Chapter 9 - You Remember, Right?
K guys, another chapter ready. I don't normally put these here at the beginning, but I wanted to thank all who have been reading. You're all the best <3
Here we have little more development picking up where we left off two chapters ago with the Bakugo's. Hope to all that are reading it that you enjoy it, I'm putting a lot of effort into this, so, I would love some feedback. Without further ado,
"So, brat, wanna tell us what the hell's going on?" smirked the older blonde, staring at her son, wanting some answers.
'Great, there goes a chance at a quiet dinner...' thought Masaru as he prepared for the fireworks.
Surprisingly enough for both adults, their teenage son made no outburst, he did not scream, he did not get out of his chair and flip out. He just sat there and politely ate his food, taking in his mother's question.
Lifting his gaze away from his food, he locked eyes with his mother before taking a drink of his water.
"I've not been sleeping well mom." He said, placing his cup down.
"There are can I put it, sensations? No, that's not quite it. Certain feelings and memories, yeah, that's it, feelings and memories that follow me around, whether I'm trying to fall asleep, brushing my teeth, walking to school," he kept on, his mother growing worried for the boy, "taking the bus, doing my homework. It's like they're everywhere. It's like he's everywhere!"
Not catching his own mistake, his mom being the keen woman she was, quickly grabbed on this and followed up on his ramble.
"What's this about a 'he' I hear?" No longer that worried.
'I knew it!' thought the older blonde woman as a small vibration in her left pocket let her know her friend had responded.
Gasping at his own words, he cursed his foolishness, slightly shocked his mom had caught that slip up. He tried to calm his speeding heart before speaking.
"I'm not sure yet mom. Please let me figure it out." He took a few more bites from his food before excusing himself and taking his dirty dishes to the sink. As he made his way past his parents and up the stairs, he thanked his dad once again for the food and disappeared.
Looking back at his wife, "That was...unexpected?" Masaru said uncertainly, taking a bite out of his curry. "Who are you texting?" He asked, noticing his wife was deep in thought on her phone.
"Huh? Oh, just Inko. I was offering some of the curry you made." She half lied, having offered Inko some curry like 20 minutes ago. Standing up with her plates, she quickly put her phone away.
'So according to Inko's last message, it is about Izuku.' She thought walking to the kitchen.
"I'll pack some right away, just let me finish this and we'll take it over later." He genuinely offered his wife, he also cared for the their green-haired friend, having been abandoned by her husband at such an early time in their marriage, leaving her and little Izuku alone, he could only feel compassion for them both, having grown a soft spot for the pair.
"Don't worry, she said they don't like spicy food hon." She answered right back. "Now finish up while I wash the dishes and we can go to bed." She said, giving her husband a wink before walking into the kitchen.
Blushing at his wife's boldness, he sucked his dinner down like never before. Vacuums could be put to shame standing against Masaru. Hearing a soft thump coming from his son's room, he couldn't help but worry for the boy, 'I hope you know what you're doing son...'
Shuffling around his room, Katsuki settled to laying down on his bed.
'Mom's been really insistent about this, I wonder if she knows something I don't.' he thought, fluffing up his pillow to accommodate his spiky blond locks.
Closing his eyes, he let the silence his room offered envelope him. He could barely make out the noise coming from the faucet as he guessed one of his parents was washing the dishes.
'Should have offered to help with that.' Was what crossed his mind, as he turned to face the wall on his right.
Katsuki wasn't a bad kid, he was just short tempered, like his mom, but he knew somewhere in there, part of his dad was hidden. He just needed to find that part and pull it out, not that he'd ever admit to wanting to be soft like his dad.
"Tch! Soft old man!" he complained.
If he thought about it, Deku and his dad's personalities were somewhat similar. They were both kind, great with people, though somewhat shy, and they seemed to smile brighter than the sun. They were genuinely two good souls surrounded by shit if you asked him.
"They're total opposites." He said as he studied his wall.
He couldn't really understand what his quiet father saw in the old hag. On that train of thought, he could only think of himself as his mother and Deku as his father.
"We're total opposites." He sighed, frustration getting the better of him.
'Opposites attract, don't they?' he thought as he pushed his frustration away.
Closing his eyes once more, he took a deep breath and let whatever wanted to come to mind just come. Like earlier, he wasn't going to fight it back, he no longer wanted to put up any walls.
The first thing that shot through his head was that messy mop of green hair, followed by a bright pair of emerald green eyes and a perky little nose.
As the image of Deku pushed its way into his thoughts, he sighed once again, frustrated that all he could think about what that nerd.
"Kami, it's as if I had a crush on the boy." He said, and immediately corrected himself, "No Katsuki, you do not have a crush on the nerd. You don't have crushes."
He wanted to work these thoughts out, though the closer he got to something that felt right to him, the more it freaked him out.
His breathing would hitch and speed up, his heart would clench tightly around itself as if it was refusing to beat, and he could feel himself balling his fist as he grabbed onto the bed sheets beneath him.
He must be feeling something for the nerd to get this worked up, he simply didn't want to admit what it was, scared it might burn him from the inside out.
Yes, Katsuki was scared, he was beyond scared now. How was it possible that he had feelings for the one person he despised the most, the one person he had tried to push so far away most of his life.
