Chapter 21 - Deku
Warning, chapter contains mention of physical abuse. Warnings have been placed when it commences and when it ends for those of you that want to skip it. Enjoy.
Both teens were woken up from that surreal dream they were living by an excessive ringing of the bell downstairs, alerting them someone had arrived.
Katsuki was first to react; he got up and walked to his bedroom window and pushed back the blinds barely enough to see. His blood instantly boiled, burning him as it coursed through his teenage body, erasing whatever trace of happiness he had been feeling.
"The ice princess is here." He muttered out through his clenched teeth. Izuku could tell the blond was angry and trying to hide it, but it showed.
'At least he cares enough to not make a scene.' Thought the green-eyed boy as he sat up in bed. He wasn't really prepared to face him, but it had to be done, though he didn't think he'd come considering how late it was, the sun was just beginning its descent down the scarlet red sky.
"Alright, I'll go talk to him." He spoke out, waiting for the blond to face him. "Kacchan?" he tried calling to make the boy look at him.
"Let me put on some decent clothes," he said, signaling his pajamas, Izuku had changed during the day, "and I'll meet you in sec. Don't worry."
He walked up to the smaller boy and lifted his head to place a soft kiss on his brow, reassuring him that he'd be there for him.
Giving Kacchan a quick hug, he made his way out to receive their unwelcome guest. Opening the front door, "Alright, I'm coming. Stop ringing the bell!" he told the boy standing outside, a sleek black car with tainted windows behind him.
Izuku made it to the front gate and stood there, unsure if he should open it. "Well, are you going to come out and greet me?" asked the older bicolor-haired teen as he placed his hands in his pocket and smirked.
Not liking the way he felt as shivers went down his spine from the way he was spoken to, Izuku began opening the gate as he spoke, "We will talk outside, you will not be coming in. Kacchan will be watching from inside."
"Now, is that any way to greet your boyfriend, I...zu...ku?" he asked, making Izuku shiver in disgust at the way his name was pronounced.
"After last night, I'm more than sure there is nothing going on between you and I," he stated, slightly warry of the boy, "So please refrain from using my first name and keep your distance." When had he gotten so confident naturally giving out orders?
He could see Todoroki try to get closer, "I said to keep your distance Todoroki." He said as he took a step back.
"I just wanna hug my boyfriend." He said, taking short steps towards Midoriya.
"We're not boyfriends anymore, you have to understand that." He said, frustrated at the boy's stubbornness.
Todoroki kept closing the distance between them and he had run out of space behind him having reached the gate. Panic was flowing through him, he could feel his heart pick up pace, running its own marathon.
The boy was now upon him, "Todoroki! I said stop!" he yelled. 'Where the hell is Kacchan?' he wondered, looking for an escape.
His eyes caught the way one of Todoroki's hands moved around inside his pocket, and how it dashed out with something concealed in its grasps as it made its way to his neck.
He tried to stop it but was too slow. He felt a soft pinch as something pierced his skin and poured its contents into his bloodstream. "What?...wha..w.." he tried asking as his world spun, his mind going haywire and fuzzy at the same time.
He had no control of his actions, and everything kept spinning. Soon his legs were giving out and he felt as two arms caught him. "If you're not mine by will, then by force." He heard coming from whoever had caught him.
"Hurry, help me get him in the car." He told his driver.
Izuku felt when they loaded him into the car and covered him with some dark fabric before he passed out.
Todoroki quickly made sure no one was watching and got into the back with Midoriya as the driver started the engine. Soon they were off down the road and away from the Bakugo residence.
"Deku, I'm-" he said as his eyes latched onto a black car speeding away. He took one look at his gate and didn't find his nerd. He gulped widening his eyes as he began to breath faster.
He was gone, the nerd was gone. Todoroki had taken him. He was getting dizzy as he breathed in faster. 'Calm down Bakugo.' He told himself. He was having another panic attack, 'Calm down, please calm down.' He pleaded at his inner self.
He needed to stay cool. He needed to act, but he wouldn't be able to do it if he suddenly passed out. Every second wasted only pulled Midoriya farther away from him.
He grabbed onto the wall to his right and tried to breath, '' he repeated it like prayer in his head, feeling the way his muscles relaxed and his breathing slowed down.
With a clear mind, he wasted no time in walking out towards the gate and scan the area. "Nothing." He said turning around to figure out a plan but was stopped as his eyes caught sight of an object on the floor.
