Chapter 24 - Plus Ultra
WARNING: Most of the chapter contains graphic descriptions of violence.
A piercing scream tore its way across the entire lot, drawing everyone's attention to it, "IZUKU!"
Ochaco Uraraka's eyes shot instantly towards the yelling blond and her heart stopped as she caught sight of the falling boy. They were a few hundred feet in the air, and he was falling fast.
Her body reacted without her noticing, and soon she was running. "Shoji, Sato, Koda!" she called out to the three, "Hurry, throw me at Deku!" she ordered.
Iida had protected her to the very end, he had been her shield and currently lay on the ground, thanks to him, she still had her quirk. Her best friend needed her now, she'd pull through for him. 'Thank you Iida.' She smiled at the thought.
She activated her quirk and began levitating, as her body was freed from gravity's pull. 'Focus Ochaco.' She commanded herself.
Three pairs of hands were tightly holding her in place and soon she was launched full force across the sky towards her falling friend.
She held her hands in position in front of her as she dashed through the air, the moment she touched they boy, she would feel gravity's pull on her again, so it had to be exact.
Stretching out as the wind fought against her, she kept on pushing. Holding her breath as her stomach began twisting and turning, alerting her she was pushing past her limits. 'Hold on, Deku...' she thought, lungs burning from the lack of oxygen.
She was almost there, she could feel him in her grasp, just a few more feet. 'Now!' she thought separating her hands as the impulse carried her weight the rest of the way and soon her hands were touching Midoriya's back.
"Yes!" she cheered, quickly wrapping her arms around him as their combined weight slowly pulled them down, gravity doing its thing. She gasped for air holding Midoriya tightly to her.
Huge pieces of ice zoomed past them, some smaller pieces hitting them, as rumbling and explosions could be heard coming from above. She shielded the boy in her arms as they neared the ground, shattered ice of all sizes littering the area.
Another loud explosion could be heard as more ice cleared its way down towards them. "Leave it to Bakugo to blow up the place." She said, scurrying off with Izuku in her arms as the ice shattered behind them.
"YOU BASTARD!" Katsuki shrieked, he had just lost his world, everything that mattered to him, his nerd, his Deku.
Life roared into him as every muscle fiber began clenching, sweat glands burning off any excess sweat in him. Everything around him was igniting and exploding as feeling returned to him.
He no longer cared, nothing mattered anymore. His heart was completely shattered, and he was going to do the same to the culprit. Todoroki was going to pay with every bone in his body.
He wasn't aware that little Izuku was safe and sound surrounded by those willing to give their lives for him, but his raging had already begun, and it wasn't going to stop until he was satisfied.
A sad filled anger consumed him as he stood. Everything around him activating his once dull senses. Once again he was pushing past anything that limited him.
The cold winter air chilled his bones, but it wasn't enough, he was on fire and he was ready to explode. With one harsh thrust from his hands, he dashed past Todoroki and snatched the girl his Deku had given his life for away from the bastard.
"I'm sorry for whatever it is you've been put through.." he whispered to the lifeless girl, taking off his jacket to lay her down on it. "It's going to be fine now." He promised as he took a stance.
This was it, the final showdown, they'd been pit up before at the sports festival, but now they didn't need to hold back, they'd finally settle who was the strongest. "I'm coming for you." He stated pointing a finger a Todoroki with a serious expression.
"Fucking is it you keep exceeding all my expectations." He said, acknowledging the blonds perseverance. "You've got balls, I'll give you that, but you're leaving this place just like that other piece of shit...dead." He promised Bakugo.
Not playing into his game, Bakugo let a few more drops of sweat reach his hands before blasting at Todoroki. The dual color hair boy had been expecting him, he lifted one arm and shot out his flames.
Aiming an explosion away from the flames, he dodged it and grazed by its side as he still blasted towards Todoroki. He wasn't going to be pushed back this time.
Lifting his other hand, he began creating ice but was too slow to react. Bakugo had already reached him and blasted him in the chest.
The impact left him breathless; gasping for air. Before he knew what was happening, he was roughly slammed into the ice below him, the back of his skull giving off a slight crack as it made contact.
His vision went fuzzy and black around the edges as his mind tried pushing him into unconsciousness. He could barely breath from the first blow to the chest and now the blond was making it even more difficult as he curled his fingers around his neck.
