Me: * Walks in with Trevor on my head. *
Neville: Where did you find him?! I have been looking for him for a week! * Takes Trevor and hugs him. *
Me: He was covered in vanilla cake batter and was running away from some house elves. I had to explain to them that I lost him and then had to clean him off. I now have to help the elves back a new cake.
Armina: * Nods. *
Neville: Why did you over for me?
Me: I like to back so it wasn't a big deal, and you can't bake to save your life.
Neville: * Put Trevor on his shoulder. * That is true.
Me: So we have a ship with Bunny in it today. * Evil smirk. * Payback time.
Bunny: 🙄
Me: The ship is Bunny x Draco Bunco. * Laughing. *
Draco: What?! No why!
Harry: I don't know Bunny that well, but no one should have to deal with Drama Ferret.
Bunny: Drama Ferret!😂
Adam: * Trying not to laugh. *
Draco: * Galres at Harry. *
Hermione: This isn't going to end well.
Ginny: Amelia took their wands. What could they do?
Bunny: I am a vampire, I can do a lot of shit.
Me:* Flips Neville over. *
Neville: Ow!
Me: They could do that.
Neville: * Gets up. * Some days I think you hate me.
Me: If I hated you, you wouldn't be breathing. 😁
Everyone: * Backs away slowly. *
Me: So on to the ship.
Harry: Like I said no.
Hermione: I don't really know her that well so I can't say.
Ron: Same as Hermione.
Ginny: No.
Luna: The Nargals say maybe.
Me: Tell them to shut up. They are too loud today.
Neville: Bunny scares me so I'm just going to keep quiet.
Bunny: Thx love.
Draco: * Rolls eyes. * How are you a Gryffindor?
Neville: 😕
Me: Your one to talk. You're a Slytherin who is hanging out with other houses' bond traders half-bloods muggles and halfbreeds.
Draco: * Gose to say something but doesn't. *
Me: Come at the queen you best not miss!
Draco: * Huffs. *
Fred and George: * Smirking. * Ship!
Bunny: I know all your pranks, wanna ship it now?😏
Fred and George: Um. . . yeah!
Me: * Squirts them with a hose. * * Chukles. * Oopsie Daisy.🌊
Bunny: * Laughing at the twins. *🤣
Theodore and Martial: Sink.
Dobby and Armina: Sink.
Cedric and Adam: Sink.
Me: You guys talk at the same time a lot.
James Sirius Remus and Lily: We don't know Bunny that well. So sink.
Bellatrix Voldemort: We don't care!
Me: * Waves wand. *
Bellatrix Voldemort: * Can't talk. *
Me: The sweet sound of silence.
Cho: I don't care. * Filing nails. * 💅🏻
Me: * Going to squit her with the hose. *
Remus: Don't.
Me: * Huffs. * Fine.
Pansy: Sink! Draco is mine and I'm not letting a little vampire take him away from me.
Bunny: Who you calling little?!🤬🧛♀️
Draco: Amelia can you please get Pansy away from me?
Me: I think Bunny is doing a good job of that on her own.
Bunny and Pansy: * Fighting. *
Me: Should I stop them or...
Bunny: * Has Pansy pinned. *
Me: Good job. No biteing.
Bunny: But whhhhhy?!
Me: Beeeecause if you do you will go to jail.
Bunny: * Huffs. *
Me: 🙄
Me: I couldn't find a picture because well have you ever tried to take a picture of a vampire? it's hard.
Cedric: I knew a vampier once when I was a kid. His name was Edward. People that we were twins.
Me: Strang name. Any why. You know the rules.
Bunny: Edward Cullen?!?
Me: Yes. Now the rules are that whoever you are shipped with you have to kiss.
Bunny: I'm outa here. * Try to walk out. *
Ajax And Enid: NO!!
Me: Wait for it... Now.
Bunny: * Falls from the ceiling but flies before she hits the ground. *
Me: There's no getting out of this.
Draco: * Glares at me. *
Me: I am more scared of a marshmallow. Now get on with it.
Bunny: I have a Girlfriend and boyfriend who love me very much!
Ajax: And who would they be? * Sarcastically *
Bunny: Wednesday and Tyler. 😏
Enid: It's us! It's usssss!
Bunny: Calm down!
Draco: Let's get this over with.
Bunny: But you're like my brother!
Draco: You're like my sister.
Me: KISS!!!!
Bunny: Fine!
Bunny: * Kisses Draco * Eww I kissed my brother.😝
Draco: I kissed my sister!
Me: Oh, suck it up! I had to kiss Nevile for god sake's.
Neville: Don't remind me. 😝
Bunny: * Rolls eyes. *
Me: Don't forget to comment. * Spins the wheel. *
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