Chapter 17 - Babe
Before you begin reading, please give me a few more seconds of your time, I'd love it if you guys let me know how I'm doing or maybe you just want to tell me it sucks, but I'd just really appreciate any sort of feedback, and if you can, tell others to give it a shot. Thanks <3
"Okay Katsuki. Calm down!" a very nervous blond teenager said trying to calm himself down as he dashed around his room picking up dirty clothes and putting away random things he had dropped around.
About half an hour ago his mom had dropped a huge bomb on him, she was going to some far away spa for a whole week, but that wasn't what had him a nervous wreck. What his mom had said after that had stopped his teenage heart. Izuku would be staying with him for the week since they were taking aunty Inko along.
He was freaking out, she really should have told him with at least a weeks' notice, he had no idea what he was going to do, nor had he any plans as to what they would be doing while being home alone.
"Think Bakugo! Think!" he told himself as he kicked a tissue that fell out of the pile of trash he was currently carrying out of his room.
Normally, he was a rather clean kid, it's just that with everything that had been going on and how much focus he's been putting into getting the green-eyed boy's attention, he'd gotten sloppy, and his room was clear evidence of that.
"Damn hag!" he cursed, as he made his way down the stairs. He knew that she knew what she was doing to him, and he hated her for it, 'Well, not 100%, Izuku is coming over, so yeah.' He thought.
Making his way into the kitchen, he threw away his garbage as he heard the front door opening and his mother soon calling out letting them know she had come back. She had been at the Midoriya's with his aunty Inko probably breaking the news to Izuku.
'I wonder how he took it, maybe he's freaking out as much as I am...' he thought, hoping he was right, because he didn't want to be the only one feeling like this.
He greeted aunty Inko as he passed them in the living room and dashed back up to his room to continue cleaning before Izuku came over as the two ladies stayed in the living room were going over their plans.
"Well, at least we can say they weren't expecting that." Laughed the older blonde sitting across from Izuku's mother.
Laughing at her comment, "Little Izu's going to enjoy it here. They used to spend so much time together." She said as she pulled her luggage to the couch.
"Yeah, it's been a while, hasn't it?" asked Mitsuki, "I know the brat's going to enjoy having Izuku here." She said, a devilish smirk barely visible on her lips.
She was evil and she knew it, but she just loved to tease her brat, it made her feel alive, like her old self when she used to pull pranks in school. She laughed as she imagined her son having little Izuku to himself for a whole week.
She was evil, but she had her reasons. 'Maybe this will let them bond.' She thought as she began to explain the details of their trip to Inko.
A few minutes later, a knock at the door broke up their conversation as Mitsuki went to answer it, "So you see, it's all included, massages, waxing, yoga, you name it." She said to Inko as she opened the door.
"Aunty Mitsu, hi..." said a shy Izuku, "I've got my things ready" he mentioned lifting up his duffle bag.
"Great! Come in, let me get Katsuki." she said before yelling, "BRAT! GET DOWN HERE!"
Izuku cringed at her loud voiced as he crossed the door that led into their home. He set his bag by the entrance and took off his shoes.
"What?" asked Katsuki, taking a look at the boy by the entrance. 'Shit, he's here.' He cursed internally.
Leaning down to her son's ear, "Your present's here." She whispered, teasing the boy.
He hated her, oh how he hated her. "Don't objectify him, hag." He whisper-yelled back at her.
"Go say hi you shit." She told him, pushing him in the direction of the boy.
Stumbling over his feet, he was soon falling forward only to be caught by a pair of slim arms. "Kacchan, careful." Said Izuku as he helped Katsuki stand straight.
"Sorry..." he mumbled, "W-welcome," he was blushing like crazy as he took as step back, appreciating the distance. He hoped Izuku didn't notice his blush or stutter.
"Thank you." He answered. 'Well this is awkward.' Thought Midoriya. He didn't know what else to say or do, he just kind of stood there and looked at the blond.
Katsuki wasn't faring any better, he was trying to ignore the boy's eyes and just stood there. Mitsuki, on the other hand, was dying inside. Her inner self was doubled over laughing its ass off. 'This is brilliant!' she thought laughing to herself.
"Ok, if everyone is done playing the quiet game, I'd like to explain how things are gonna go down." She spoke, authority ringed after every word, though a hint of a smile could be seen at the corner of her lips.
"Katsuki, help your guest with his things." She said to the blond, giving him a slap to the back of the head. "Izuku, you'll be sharing a room with Katsuki, you remember where it is I suppose." She said looking at the green-eyed teen as he nodded his head.
Putting on a more serious face, "Now the rules." She said, looking at them both. "The 3 big no-noes': No parties. No drugs. No alcohol." She meant it, she wanted a clean house when she came back. "And as a precaution, if you decided to stay out late, make sure you stay out together. You leave together, you come back home together."
She knew she might have been over exaggerating, but knowing Izuku, he'd want to follow all her rules, and she wanted the little boy glued to Katsuki the entire week. She could only imagine her son's flustered state during the week, 'Ah, I love being the adult.' She thought.
"Anything else?" asked Katsuki rolling his eyes as he grabbed Izuku's duffle bag getting ready to go.
"Nope, you're free to go." She said as her son took Izuku's things up the stairs.
"Have a safe trip mom, I love you." Izuku told his mom, giving her a tight hug. "You too aunty Mitsu." He gave her a hug too.
