Chapter 19 - Who He Least Expected
Hey guys, this chapter contains strong language, warning just in case. Thanks for reading <3
The party had continued like any other party would. The teens were having the time of their lives dancing, talking and eating snacks and a variety of different foods that were brought out by men and women dressed in black.
The party couldn't have been better, except for two teens currently sitting at a table towards the back.
After their one-sided heated argument, Todoroki had dragged him back to the party and roughly sat him down where they were now. Izuku hadn't spoken a word since, afraid he'd provoke his boyfriend's anger.
When had it all turned into this? Things between them had been amazing up until a few days ago, and now, they were just getting worse.
Never in his short 15 years had he imagined his first relationship would become something like this. He was scared and wanted to go to his friends, to shield himself in their ignorance, so that he could fake a smile and pretend it was alright, but his boyfriend's intense glare held him still.
He could still feel how his cheek burned and his arm had bruised instantly. He knew his cheek would probably swell tomorrow, but he'd worry about that later.
"People are coming, no need to remind you what's going to happen if you say anything." He heard Todoroki whisper to him as a group of their friends made their way over to them.
"Hey guys, wanna join the dance?" asked a bubbly pink girl. Uraraka looked at Izuku as he lifted his gaze and noticed something was off but decided not to question it.
"Yeah! The music's lit!" Kirishima commented enthusiastically.
"Todoroki, can we join our friends?" asked a shy Izuku, trying to avoid his boyfriends eyes.
Katsuki had accompanied the group to see why Izuku had secluded himself with the icyhot bastard, and he had immediately picked up on something. Izuku was acting strange, he knew it. Something was off, why was he hiding his face.
"Let's go." Was all the icy bastard said as he helped Izuku stand. Katsuki couldn't help but notice how Izuku flinched when the peppermint bitch spoke or how he slightly pulled away from the boy when he was helped up.
'What the fuck's going on?' he questioned himself, now getting worried.
He got closer to the boy, noticing how Todoroki never left his side, "Nerd, are you ok?" he asked, concern evident in his question.
"K-Kacchan. Yes, I'm fine." Was all he got from the boy who wouldn't lift his gaze.
Giving the boy a slight push on the shoulder, "Midoriya, walk." Todoroki said, feeling the boy flinch at his push.
As they made their way to the dancefloor, Katsuki kept an eye on the two boys. He didn't like dancing, so he opted to just stand there and sip his beer. Somehow, Mineta, Mina and Kirishima had gotten beer for the party, he'd have to ask them later about it.
Katsuki watched as the nerd would barely move to the music, just kind of rocked from side to side as if in a trance. He hadn't lifted his eyes the entire time, transfixed on his shoes or something on the floor, and he would give little jumps every time Todoroki stood too close or placed a hand on him. It was making Katsuki mad, something was up, and he was pissed that he didn't know what.
After a few more songs had been played and the group danced off the alcohol they had been consuming, Mina randomly suggested they play truth or dare. 'Great.' He sighed at the childish idea.
From the side he saw Kaminari and Mineta whispering perverted things between one another, excited about the game.
They made their way into one of the many spacious living rooms within the house and sat around a bottle placed on the floor. Yaoyorozu had provided everyone with cushions. Looking around the circle, Katsuki took in everyone's positions, his eyes instantly finding the boy he was after sitting across from him.
He saw him slightly shaking, sitting rather close to Todoroki on his left and Kaminari to his right. Next to Katsuki were Kirishima to his right and Iida to his left.
"Okay! Who's youngest?" asked a very excited Mina.
Katsuki saw Shoji Mezo raise what he assumed was a hand, and something else in it. 'Is that an eyeball?' he asked himself, still not quite comfortable with that boy's quirk.
"You get to go first then," she stated, as she began to explain the game, "you spin the bottle, you ask truth or dare to whoever it lands on and then that person repeats the process, simple." she then took her seat next to Kaminari and Yaoyorozu.
Mezo leaned forward and spun the bottle commencing the game. Round and round it went and soon stopped its spinning to land on Mineta.
"Truth or dare, Mineta." He said to the boy.
Katsuki could see the small boy getting riled up as he imagined his possibilities of kissing one of the females in the group, "Dare!" he answered, confident his friend wouldn't let him down.
"I dare you to fake an orgasm while simulating a sexual position." He said with a straight face. Oh the boy had imagination, Katsuki would give him that.
After his initial surprise and much laughter from the group, Mineta had gotten on all fours and played out his orgasm, some students secretly took pictures of the boy.
He then spun the bottle and it landed on Yaoyorozu. She groaned thinking about what her perverted classmate was going to say. "Truth or dare?" asked Mineta.
"Dare." She stated, sealing her fate. She was ready for whatever.
