Chapter 29 - How We Came to be
Walking up to her two-bedroom apartment, she took out her keys when she noticed the mail on the floor. She picked it up and walked into the apartment.
"I'm home!" yelled out the brunette girl. Taking off her shoes, she made her way into the kitchen where she was sure to find her boyfriend of 7 years.
"Hey babe." She told the man with glasses that was fussing over a pot, wrapping her arms around him from behind.
"Welcome home babe." The tall muscular man answered. "How was work?"
"Eh, just patrolling around today, not much to do." She shrugged as she walked to the table. "What are you making?"
"Well, it was supposed to be chicken casserole, but I guess I'm just calling some take out." He sighed defeated at his failed attempt of dinner.
"I'll get the menu." She laughed at her boyfriend walking to the living room.
"Is this the mail?" she heard him yell as she picked up the Chinese food menu on the center table, it happened a lot that Iida would mess up dinner, she had menu's around just in case.
"Yeah!" Uraraka answered her boyfriend as she walked back into the kitchen.
"Will you look at that." He told her as he scanned over a neatly folded card. "Looks like they're finally tying the knot." She smiled at the piece of paper.
"Who is?" she asked, genuinely interested.
"Have a look." He handed her the invitation card.
She gave the paper a once over as excitement filled her face. It was happening, they were getting married. Kami knows how long she had waited for this day; she had the perfect dress waiting in her closet for this occasion.
The invitation card was a simple beige with gold edges and letters, it read:
Together with their parents,
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Request the pleasure of your company as they celebrate their marriage.
Saturday, July 27th 2027
at 5:00 o'clock in the evening
Ribbon Chapel
Onimichi, Hiroshima
Dinner and reception to follow.
RSVP by the following week.
She was beyond excited, this was going to be the wedding of the decade, the wonder duo would finally be uniting as one.
Though she admitted to being a bit let down that Deku hadn't told her sooner. She looked down at the date on the card, she had a month to prepare.
She decided to give him a call and chew his ear off about it. He'd never hear the end of it. Dialing, she held the phone to her ear as she took laid down on the couch in the living room.
"Hm..." must be busy, she said as the call went to voicemail. She'd try again later.
On the other side of Musutafa, Japan, a man in his early twenties sat up against a wall inside an abandoned building in his clad green hero suit. He'd been sitting there for about ten minutes, waiting for the green light.
Pressing into his ear piece, "Ground Zero, what's the status?" he asked the person on the other end.
"Target's yet to show up." Was the answer.
For the past three days they'd been staking out the Yakuza captain of the Shie Hassaikai. Information from one of the last police reports had led them to this part of town, indicating it was where they ran most trafficking operations.
A small buzzing sound in his back pocket caught his attention, someone was calling him. Taking one look at the phone, he sent it to voicemail. He'd call Uraraka back later. He guessed she had found out about the wedding.
"Deku, target's arrived!" he heard on the ear piece, "Move now!"
"Copy." He said, dashing out of the buildings.
The warm summer air hit him hard as he jumped down to the next building, keeping an eye on the jet-black car he was following.
A loud explosion nearly had him stopping as he quickly spoke into his ear piece, "Ground Zero, was that you?" he was worried, his heart was speeding.
"I'm fine! Don't lose them!" the other hero answered back as another explosion was heard.
He wanted to turn back and help, his body wanted to abandon the mission and go back to the other hero, but he knew he'd get his ass chewed off if he did. Ground Zero would be alright, he had to be.
He had offered to be the distraction to keep back the other vehicles from following after the original one but Ground Zero hadn't let him. It seemed he was always the one to do the most dangerous tasks.
"DEKU! IT'S A TRAP! PULL BACK! PULL BACK!" he heard yelled into his ear.
Fear creeped its way into him as he stopped dead in his tracks. Before he knew what was happening the car he had been tailing gave a loud rumbling as it blew up, sending it flying in all different directions.
He tried taking cover, but the blast had him flying through the air. His hearing had been stunned; all he could hear was a loud ringing as he tried sitting up. A few minutes later and the ringing was fading slowly, but he was recuperating his hearing.
The shockwave had been stronger than he had anticipated. He felt a warm liquid drip down his forehead, he must've gotten hit with something.
"For fucks sake!" he heard from the person landing next to him on the roof. "I should have fucking known." He scolded himself for his stupidity.
"Deku I'm so sorry, if I had thought this out bett-" Ground Zero said before he was cut off by the smaller male.