He quickly picked it up, "A phone...?" he said confused. It wasn't Izuku's phone, he'd left it upstairs charging before they came out. He clicked on one of the side buttons and the screen lit showing a picture of Midoriya and Todoroki at the park set as a screensaver.
'It's got to be that fucking bastard's!' he thought! 'Fucking extra, must've dropped it. I'm going to fucking kill him.' He tried swiping on the screen but was met with 'insert password or fingerprint'.
"Fuck!" he yelled out. He needed to unlock this phone; it might have information on where they had taken Midoriya.
"Ok, what can I do?" he asked himself. He couldn't go on about this alone, he would need some backup, because he'd never admit to needing help. Running to his room, he searched for his phone and called the one person he knew wouldn't let him down.
One ring, two rings, three and they picked up, "Shitty hair! Get everyone together. Meet me at the park near my house in half an hour." He said, not giving his friend anytime to answer, "Midoriya's been kidnapped by that icyhot bastard." And he hung up.
He grabbed his keys and a jacket from the downstairs closet and made his way out of the house and to the park.
Soon after getting the frightening call from Bakugo, it had taken Kirishima no longer than a second to get over his initial shock and start calling everyone.
Class 1-A was on high alert as each individual made their way to the park. Not having really anything to go by other than Midoriya being kidnapped and by none other than Todoroki, they wasted no time in getting there.
One by one they began to flood the small area where Bakugo had been waiting for them, Kirishima being the second to arrive. They sat there, wanting everyone present before he explained all he knew.
Tsuyu Asui arrived not long after Kirishima, who had been followed by Uraraka and Iida. Something was on her mind, and she didn't know how to go on about it. She needed to express what she was feeling about Bakugo's sudden change of heart regarding one of her closest friends.
She found the silent blond pacing back and forth between some trees, trying to keep to himself. "Bakugo-chan. A word." She said as she got close.
Katsuki just looked at her, but allowed her to stay and speak, nodding his head for her to continue. He knew she always meant well, she had been one of the few people to ever stand up against him for Midoriya. He respected and admired her for that, she had earned it.
"I know we are all still in shock about Midoriya's kidnapping, so I'd like for us to think about what we're going to do in a calm manner." She said, wanting to keep the blond calm, "But before doing that, I need to know one thing from you. Why are you doing this?" she asked.
"What do you mean?" he replied, really unsure of where this was going.
"Are you doing this to feed your ego or are you doing this because you genuinely care about Midoriya-chan?" she asked, "I've been watching the way you've been acting around him lately, and I can't help but be happy that you've changed towards him, but I also can't help but think you're doing this to make yourself feel better about your past."
She got closer to him as she continued, welcoming his silence, "I know we can't change who we once were, Bakugo-chan, but every day that we wake we are given another opportunity to change." She looked hard at him, as she spoke, taking in the tears he was shedding, "If you truly care about Midoriya-chan, do this for him and his wellbeing. Don't do this to feel better about who you were, you'll get the opportunity to that in the future."
He was taking in everything she said, and he could feel how much she actually cared for the boy. Midoriya was lucky to have such a person in his life. "It's just that I've fucked up so much in my life when it concerns him, that I can't help but want to right my wrong. Though he'd be so much better without me here, I want to be selfish and keep him by myside." He cried out.
"You're wrong Bakugo-chan. He wouldn't be better without you." She told him, "Yes, you've put him through hell, but we've all been witness to the amount of admiration Midoriya-chan has for you. He genuinely loves you, mistakes and all, he's willing to forgive you. But don't let him forgive you just because you want to be selfish and have him by your side. Earn his forgiveness one step at a time and earn the love that comes with it." If heroes weren't so damn amazing, she'd gone off to be a psychologist. "Now, let's do this for him, not for me, not for you or anyone else here, for him."
Taking the final step towards him, she grabbed one of his hands and gave it a soft squeeze as she spoke, "He deserves this Bakugo-chan, he deserves this selfless act of love, especially from you." With that she left him to his thoughts and joined her other classmates.
She was right, and he knew it, he understood it now. He'd been going on about this all wrong trying to right his wrong to make himself feel better and not to actually make Midoriya feel better. Looking up at the group that had formed a circle ahead of him, he walked towards them with determination in his eyes, "Time to be a hero." He whispered. "Time to save the boy I love."
He walked into the circle and looked around, taking everyone into account, he began explaining what had happened. He could hear a few gasps and some silent tears were shed from of few them, but they listened and didn't interrupt.