"Take that you bastard!" Bakugo screamed, "Stop acting all tough you cocky fuck!" he kept screaming at Todoroki, holding him in place.
"I'll fucking blow you up!" He said with intent to kill, as his hand began to ignite.
Before releasing the explosion, he was blown away by something hard to the side. Steadying himself on the ice after the impact, he looked back at the bastard. 'What...?' he questioned, slightly confused and warry of the teen.
"So fucking clueless as always." He taunted the blond, "I don't see how that other useless fuck was ever interested in you." He was trying to make Bakugo get emotional, he'd make a mistake and he'd have the upper hand.
"Don't you fucking speak about him!" he spat back at Todoroki. He needed to keep his cool, but the bastard wasn't making it easy on him. He knew exactly which buttons to push.
"You don't care! You've never cared!" Todoroki said, "You nearly killed him twice! I had the fucking decency to do it to his face." His words were like sharp knifes that dragged along his skin. They hurt, but still not as much as... 'No! Don't think about that' he scolded himself as a dead Izuku flashed in his mind.
He blasted off at Todoroki once again, trying to keep his mind off of what happened. If he let his pain consume him now, he'd definitely be beaten, and Deku's life would have been lost in vain.
He slammed his right fist into the teens face watching as his jaw swung around and blood shot out of his mouth. "I'll kill you!" he screamed, giving Todoroki no time to act as he brought his left knee to his stomach.
Grabbing the teen's left arm, Bakugo brought it down as he twisted in place and used his back as leverage to slam Todoroki into the ice below them, the impact shattering it in the process.
He couldn't breathe, he could barely take in what was happening, as the blond kept landing blow after agonizing blow in his chest, his stomach and face.
Blood was pooling around him and inside, he was grasping at consciousness now, his mind going blank as a coldness was overcoming his body, death crawling into him. 'No...' he thought, as another blow was landed into his ribcage, shattering one or two more ribs in the process.
'I can't fail...' was flooding his thoughts as he roughly blasted across the ice. He clung onto life as he tried to take in air, but his lungs weren't responding, his ribcage was destroyed.
Ice cold, his hands and feet were ice cold as his body diverted blood flow to his major organs, trying to keep him alive anyway possible.
'Father...' he thought as an image of his flaming progenitor pushed into his thoughts. A hard kick pushed his leg against the ice. The pressure didn't let up, and soon his femur was broken.
"I told you I'd fucking kill you." Stated a very calm blond teen, contrasting his usually explosive personality. He looked down at in disgust Todoroki as he lay there, a broken mess.
He leaned down and pulled at one of the boys arms, dislocating his shoulder. A painful groan escaped Todoroki's lips as Katsuki let him go, his back slamming back into the ice.
He was going to die, he was going to be a mistake, another disappointment to his father. He would be the family stain, the criminal that had been brought down by a couple of wannabe heroes.
The ice around him began to sizzle as a scorching heat oozed out of his body. It melted the ice around him and lit his body on fire as it filled him to the brim with life and energy. "Not yet..." he stated angrily trying to push his way up.
Broken leg, shattered ribs and dislocated arm, he pulled up anyways. Pain clouded his mind, forced him to sit there and take it, but he didn't let up, he wasn't going to become a mistake, he'd live up to the family name.
A jet of scorching scarlet-orange flames shot out of his body. They held no direction; they just flew out and began consuming everything and anything that crossed their path.
The blazing heat and sudden explosion coming off of the boy had Katsuki flying back, landing hard on the ice. He quickly stood and ran to the small girl to shield her from the flames.
Before reaching her, he was suddenly jolted back as something grabbed onto his feet. He looked down at it and panic filled his eyes as the ice creeped up his legs and quickly took a hold of both arms, freezing them in place.
"You...just...don't understand." Todoroki tried speaking, using his flames to keep him floating in the air.
Bakugo couldn't move, he couldn't activate his quirk as the ice began constricting around him, suffocating him.
"This was...never about him." Explained Todoroki. "I have to become the best...and I couldn't let you have him, I couldn't let you beat me...not with him, not then...and not now."
Air was running out; his lungs were on fire as they tried expanding but were met with an immobile ribcage. 'Shit!' his mind screamed as Todoroki aimed his free hand at him.