"These things are gonna happen whether we want them to or not, it's a part of this job." He said getting up, "Now stop fussing, it wasn't your fault."
"But you're bleeding." Said the taller blond male with grenade gauntlets on both arms. He walked up the other boy and pulled him into a tight embrace. "If anything happens to you I-"
"It won't happen, and if it does, you'll be there to protect me, right Kacchan?" he said, cutting him off once again.
"Right." He answered back. The uneasiness in his stomach not fading away. Just the thought of losing the man in his arms made him queasy.
Deku looked up at the taller blond hero and pushed up for a small kiss before pulling away and dusting himself off.
"How'd you know it was a trap?" Deku asked the blond, pulling out some rubble from his torn suit, he'd have to get it fixed again.
"The other cars were all empty." He told him, "After my first two explosions it got them to stop, but no one came out, so I checked and there was no one in them." He explained helping him dust off.
"Well, we can't stay here. Let's report to base and head home." He told the blond, "We can look over the reports again and start again."
"Hm." The blond agreed.
Deku wrapped his arms around Katsuki again and the blond blasted off. They could feel the air swirling around them as they soared through the sky.
Izuku would never get enough of the sensation, he loved it when his blond fiancé would carry him through the starry night sky or blue morning sky. It was liberating.
The only part he hated was landing, it always made his stomach flip. 'Here we go.' He thought grabbing on tighter as he prepared himself for the descent.
As they touched ground, the usual mob of news reporters came rushing up to them, invading their personal space.
"Ground Zero! Is it true you're currently dating Uravity?" they heard coming from the back of the group. He simply scoffed, never one to answer any of their questions.
'As if.'' Thought Izuku, rolling his eyes at how ridiculous they the rumors tended to get.
"Deku! Are the rumors about the wonder duo dating true?" It was Deku's turn to answer, considering he was always the one to do so.
"I assure you nothing of the sort is going on, we're just work partners." He said back reassuring the mob.
"What about the rumors saying you are Ground Zero's sidekick?" a small male from the middle shot out.
That had struck a chord in Katsuki, he hated it when they called his fiancé his sidekick, he was way more than that.
Before Deku could try and say anything back, Katsuki turned back around and yelled at the group.
"Deku is no one's sidekick!" he balled his fists, getting ready to blow something up, "He and I are equals, I'd go so far as saying he's hell of a lot better than me, but never call him a sidekick." He was fuming.
"I guess there's your answer." Shrugged Deku, walking after his man as he walked into the building from the back doors.
Making their way behind closed doors, Katsuki pulled Deku into a sweet passionate kiss, letting the other know he was sorry for the outburst and his stupidity during the mission.
"It's ok babe," he let his fiancé know, "maybe you didn't have to yell, but I appreciate it very much." He kissed him back one more time before they went to change.
This was their base, a 50-floor skyscraper bustling with informants, reporters, private investigators, heroes under their direct command and their personal offices on the very top floor.
During their years at U.A. High, things seemed to have skyrocketed for the boys, they were everywhere together. Any incident that presented itself was quickly resolved by the pair.
Soon, they were being recognized as the wonder duo even by the best of the best, the pro heroes. They got many offers to join up with them and become their sidekicks, most willing to take both of them on as a team.
They kindly denied them all, saying that it wasn't in their plans to join the bigshots just yet, they had a promise to keep to one another and nothing was going to stop them.
After graduating, they set up a small office in downtown Musutafu and after a few big cases their business shot sky high.
The chief of police himself had requested them on a many cases. People in the streets would instantly recognize the iconic pair and ask for pictures and autographs, much to Katsuki's delight, but he played along as long as it kept his nerd happy.
After the marvelous week that led to them becoming a couple, Katsuki worked day after day striving to become the best boyfriend possible.
He spent as much time as possible with Deku and his friends, let them hang out on their own, took the nerd out to the park, to the movies, to the fair and many more places to count.
They'd been given a trip to Europe by their parents as a graduation present. They were all proud of how far they had come as individuals and as a couple.
That month in Europe was a dream come true for them. They went everywhere, from the Eiffel Tower in Paris to the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona and the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence.
That month had been filled with many nights of passionate love making, pictures of everything Izuku would find amusing, and an angry blond as Izuku would stare at the sexy European men.
All in all, they had enjoyed their little escapade out of Japan, it was refreshing.
Izuku wasn't expecting one day during a family dinner for Katsuki to propose, but he had, and the date had been set for the next year.