'I clearly held some type of affection for the nerd when we were children' he thought, 'Might I be feeling the same thing now? Is that what these fucking dreams are telling me?'
He needed answers and he needed them now. Pulling out his phone, he searched through his contacts trying to find the Nerd.
'Right...' he had blocked him after middle school.
"Shit!" he groaned as he sat up, "Maybe the old hag has it...but she'll ask too many questions again, she's already figured out too much on her own." He said, putting that idea down as quickly as it came.
Placing his hands on his knees, he pushed his way up and walked to his window. He'd sit here when he was younger and stare out, keeping an eye on the nerd. Though he had already proclaimed his uselessness during those days, he couldn't help but want to keep him safe.
Kami knows how fucking clumsy he could be, and he always tended to draw unwanted attention to himself. Only he could bully the nerd.
The first time someone else had tried bullying Deku, Katsuki wasn't on speaking terms with him, but nonetheless, he showed up and beat the shit out of the older kid picking on Deku.
After that day, no one really tried anything against the nerd, which was good for the blond. Only he could bully the nerd. That is until middle school came around.
He stopped caring less about what Deku thought about him and more about what the rest of his classmates thought. He bullied the nerd and let the rest do as they pleased.
Deep down it hurt him to see the boy being pushed around by others, but Katsuki had to keep up appearances, he was the strongest in school after all he couldn't be caught with such a weakling hanging anywhere near him.
"How fucking stupid have I been..." he stated more than asked as he pulled the blinds to the side. He glanced across the street to see half of Deku's bedroom window, the other half inevitably cover by that damn tree.
"Fucking squirrels planting their fucking seeds!" he said angrily.
Taking a closer look, his eye caught the glimmer of the nerd's backpack as he began crawling out of his room and down the tree. Deku gave one look left and one look right before he sped off.
"Where are you going nerd?" he whispered to himself as the smaller boy disappeared into the night. He let go of the blinds and wondered if he should chase after him, though if his mom found out she'd hang him for sneaking out so late.
"Fuck!" he almost yelled as he remembered his parents were still awake.
Trying to keep his cool, he settled on the idea that the nerd was off somewhere training.
'What if something happens to him or what if someone shows up and does something...' his mind said.
"Why the fuck do I care?" he answered himself. Groaning, he sat back down on his bed.
"Whatever, he'll be alright." He reassured himself as got back up to look for some pajamas.
Pulling out some black sweatpants and a black thin hoodie from the dresser across his room, he quickly changed and went to the bathroom for a quick shower and to brush his teeth before setting his alarm for 07:15 am.
Draping his wet towel over his desk chair, he made his way to his bed and plugged his phone into its charger. Taking one more look around, he decided to get some shut eye.
For the third time that night, he closed his eyes and let sleep take over him. Darkness shrouded his mind as he could see a small green-eyed boy in the distance.
'Don't leave...Deku, don't leave me.' He thought before he was completely asleep.
He didn't know it yet, but Deku wasn't the one running away, rather he was the one that kept distancing himself as he ran and pushed Deku away at the same time. All the blond had to do was turn around and embrace what he was so intent on losing.
As the teenage blond slept, the hours passed and his dream filled mind slowly began flooding him with not memories, but possibilities.
"Come here Deku" said the blond, as he pulled the younger boy's hand. "I told you I'd never let you go, right?" he asked, as he embraced the teen from behind, resting his chin on the smaller boy's shoulder.
"K-Kacchan...they're gonna see us." Stuttered out a very flustered teen Midoriya as he felt the blond's body heat make its way through his shirt and onto his skin.
"Don't worry about them, it's just you and me now, like we promised when were little. You remember, right?" he said smirking at the boy.
He couldn't help but think the boy's red flushed cheeks were cute as he held on tighter to his small frame. Pressing the boy's back completely onto his chest, he placed a small kiss on Midoriya's cheek.
"You really mean it this time?" he asked, not sure why the blond was being so bold out in the open.
"Follow me Deku, we've got some catching up to do." He said ignoring the question and pulling the green-haired teen with him into the forest nearby.
"Kacchan, where are you taking me?" he asked nervously, they were still on school grounds and someone might see.
Pushing the smaller boy onto the closest tree, he quickly flushed their bodies together. Looking into Midoriya's eyes, Katsuki lifted the boys chin with his right hand and leaned in, softly pushing his lips onto the lush pink lips of the other.
Not sure how to react, young Midoriya could only stare in shock as the blond bit his bottom lip making him slightly yelp.
"Ouch Kacchan!" and the elder teen took this opportunity to push his tongue in and explore his mouth.
Finally catching on, Midoriya decided to kiss back and fought the teen back with his own tongue and bites.
"Yes, like that Deku." Katsuki moaned, liking where this was going.
Pulling apart to take in some air, both teens blushing like never before.
"You told me you'd never let me go, that it'd be just you and me, you remember, right?" Katsuki heard Deku still trying to catch his breath as he asked.
"I remember..." whispered the blond teen as he slammed his eyes open. Gasping as he brought two fingers to his lip, the burning sensation of the kiss still lingering on them.-
Let me know what you think. I'll try to have the next chapter out soon, promise. I have a lot of ideas, I'm just trying to organized them all. Thanks for reading <3
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