"Now, die." Spoke out Todoroki a spear like object rushing out of his hand.
This was it; he'd been defeated, he wouldn't even be able to mourn the boy he loved. "Deku...' he softly cried out, closing his eyes as a few tears rolled down his bloodstained cheeks.
"SMASH!" he heard, followed by a flow of pressurized air pushing at his face.
His eyes were able to make out how a small boy's fist collided with Todoroki's face and sent him blasting away, the sheer force of the impact cracking his jaw and teeth.
All to quickly a loud rumbling was heard as ice was pushed away in all directions, cracking beneath them.
His eyes settled on the back of boy in front of him. It couldn't be, it wasn't possible. That messy green hair, those stupidly red shoes, they only belonged to one person.
"Deku..." his heart skipped a beat as realization hit him and the boy turned to face him.
"Kacchan!" screamed the boy in excitement, and it was too much for Katsuki, he dropped to his knees and let it all go, all the pain and all the tears rushed out.
"H-how...?" he sobbed, still not able to believe his eyes. Was this some type of illusion? Had he been drugged again or maybe it was someone's quirk.
"No time!" said Deku as he helped the boy up. "He's coming." He warned Katsuki, giving his hand a tight squeeze.
Trying to grab onto whatever reality he was living, he pushed his desire to hold the boy away as they looked out for Todoroki. "He's severely wounded." He told Midoriya.
"He's still dangerous." Midoriya warned, "But I have a plan." He said, smirking at his friend, he quickly relayed his idea to the blond.
"This better work, Deku." Smirked the blond. He had given up hope for a second, he had accepted defeat. Now, all that was gone as his angel had shown up.
"Alright, you know when." Said Midoriya, taking a stance.
"Tch! As if I'd mess this up." Scoffed the blond, beyond happy to have the boy standing next to him, as equals, as he had promised so long ago, a quick memory making its way into his head.
"You'll never leave me, right? We'll be best friends always?" he heard the emerald-eyed boy ask him.
"What are you getting at Deku? Of course, we'll be best friend forever, I'm not leaving you, not today, not tomorrow, not ever." He promised his best friend.
"When we get our quirks, we'll be even better friends! We can become heroes together and fight criminals together." He finished with that final promise.
Deku's words brought him back, "Kacchan, he's up."
Taking a look across the ice, he was able to see the icyhot bastard shoot his way up into the night sky, flames shooting out resembling a rocket as it took off.
Facing them, he spoke. "You're not as useless as I thought." He smirked at the boys beneath him. "I guess I can play a little longer before finishing you both off." He said as an evil glare took over him.
He blasted off towards them, burning the air around him. "Kacchan, now!" Screamed Midoriya as he jumped into Katsuki's view.
Katsuki raised both arms and Izuku's feet landed into his palms, "AP SHOT!" he screamed as Izuku was blasted out of his hands at blinding light speed.
As both teens flew towards each other, "I guess you've never heard these words before!" Izuku screamed at the older boy, drawing an arm back as he balled his fist.
Inches before impact, he twisted as Todoroki shot ice at him, leaving him below the older teen.
Pushing with all his might and the power of all the predecessor of One for All in one punch, he roared "GO BEYOND! PLUS ULTRA!" as he slammed his fist into Todoroki's chest.
The force of the blow had him being pushed back towards the ice, and intense amount of pressure forcing its way out in all directions had Todoroki out of sight as he disappeared into the night sky.
Nearing the ice below him, he tried to turn as to land on his back. As he prepared for the blow that was sure to come, he was startled when to muscular arms wrapped around him and they were blasted away from the icy structure.
"I've got you." Said a smiling Katsuki as they neared their friends.
"The girl!" screamed out Midoriya scared Katsuki had forgotten, as they landed on the concrete below.
"She's going to be just fine, young Midoriya." He heard a deep voice coming from their group of friends.
Turning to look at his friends, his eyes caught sight of All Might holding the fragile girl in his arms, finally awake.
"Everything is fine now. You know why?" Asked All Might with a smile bright enough to blind them all.
At the sight of that, both teens finally relaxed, the pro hero was here, they'd be alright.
Hello my babies! Another chapter down! I hope you all enjoyed it!
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Love each and every one of you! <3
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