Chapter 5
They also met James parents. Fleamont and Euphemia Potter. They were at first suprised when they saw the golden trio. When they questioned James about this, he told them the truth (except the part where they die).
The elder Potters were excited to meet their grandchild and they talked a lot with his friends. Hermoine absolutely loved Mrs. Potter. She was smart and kind and loved literature. Ron talked with Mr. Potter about the Weasleys and how they, like the Potters, are in Griffindor.
Soon the time passed and it had almost been a month. Dumbledore told them that the time turner was completed and soon they could go back to their respective time. James and Lilly were sad that the trio have to leave their time. They had grown to be found of them.
They reminded them so much of themselves. Ron was a bit like Sirius, Hermoine was like Lily and Harry felt like a bit of both James and Lilly. He had Lilly 's temper and James's recklessness.
They found that unlike James, Harry hated getting attention. Actually Harry was more of his mother than his father.
James was proud of the fact that Harry got his dream position as a seeker, in his first year no less. Whenever they play Quiddich, Sirius always used to comeent on harry ' s seeker skills. He truly was his father's son.
Harry talked about his days in Hogwarts , about his professors. When he told them about a certain potions professor who taught in Hogwarts, 'Bloody hell, Snape's your teacher. ' 'Yeah,don't know what's his problem though. He always seem to hate me.' 'He is a dead-eater right Lils?' 'Yeah right.' Lilly hated the fact that her former friend was so cruel to his son.
They also talked about his adventures in Hogwarts. The Mauraders got a heart attack when they heard about his close encounters with death traps ansd basilisk in his second year. James was naturally tensed about the fact that his son was a Parselmouth. But he quickly got over it.
One day Albus came and told them, 'Your time turner is fixed. I'll give you time to say your goodbyes bit soon you have to go.' It was really sad. Harry didn't want to leave them. He recently discovered his father was a animagus, a stag. He knew the others were too with an exception of Remus who was a werewolf (which only Harry knew).
He really liked Sirius. He was fun and he used to let him ride his motercycle a lot. It was fun. Remus was really kind and the werewolf helped him in a lot of things. Nobody could help liking him if they saw past the prejudice.
Ron and Hermoine also said their goodbyes. Harry was crying he didn't want to leave his parents. They were away from for a long time. He didn't want to loose them.
James hugged him and said, 'We will never go away from you. We'll always be with you till the end , in your heart.' Lilly was almost inconsolable. She cried and said to him 'I am going to miss you son. Promise me you will always be good and don't be mean towards others especially Slytherins. They always were a mask. Be good okay.'
Bye guys we are going to miss you. Be safe. We love so much. Soon Dumbledore oblivated them. And apperated back to the castle.
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