That night was one Izuku nor Katsuki would never forget. It wasn't warm, but it wasn't chilly either, it was perfect. Katsuki had insisted during the week they all have a family dinner; he'd been rather fidgety and bad tempered that week, but Izuku hadn't paid it any mind.
Katsuki and Masaru sat in the dining room table waiting as Izuku, Mitsuki, and Inko brought things out of the kitchen.
"Did you get it?" Masaru whispered to the side, glancing around the room.
"Yeah, they had it ready this morning." Katsuki answered, he was a nervous wreck, he knew he was going to screw this up.
"You'll do great." His father smiled at him taking one of his hands in his own and giving it squeeze, "I know because you're my son."
"Thanks old man." He gave small smile back; happy his dad had been so helpful the past few weeks. It had taken him forever to find a ring he liked and was sure Izuku would love.
They kept quiet as the rest sat down, they had prepared traditional Japanese dinner which consisted in rice, soup and three dishes of a variety of meats and vegetables.
As they began eating, Izuku had noticed how quiet the blond was being. He was really getting fed up with his boyfriend that week, it was frustrating to put up with when they wouldn't tell you what was going on.
He was about to try and ask the blond if something was troubling him for the umpteenth time that week, when he stood up excusing himself saying he was going to the bathroom.
"Mitsu, Inko this is wonderful." Masaru praised.
"Yeah, it really is, you guys went all out." He said, "What's the occasion?" he asked.
"What? Can't your aunty and mom just cook because they want to?" she teased the boy.
Katsuki had told them of their plans, having talked to both Inko and her a few weeks ago. He'd also taken the opportunity to ask Inko for permission to marry her son, to which she had happily cried and said yes.
He had been nervous that day too, afraid she'd say no and ruin everything he was doing, but he'd respect her wishes and try harder to earn her approval.
"It's not what I meant." He said back, trying to apologize for offending them.
"It's alright hon, we just wanted to make a nice dinner." Mitsu said, calming him down.
Soon the blond was coming down the stairs and Izuku looked up trying to meet his eyes but was avoided. That was it, he was going to ask what the heck was going on.
"Kacch-" he started but the sight of the blond standing next to him had him stop. "What's going on?" he asked, unsure of what was happening.
Katsuki pulled his chair away and made his way towards the smaller boy, 'Calm down Katsuki, calm down' he told himself as he took in a deep breath.
He stood by Izuku and took one of the boy's hands in his, he took in one last breath before getting down on one knee.
"No..." Izuku softly whispered out bringing both hands to his lips, catching on. He couldn't believe what was happening.
"Izuku, from the beginning of our friendship together I have felt some strange connection to you, some strange feeling that pulled me to you, from day one." He spoke out, looking into Izuku's face.
"Initially I didn't quite understand what it really was, and I confess as I got older it scared me, and sadly I pushed you away." He said, a few tears leaving his face as he saw some fall down Izuku's.
"They say love is that thing that pulls you back when you're ready to walk away. They say it's that gut-wrenching feeling you get when the person you love is in danger." He stared directly at his love.
"They say it's the giddiness you get when you see that one person's smile, or the impulse that keeps our hearts beating." Izuku was a pool of tears, the others weren't fairing any better.
"I had no clue as to what love was, that is until I finally came to terms with what I felt for you." He confessed.
"I now know what love is. You've taught me from the day one what it is." He wiped a tear away as he watched Izuku smile back at him, "It's you baby, you're what love is to me, the way you smile, the way you pout and wrinkle your nose when you don't like something." He said as he cried.
"The way you yawn in the mornings, the way you fall asleep at night. Its you." He smiled at Izuku, sniffles heard all around, "You are the love of my life, I wanted you yesterday, I want you today and I want you tomorrow, forever and ever, just like we promised."
Izuku couldn't stop the tears from falling down his face, all he wanted was to bend down and hug his boyfriend.
"So, like we promised so many years ago under that beautiful setting sun, let's be together forever." he knew the boy remembered.
He pulled out the small box in his pocket and opened it revealing the small silver band inside, before asking.
"Will you Izuku Midoriya marry me?" he asked with one final breath staring up into loving green eyes.
Wiping away his tears, he couldn't do much but nod as he threw himself at the blond man he loved so much.
"Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" He let out squeezing the life out of Katsuki.
"Kami I love you so much! Thank you for making me the happiest man alive right now!" Katsuki said kissing his now fiancé.
Claps from three sniffling parents had them breaking the kiss to face them. After some very emotive hugs and congratulations to the pair, they brought out the champagne and continued their lovely family dinner.