"So, Pikachu, I need you to somehow bypass the locked screen on this phone and get me access. From there, we'll start our search." He said as he handed the yellowish-blond, Kaminari, the phone.
"On it! Piece of cake." Kaminari told Bakugo and began maneuvering an electric current into the phone's internal system. "If I reverse the polarity in the main frame, kind of like I accidentally did on the mics at school, I can make it so that...Got it!" he said as the locked screen disappeared.
Bakugo took the phone back, anxious to for information. He searched everything, from pictures, to phone calls, and social media, until he found a private messaging app hidden under a fake name.
"Bingo!" he said excitedly. He found exactly what he was looking for. Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and drew their undivided attention to Bakugo. "According to these last messages, Midoriya's being taken to a warehouse behind the Endeavor Training Complex." He explained.
"I know that place, I train there on Saturdays." Said the usually quiet Tokoyami, to which everyone gave him a confused face, "What? It's spacious and quiet." He answered their silent questions.
"Alright, so Tokoyami will lead us there and the-" said Bakugo as he felt the phone vibrate. He shouldn't have looked at it, he should have given the phone to someone else.
The message was from an anonymous number and it came with a picture included.
XXX-XXX-XXX: Boss! We've tied him up. Do we just leave him in storage room?
In the image, he made out what was clearly Midoriya tied up unconscious on the floor, sporting a busted lip and blood trailing off to the side of his cheek.
"I'm going to kill that son of bitch!" he spit out, trying not to throw the phone against a tree.
Asui spoke up at that, "Bakugo-chan, as I said before, we are still shocked about what has happened to our friend, but we cannot let our feelings cloud our judgement," she said looking at the blond and everyone else in the group, "if we start another fight or harm another person, intentionally, then we are no better than the villains we work so hard to eradicate. If we let our feelings get the best of us, we might end up hurt or even worse, endanger Midoriya-chan."
"Tsu is right," Uraraka supported her friend, "We need to go about this calmly, we go in, get him and go out." She said looking around the group.
"That means try to avoid conflict." Was chipped in by the class representative, Tenya Iida.
"Let's get moving!" yelled Bakugo. They were wasting time, and time was precious.
As the group of teens mobilized, Izuku could be found inside a barely lit room, tied to a chair as Todoroki walked around him.
Fear crept up his spine as he felt the boy drag a hand across his back. He could only struggle and try to scream, though his pleas were muffled by the tape wrapped around his face, keeping his mouth shut.
Todoroki had come to find the boy on the floor and his driver going on about him not responding his messages. He had been initially shocked when he searched for his phone and found none, but no matter. It's not like they'd ever be able to get into it, at least that's what he thought.
"I made a mistake with you," he let out, as he came face to face with Midoriya, "I chose you thinking you were strong, but I was wrong."
Straddling the boy, he pulled his face towards his, "I plan to fix my mistake." He said as he caressed sweaty green locks. "I'm going to beat some strength into you."
Warning: Start Physical Abuse
Getting up, he looked at the boy one more time before pulling his arm back as he balled his fist, and before Midoriya knew what happened, his face was harshly punched. His groans silenced by the tape.
"You weak peace of shit!" he yelled at the boy, as he punched him again. "You made me look bad in front of father! How could I, his perfect son have failed, and you, All Might's worthless successor have passed the licensing exam?"
Another punch was thrown at the boy, this time on his other cheek. Blood could be seen seeping through the tape and down his chin, staining the floor and his legs. He was barely conscious now, hanging on to the hope that someone would rescue him, that Kacchan would come for him.
"I finally understand your purpose, Midoriya." He said as realization hit him. "You've been placed into my life to help me perfect myself, to make my father proud."
Slightly bending his knees to better reach the boy, he gave him a fire filled punch to the stomach, make the boy above him cough and choke on what he assumed was a mix of spit and blood. 'Useless.' He thought.
"Can you imagine how proud father's going to be when he sees I've defeated you?" said Todoroki. All rational thought had abandoned him long before today, he'd never planned on fixing things with the boy, but he needed him to impress Endeavor, to win his approval.
"Imagine what he'll say if I kill you." He said before giving Izuku one final icy punch to the face knocking him out cold.
Warning: End Physical Abuse
He gave Midoriya one disgust filled look before leaving the room, "Deku..." he said as he closed the door behind him, hoping the boy had somehow heard the insult.
Alright my little beans, thanks for making here <3 Hope you enjoyed the chapter, I will start the next one as soon as possible! I love you all <3 Go beyond, Plus Ultra.
Thanks <3
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