Mineta thought for a second, then said, "I dare you to kiss your crush!"
It was no secret that Yaoyorozu had a crush on her friend Jiro, nor that Jiro had a crush on her, but they were too shy to do anything about it. So, giving the girls a push and feeding his perverted mind, Mineta sat there patiently.
Mustering up her courage, she slowly crawled over to Jiro and kissed the girl on the lips tenderly and pulled away, leaving her a flustered mess.
The game continued on with them choosing truth sometimes and confessing embarrassing things of their past or choosing dare and having to do embarrassing things. Laughter filled the room from them all except from three people.
They had yet to have the bottle stop on them, but they didn't mind, not really caring much for the game. Katsuki still kept his eyes on the pair across from him. Not much had happened, though Izuku still wouldn't look up, his shaking had stopped.
Then, out of nowhere, the bottle stopped on the green-eyed teen. He wasn't paying attention, so he was asked again by his friend.
"Midoriya? Truth or dare?" said Kirishima to the boy trying to draw his attention.
"Huh? Oh, right." He said slightly confused. He wanted to feel better and participate somehow, so he'd chosen the only way that would force him to snap out of his daze, ""Dare." He said, slightly nervous.
Now, Kirishima being the best friend he was, had figured out Bakugo's little crush on the boy a while ago. They had talked about it on one occasion, but the boy had come clean with him and he had appreciated that. 'Time to repay the favor.' He thought.
"I dare you to lock yourself in the closet at the end of the hall with my man Bakugo for 10 minutes!' He said.
Gasps were heard from all of the students, none really knowing how this was going to play out. They were scared for their green-eyed friend, thinking the blond would probably explode the boy.
Katsuki only glared at his red-headed friend as he got up and walked towards the closet. Noticing the boy hadn't gotten up, "Well, are you coming or not, nerd?" he asked the boy. He noticed how one of Todoroki's hands was squeezing the boy's arm as Midoriya tried getting up.
Izuku felt the hand, he understood what it meant, 'Watch your tongue.' He got up and walked to the blond and they went into the closet. They heard Kirishima say he would set the timer while they continued the game.
Inside the closet, there wasn't much space, though it wasn't small enough that they were pressed up on each other. Katsuki reached his hand to the side and flipped a switch, turning on the lights.
He took one look at the boy in front of him as he sat there crying hiding his face. "Deku! What's wrong?" he asked, very worried about his friend.
The boy only seemed to cry harder not being able to cry. Katsuki walked over to him and wrapped him in a hug, his heart hurting at seeing him in that state. He couldn't help but notice how the boy flinched when Katsuki tried to hug him.
As he held him, the boy just cried into his chest. "Shh." He soothed the boy. "It's ok." He said rubbing circles on his back, "Tell me what's wrong so I can help."
The boy began speaking but he couldn't understand a word, as they were muffled by his shirt. He pulled away only an inch to better hear the boy, and all he heard was "Todoroki."
Not comprehending what that meant, he put a finger to the boy's chin and lifted his face up to see him. That's when he noticed it, the slight bruising that was forming on Midoriya's cheek. "Midoriya, what's that on your cheek?" he asked, not wanting to believe where his mind was taking him to.
"Todoroki." He kept repeating as tears kept flooding his eyes and staining his cheeks as they poured away.
It took Katsuki only a second to associate what he was seeing and hearing and something in him snapped.
Kirishima was making his way towards the closet as the time was coming to its end when out of nowhere the door was blown open and off its hinges, and out came the explosive blond.
"THAT SON OF BITCH! I'M GOING TO KILL THE MOTHERFUCKER!" spat the anger consumed blond. He was enraged, pissed beyond all logic. How dare that candy cane motherfucker lay a hand on his Deku? Oh he was going to incriminate himself with the boy, he was going to completely and utterly destroy him.
"K-Kacchan! Wait! Don't!" pleaded a very frightened Midoriya as he chased after the blond.
Kirishima lay there on the cold floor as he watched his best friend walking towards Todoroki, intent to kill in every step he took.
"GET THE FUCK UP!" he yelled at the boy as he made it to the circle.
"Bakugo, calm down!" said a very confused Uraraka as she got up and tried pulling the blond back.
"Let me go!" he screamed pulling his arm away from the girl. "I SAID GET UP!" he said to Todoroki turning to face him again.
"Why should I do that?" asked Todoroki, wanting to enrage the boy even more. Maybe if Midoriya saw Bakugo being the beast he was, he'd finally pull away from him once and for all.
"YOU VERY FUCKING WELL KNOW WHY! GET UP!" he commanded again.
"Kacchan! Please stop! Its alright, I promise!" pleaded Izuku, tears on his face.
"Bakugo! What's going on? Midoriya, stay back." Asked Uraraka as she tried to keep her friend away from the fight.