That night, what had started out as a dinner between two families, turned into a dinner between what would finally become one big family, and they were all the merrier.
What wonderful memories plagued both men's minds as they changed out of their hero outfits. Putting on some regular gym clothes, considering they had no more meetings today, they quickly made their way to the elevator.
They had garage three floors underground, reserved for them and all staff. Said underground garage allowed them to enter and leave the building without anyone knowing the better. It had four exits exactly 20 blocks away from there in all four directions.
Their privacy and everyone of their employee's was considered of upmost importance, even the smallest detail could lead back to them or their family, and that was something they took very seriously.
Getting into their space gray BMW, they were soon dashing out the area. Katsuki loved to drive and Izuku could care less, it meant he got to sleep when he was tired.
"Uraraka called me earlier." He remembered.
"Must've gotten the invitation." Said the blond, he had wanted to wait till the last month before sending them out.
They wanted a small gathering of family and friends, a few of their teachers would also be joining them. No media would be allowed either.
"Yeah, she's probably gonna bitch about it." He sighed, "It's your fault for waiting till last minute to send those out." He blamed the blond as he dialed the brunettes number.
"You know why I did it, what if one got out, the press would have a field day." He explained his reasons as they pulled out of the tunnel leading them out towards the city.
"I know, but I mean we coul- Uraraka?" he greeted the girl, leaving Katsuki aside as he spoke.
"You shit! How dare you tell me one month before hand!" Katsuki could clearly hear her screaming, well, at least he wasn't the one on this end of the phone.
"Nice to talk hear from you too." Said Izuku, pulling the phone a few inches away from his ear.
"Sorry, I needed to get that out." She told him. "How are you?"
'Geeze, what a change in attitude...' he thought.
"I'm doing well, we both are." He said looking at Kacchan, "And I'm sorry about it being last minute, but Kacchan insisted we keep a tight lip on it, you know how the press is." He explained.
"I know I just wish you could have told me sooner; you know how much I care about you both" she pouted into the phone.
"Well, you know now, so you get out your best dress." He told the girl, "You gotta look hot."
"I will, I got it all ready, I've been preparing for this day for ages." She confessed.
"You dork." He laughed back. "Is Iida coming with you? He's invited too." He asked.
"Yeah, he's going." She told him, "But the Ribbon Chapel? That place is booked for like the next 50 years."
"Yeah, well Kacchan's parents know the owners, some aunty of theirs who was ecstatic when they told her their little Katsuki would be getting married," he explained, "She insisted it be there and only there."
"Look at you, moving up in the world." She teased. "I'm truly happy Izu." She said, smiling into the phone.
"Thanks, it means a lot." He was truly thankful of his best friend; she'd been there since day one back in U.A. High. "So as a way of saying thanks, I want you to be my maid of honor."
"AAAAH!" both men in the car heard her scream, Izuku pulled the phone far away, "BABE! I'M GONNA BE MAID OF HONOR!"
"Someone's excited." Said Katsuki, as they were nearing their house.
They owned a big home with enough rooms to fit them and a few guest should they need it. It was located on the outskirts of the city, surrounded by a very large forest in all directions, rather isolated, but it was home.
"Uraraka?" he asked into the phone. He was met with silence.
"Did she pass out?" Deku asked the blond.
"I don't know, I'm not there believe it or not." He shrugged, pulling into their driveway.
Deciding she'd call back later, they got out of the car and walked into their home. Katsuki went to turn the news on, a habit he had gotten from his dad.
"There you have it ladies and gentlemen." They heard from the large flat screen, "Not a sidekick, but equals, might they be lovers or..." he muted the screen.
"Fucking extras, I wish they'd leave it be." Katsuki said walking into the kitchen for a cold beer.
"We could just tell them, you know?" Izuku said. He just wanted them to leave them alone about the subject, it seemed to be the only thing they were ever interested in.
"You know how I feel about that, I don't want to put you in danger. What if some asshole wants to get back at me and goes after you?" explained the feisty blond.
Izuku walked up to the man and took his beer away giving it a sip as he placed it on the kitchen counter.
"Then I'll kick his ass." He said grinning at the taller male, "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself." He challenged Katsuki with his stare.
This was a regular conversation between the two. Katsuki wanted to protect Izuku from everything he considered dangerous. Izuku truly appreciated the gesture, but he was more than capable of dealing with things on his own.
Katsuki needed to understand that, it just wouldn't make it past his thick skull. He tended to be very stubborn when it concerned Izuku.
