swift, not something falling over.
Lily: Plus she is still asleep.
Me: * Sleeping peacefully. *😴
Sirius: How the hell did she sleep through that?
Lily: She sleeps like her dad.
James: * Snores. *
Luna: Someone could strangle Amelia and she wouldn't wake up.
Bunny: Yeah, she'd be dead.
Adam: * Mutters tiredly. * I tried, it's true.
Ginny: She didn't wake up for two whole minutes.
Ron: So what was the noise?
Hermione: We won't find out in the dark, now will we?
Remus: * Truns on the light. * Tonks what the hell are you doing up?
Tonks: I don't know. I woke up overhear when I heard the crash. I think I walked into something.
Remus: You sleepwalk?
Tonks: I guess. I didn't know I was sleepwalking.
Remus: How did you not know you were sleepwalking?
Tonks: I don't know. Do you know if you sleepwalk?
Remus: I don't sleepwalk.
Tonks: Are you sure? 🤨
Remus: * Faceplams. * I give up. It's 5 in the morning get back to bed and stay there.
Tonks: * Rolls eyes and gets back in her bed. *
Lily: Now I know her and Sirius are related. They're both crazy annoying and clumsy.
Sirius: I'm not clumsy.
Lily: I once saw you walk into a wall.
Sirius: I tripped.
Remus: Over what, air?
Sirius: I'm not going to take this, I'm going back to bed. * Prenteds to be asleep. *
Ron: He is more of a drama queen than Diggery.
Cedric: I heard that!
Ron: No you didn't. * Prenteds to be asleep. *
Me: * Half asleep. * You are all idiots.
( Later that day. )
Everyone but Tonks: * Eating. *
Tonks: * Limps in. * Hi.
Me: What the fuck did you run into last night?
Tonks: The couch.
Me: * Sighs. *
Tonks: Then I fell over the couch and hit my leg on the table.
Me: 🤦🏼♀️
James: I just met you and I am already wondering how you stay alive every day.
Tonks: Luck.
Sirius: You must not be that lucky if you crash into everything.
Remus: Says the guy that ran into a wall.
Sirius: I tripped!
Me: * Truns to Harry. * I can't believe this is our family. I love it!
Harry: Same.
Bunny: Thier all crazy. They are fun.
Me: So today's ship is...
Everyone but me: Oh, god.
Me: * Rolls eyes. * Bunny x Cedric. Cednny.
Bunny: What?!
Cedric: * Chockes on air. *
Armina: Is he ok?
Martial: If not he can come stay with us.
Theodore: Yeah!
Adam: Not funny. And yes he is fine.
Me: Sink or ship.
Eden: Sink.
Ajax: Sink!
Harry: Sink.
Ron and Hermione: Sink.
Luna and Neville: * Hold up signs that say 0%10. *
Ginny: Sink.
Martial and Theodore: Don't know these people.
Dobby and Armina: We chose sink, Miss Amelia.
Me: Please stop calling me that, it makes me feel old.
Lily: I don't know them.
Bunny: It's a no.
James: You heard the kid. Sink.
Sirius: Sink.
Remus: Sink.
Snape: Sink.
Tonks: Sink.
Fred and George: * Smirking. * Ship!
Bunny: * Tackles them. *
Fred and George: * Screaming. *
Me: Don't worry, they will be fine.
Pansy: If it pisses off the halfbloods halfbreed sister, ship.
Bunny: I'd call you a pug, but, that is just awful to compare you to such a lovely creature.
Pansy: * Chokeing on soap. *
Me: Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell everyone. If anyone tries to say anything like what Pansy just tried to say will be eating soap.
Remus: How did you...
Me: I like making new spells.
Eden: Haha!!
Cho: SINK!
Cedric: Let me spell it out for you. WE ARE NOT DATING ANYMORE!
Cho: All because I kissed Harry? God.
James: * Truns to Harry. * Really?? Kissing a girl that's already taken?
Harry: She kissed me! I didn't kiss her!
Sirius: And the Potter bloodline continues!
James: * Shoves Sirius. * Zip it.
Cedric: That's not why I broke up with you!
Cho: Then why?!
Me: * Sipping coffee. * * Mutters. * These two smell like Drama.
Bunny: * Wareing a gas mask. *
Cedric: Becoues I'm gay! * Covers mouth with hands. *🏳️🌈
Everyone but me: 😦
Me: * Slowly puts down coffee. * No shit.
Cedric: Wait you knew?!
Bunny: You spell rainbow all over.🌈
Me: Half of Ravenclaw knew. We're not stupid.
Cedric: 😳
Harry: Didn't see that coming.
Ron: Somehow I did.
Hermione: That is a first.
Cedric: I'm just going to go. * Trying to walk out. *
Me: Why? Have somewhere to be?
Cedric: No, just that do you guys really want to be friends with me still?
Me: My sister is Pan Poly and Genderfae me and Neville are both Ace almost everyone here is fine with the LGBTQ community * Galres over at Pansy. * And I am pretty sure Adam is Bi.
Eden and Ajax: We are in LGBTQ too!
Me: What the hell you doing here?! This is for Hogwarts students! * Waves wand. *
Eden and Ajax: * Pop out. *
Adam: Um...
Me: Called it! Pay up, Harry!
Harry: Dang it. * Gives me a ten. *
Me: Thank you.
Cedric: Your bi?
Adam: * Slowly nods. *
Cedric: Cool.
Bunny: I ship Cedric and Adam!!!
Me: * Stifles a laugh. *
Cedric and Adam: * Blushing *
Me: Enough with this lovely dovey shit. Sink or ship?
Cedric: Sink.
Adam: Sink.
Me: Ok, so that's two ships and a lot of sinks. To be honest I lost track of how many people live here now.
Bunny: Do I still have to kiss him?
Me: The rules are the rules.
Bunny: Agggg!
Me: Think of this as Karma.
Cedric: What did I ever do to you?
Me: Nothing, you have been a good friend. Now hop to it.
Bunny: Hop? I hate you.
Cedric: Somedays I wish we weren't friends.
Me: You don't want to be my enemy trust me.
Cedric: I will take your word for it.
Bunny: Sorry about this. * Kisses Cedric. *
Cedric: * Pulls away. * Yep, definitely gay.
Bunny: Same. * In whiny voice *
Everyone: * Laughs. *
Me: See ya in the- * Spins the wheel. *
Bunny: Next one!!!!
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