"Should you tell them or should I?" asked Katsuki, no longer putting up with anyone's shit right then and there.
"Kacchan, please..." Izuku was freaking out, if Kacchan told them all, Todoroki would probably hurt him again or even worse, hurt Kacchan.
"You leave me no choice, Midoriya." He said as he faced everyone in the room. "This motherfucker right here," he said pointing at Todoroki who was now on his feet, "Hit Midoriya! I don't know when or why." He now said grabbing Izuku and showing everyone his bruised cheek.
Gasps were heard once again throughout the room. "Todoroki-chan, is this true?" asked Asui in a serious manner.
"What does it matter to any of you what the hell I do with my boyfriend?" he asked pushing past the blond. He tried getting Izuku but was pulled back by Bakugo.
"Don't fucking think about it." He said, barely holding back from blowing the fucker up. "You have no right." He was so pissed off right now that he didn't even mind Todoroki had said 'boyfriend', and everyone else was too caught up in the moment to care.
"No right?" he asked, "As if you had any right to be here acting all tough and mighty. Look at you trying to be Mr. Hero. Pft!" he teased the blond, "Since when have you cared about Midoriya?" he asked. "Do you know how much you've put him through? That he's been on the brink of death because of you?" he asked, flared up completely.
"TODOROKI! DON'T!" Screamed Izuku. That was his past, he had no right to go on about that.
"What are you talking about?" asked the blond, shocked at what he had heard. 'Izuku...dead?' he thought, scared at what he was going to hear.
"Every single time he ever came up to you, you would scream at him or ignore him, and he'd always find a fucking way to excuse your shitty behavior towards him, he'd say you were having a bad day or that maybe you'd had fucking fight with your mom." He went on, "Never has he ever tried to put the blame on you. NEVER!" he yelled. "But he always seems to find a way to blame himself for the mistakes you make! He just sat there, year after year, taking all your shit, all your anger and bottled it up in his heart." He wasn't going to stop now; he wanted the blond to know how much damage he'd caused.
"Todoroki, please stop." Izuku cried, trying to get between the two boys, though Asui and Uraraka held him back.
"Shut up!" screamed the icy teen at his boyfriend. Turning to face Katsuki again, no one wanting to step in, too scared of the two strongest people in the room, "You made him feel broken, and he tried many times to 'fix' himself to be better for you so that he wouldn't hold you back, so that you could keep being the same fucking asshole you've always been." He was slowly making his way to the climax of his outburst, ready to spill everything he knew.
"How fucking blind were you that you didn't notice how depressed he was most of his teenage life? He had two fucking suicide attempts! TWO!" he screamed, revealing the boy's deepest darkest secrets.
"NO! NO! STOP IT!" Izuku was freaking out now, "You have no fucking right to say any of this! I trusted you, you asshole! How could you do this!" he said as he tried to hit his boyfriend, but was held back by the two girls, now with the help of Iida and Kirishima.
" this true?" asked the silent blond, staring at the floor.
"K-Kacchan! Please you have to-" he was cut off.
"Is it true, damn it!?" he asked, scared that he already knew the answer.
"Yes..." he answered. It was out, Kacchan knew. He cried, he felt his world falling apart and no one was there to stop it from crumbling.
He dropped to his knees and cried. He cried as his heart was set free. As he had been forced to face what he wanted to forget. He cried as wounds from the past opened and his feelings bled out.
He cried even as he felt strong arms wrap around him. He cried as soothing words were whispered into his ears. He cried as someone rocked him back and forth, and he stopped crying when he heard four soft words whispered into his ear, full of so much feeling and regret, "I'm so sorry, Deku."
Izuku looked up to see who he least expected, Kacchan. He saw silent tears pour down his face, as he comforted the boy. "Let's go home, the old hag said something about leaving together, arriving together." He said with a sad smile. And home they went.
The night had turned out to be a disaster. Class 1-A found themselves shocked to the core at what they had witnessed. Many had tears adorning their faces others mascara mixing with the tears.
As a group, they decided to send Todoroki home, no longer welcome at the party. What had started as a party, ended up as quiet gathering, they had all planned on spending the night anyways, it's not like there weren't enough rooms.
Across town in the Bakugo residence, two teens laid in bed in silence, both crying, but no words were spoken. They needed to cry and let go. They'd talk tomorrow or the next day, but they would. For now, though, Midoriya just enjoyed the warmth the older blond was giving him as they embraced each other, and Bakugo was thankful they boy hadn't abandoned him, but he was also thankful of the embrace he was in, he needed it, they needed it, and soon, they were both asleep, lost to their dreams, too tired to care or wake up.
Alright babies, thanks for reading and thanks for the support! Don't forget to comment, vote and share with your friends!
I love you all, thanks <3
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