"I know that you can take care of yourself, but-" he was cut off by the now feisty green-headed man.
"No buts Katsuki! I am an adult. I can take care of me as much as I take care of you." He said, he was mad, "Go take a shower! I'll make dinner!" He began walking away.
"Don't be angry babe," Katsuki pulled him back.
"I am, not go shower!" he told him pulling out of his grasp.
"Come shower with me." Katsuki winked at him.
"No! Sex won't fix this." Izuku made his way into the kitchen ignoring the blond that followed him.
He couldn't give in now, if he did, Katsuki would always be able to win whatever he wanted. He wanted to shower with the blond and make love, but he needed to hold his ground.
"Alright! We can tell them!" Katsuki said, "But please don't be mad anymore, I hate it." He confessed, pouting at Izuku.
He had won, turning around to face the taller man, arms crossed, he needed some reassurance or else they'd be empty words.
"Call the office and have them announce it tomorrow morning." He dared the blond to defy him then and there.
Katsuki knew he had lost this argument, he had to accept defeat. He pulled out his phone and quickly called into work.
"Mr. Bakugo, what may I do for you?" Answered a very perky secretary on speaker phone.
"Anna, I want you to announce my engagement to Izuku Midoriya tomorrow to the press." He ordered the girl and heard as she gasped.
"Sir, but the amount of-" he cut her off.
Izuku was surprised, he hadn't expected him to announce their engagement, at the most that they were dating.
"Don't worry about it, we'll deal with it." He said, before thanking the girl and hanging up. "Happy?" he asked the smaller boy.
"Very." He told the blond, "Now, how about that shower?" he walked off pulling down his sweatpants leaving his ass bare swinging from side to side.
Katsuki watched him walking away, he was stunned. Izuku hadn't put on any boxers. Kami he was the luckiest man in the world. He quickly dashed after his fiancé and soon the house was filled with loud moaning and grunting. Good thing they lived in a forest.
The month before the wedding went by faster than they knew. The chapel was full of important people to the couple. Somehow, the word about their marriage being at the chapel had gotten out, so the press were gathered outside the gated perimeter.
Katsuki paced back and forth in the room he was currently in practicing his vows, over and over. He was nervous. No matter how many situations he could and would live with Izuku, there always seemed to be a moment that would turn him into nervous mess.
"Bakubro, man I need to you stop worrying about it, you're gonna kill it." The red-headed best man reassured his blond best friend.
Izuku wasn't doing any better than the blond. He was ready to smash something across the room. He knew all of these people, he obviously wanted to marry the blond, so he was probably just overexaggerating.
"Deku, calm down." Said Uraraka, "It's your big day, you should be happy."
This was their most important day together, from here on out, they'd be united in the eyes of the world. They'd officially be together forever, though one would argument against the veracity of that, they understood what it meant.
"Alright, it's time." Looking at the time on her phone. "Come on Deku, your mom should be waiting outside." She pulled him along.
Opening the door, Inko peeked into the room.
"Hey baby, it's time." She told him as he walked out. "You look gorgeous." She said, trying not to cry. Izuku had decided on wearing a white tuxedo and Katsuki a black one, nothing to extravagant, it'd take away from the simplicity of their special moment.
"I'm ready." Izuku said, taking a deep breath as he walked out. He took his moms hand and they walked out towards the ceremony.
The blond stood at the podium as he waited for his future husband to walk into the room. He saw his aunty Inko turning the corner and his breath hitched.
There he was, his fiancé, the man of his dreams. Perfection at its finest. A small tear rolled down his cheek as Izuku smiled shyly up at him.
He'd never get tired of seeing that gorgeous smile, it always made his heart melt. Why had life given him such a beauty to look at each and every day? He'd never understand, but he'd make sure to appreciate it.
"Thank you aunty." Katsuki took his fiancé from her an pulled him to the podium.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Izuku Midoriya with Katsuki Bakugo." The priest smiled at the two as he spoke out.
"This gathering does not mark the start of a relationship, but it serves to acknowledge and strengthen a bond that already exists between the two of you." He looked them in the eyes.
"Today, you're making a choice. You're choosing each other. You've chosen to be with someone who enhances you, makes you think and smile, and makes every day brighter." He was looking around the room now.
"Both grooms have prepared their own vows, please proceed." He told the two men.
"I'd like to go first." Said the shy green-headed boy as Katsuki nodded in approval.
"Where do I start?" he laughed looking at the blond in front of him. "As I stand here, staring into your ruby-red eyes, I can't help but be reminded of the day it all began."
"The sun was setting just as it is now, and I was able to make out the finest shade of red far away in the sky resembling your eyes." He took a breath, "From that day on, something in me began to grow, something that belonged only to you, it still does."
The room was silent as he continued, "That strange feeling that appeared that day slowly turned into admiration which later transformed into love." He explained, "Pure, genuine love."
Katsuki could see and feel the amount of emotion the boy was putting into this; it was making him melt inside as his heart swelled with pride at how brave the boy was being.
"And all that love is just for you, you deserve every little bit of it." He told the blond, "You're worth it Katsuki Bakugo and you'll always be worth it."
"There isn't enough time in the world for me to show you exactly how much I love you, but I promise to do it each and every day, let's start with today." He said, finishing his vows.
Katsuki mouthed and 'I love you' with a small wink before straightening up. He took one deep breath before speaking.
"Well, you left the bar up high." He teased the man in front of him, earning him a laugh from everyone around them. "As everyone here knows, I'm the worst with words, but I'd do anything for you, Izuku Midoriya."
"You have been a total storm in my life, you've rattled my mind and thoughts, my heart and feelings, you've completely blown away any sense of logic in what was once the only place I could hide away from the world." He said pointing at his heart.
"You pulled me out of that hole, Izu, and you made your way into my life, no matter how much I ever pushed you away. Boy was I dumb back then." He confessed, causing a few laughs in the crowd.
"But I want to thank you for never giving up, you never let me go. Because of you I am who I am today, because of you is that I'm able to openly talk about what I feel, and because of you is that I am able to love." He cried at that last bit.
"I'm truly thankful for having you here standing in front of me today, thankful that I get to spend the rest of my life by your side, and thankful that I'm able to love you as much as you deserve." He said.
Taking a look around the room, he smiled as everyone encouraged him on. He was truly grateful for them all.
"You've pushed your way into every aspect of my life, and I'd have it no other way. You are my reason for living, my reason for existing," He walked up the boy and grabbed both of his hands, "and like I've said before, I promised you forever, let me keep that promise."
"Please hold hands." The priest told them as he neared them. "Do you, Izuku Midoriya take Katsuki Bakugo to be your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"
Izuku gave Katsuki a loving smile before answering, "I do."
"And do you Katsuki Bakugo take Izuku Midoriya to be your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" the priest asked looking at the blond.
"I do." He would repeat it a million times if necessary.
The priest then signaled for the rings to be brought up. Placing one on their fingers, he spoke out again, "I pronounce thee husband and husband." He smiled, "You may kiss the groom."
Katsuki closed the small distance between them as he leaned down for one slow passionate kiss. They were finally married. "I love you, husband." He whispered to the man in his arms.
"I love you too, husband." Said Izuku, loving the way the word rolled off his tongue. This man was finally completely his.
Applause filled the room as everyone stood, congratulating the newlyweds. The happiness written on their faces was the purest emotion ever, it was real.
After some hugs and a few more congratulations from the guests in the chapel, they all made their way out to the yard that surrounded the chapel.
The beach could be seen off to the side, sun setting on the opposite end, leaving a trail of bluish green bands mixed in with orange-red sunrays as the sun hid behind the horizon.
The new couple found themselves in the center of the dancefloor made for their wedding, dancing a slow dance, their first dance.
Izuku leaned his head into Katsuki's chest, both arms draped over his neck. The blond simply rested his chin on the smaller boy's soft green locks, arms wrapped around his slim but muscular waist.
He could feel the slow rise and fall of the blond's chest, accompanied by the steady rhythm of his beating heart. It relaxed him.
"Kacchan?" he softly called out.
"Yeah, babe?" answered the blond, as they swayed slowly to the music.
"Have you ever wondered how we came to be?" he asked his husband.
"Izu, there's not a day that I don't wonder when I got so lucky." He answered back.
Izuku just let his head rest there, at peace as their hearts melded into one, the music guiding their slow steps. This felt like home, this was where he belonged. This was how they had come to be.
- The End -
Alright my lovely babies, with this, How We Came to be has finally come to an end.
I want to personally thank each and every one of you that have made it this far, you guys truly are an amazing bunch. Your comments and words of encouragement really helped out in the writing process, it's much appreciated.
I hope you enjoyed this last chapter and truly enjoyed the story. I loved writing it.
Remember to share, comment and vote. You guys rock my world! <3
Love you all! <3 <3 <3
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