Izuku then climbed the stairs to his temporary room and she said, "Please make sure he doesn't get into any trouble. I've left enough money for everything." She pleaded.
"I'll make sure aunty, thank you." He told her, winking an eye as he took his final steps up the stairs.
"Alright! Masaru should be arriving! Let's go!" she said. "Inko, hand me your things to put them in the car." She said taking her friends luggage. "Let's get our vacation on, beyotch!" she told a giggling Inko as they left the house.
Back upstairs, little Izuku was standing outside of his friend's room, nervously deciding if he should knock or just walk in, deciding on the latter, he made his way in.
"Kacchan?" he called as he set his eyes on the teen sitting on the bed.
"Didn't your mom teach you to knock before entering?" he teased the boy.
"Um, well, I was going to, but you already know I'm here and it thought that if I was going to be staying in your room that it'd also be my room so then I shouldn't really have to knock, but considering I'm your guest, then maybe yeah I should have knocked. You might have been doing something or maybe you might have been naked and I wou-" he got to say before the blond cut him short.
"You're rambling Deku." He said, thinking the boy cute even when he didn't shut up.
"Oh, sorry. I do that when I get nervous." He confessed looking anywhere but at Katsuki.
"So, you're saying I make you nervous?" Katsuki was playing with him now. This was going to be a fun week, he knew it, though he was still freaking out on the inside.
"Yes!" he said, immediately regretting it as he saw the blond smirk at that. "I mean no, well it's the situation. It's been so long since I've been here. I just don't know how to feel about it." He confessed.
Sighing a bit, he scoot over on the bed and patted the side next to him. "Well how about you start by sitting down." He said. If they wanted this to work out, they needed to calm down first.
"Okay." Midoriya said as he sat on the bed next to his friend.
Taking a big breath, he spoke, "Okay nerd, here's the thing, I'm just as shocked about this whole situation as you." He explained, "Let's make this go as smoothly as possible, so please feel at home and chill out. I'll try to do the same."
Surprised at how mature Kacchan was being, Deku could only stare in awe and nod as his friend continued speaking, "Now, I was going to pull out the futon my mom had, but apparently she threw it out on Monday. She said it was moldy or some shit, but whatever."
He took a breath as he prepared himself for the next thing he said, "We have two options, we can either share this bed or I can sleep on the couch."
He was nervous about what he had said. He prayed the boy would choose that they share the bed, but he didn't want to get his hopes up. He sat there staring at the floor as he waited for Deku to say something.
Thinking it over, he didn't want Kacchan to sleep on the couch, it looked uncomfortable. Then there was the whole bed ordeal. They've slept together before, but they were toddlers for Kami's sake, plus, he had a boyfriend now, what would he think if he found out.
'Well, he doesn't have to know I'm even staying here.' He thought. 'But he's going to start asking questions when I arrive at school with Kacchan and come back home with Kacchan, I promised aunty Mistu I would.' He was conflicted.
"Deku?" asked the blonde, afraid he had scared the boy.
Snapping back into reality, "Yeah, sorry. I was thinking." He said, and before his mind could tell his mouth to stay shut, it spoke for him, "We can share the bed."
"Alright." Said the blond, smirking on the inside. He'd get to lay all night next to the nerd. 'Thank you old hag.' He cheered in his mind.
'Crap, what did I get myself into.' He groaned, 'More like what did my mom get me into.' This was going to be a long week.
Wanting to get off that topic, he stood up and began unpacking his things, wondering where he would put them for the week, "Is it alright if I put them in a drawer?" he asked.
"Yeah, I've got two cleared out for you." He stated, surprising his green-eyed friend. He stood up and opened the bottom two. "There you go."
"T-thank you Kacchan." He said as he bent down and started putting his things away in an orderly fashion.
Katsuki, being the pervert he had turned into these past two months, couldn't help but indulge his imagination as he slightly dropped his eyes to the sight below him. 'Damn, he's got a nice ass.' He thought.
It was nice and round, very plump for such a small boy. He really needed to stop staring, it was going to be the end of him, but he wasn't going to pass up such a delectable sight. He could slowly start rebuilding the image he had of Deku during his steamy showers.
When Deku was done organizing his things, he found Katsuki laying on the bed staring up at the ceiling. He slowly made his way onto the bed and laid down next to his friend. "What you looking at?" he asked, looking up to see what the blond was staring at.
Feeling the bed sink on his left as Izuku laid down, he tensed just barely, before relaxing and answering, "Nothing really, just thinking."
"Oh? Someone on Kacchan's mind?" teased the smaller boy, bending an arm to support his head as the turned to face the blond.
"Tch! Like I'd tell you." He played along with the boy's antics.
Expecting that, he wasn't even bothered by the answer. "Well, it'd do you some good." He said as he lifted his brows, trying to throw in a double meaning into his words.
"Nerd." He said back, turning to face Izuku. He wanted to see his face, he wouldn't have this many opportunities in life, or so he thought. "I don't remember you having freckles." He stated, amazed at how the boy was getting cuter by the second.
He wasn't expecting that, but answered anyways, "I've always had them Kacchan, you just never payed attention."
"Mmm, well, they look good on you." He complimented and went back to staring at the ceiling.
Kacchan had just told him his freckles looked good on him, he was legit about to explode. He felt as every blood vessel in his face was dilated as blood rushed through them, reddening his milky white face. "T-thank you." He said, not really sure what else to say as he brought a hand to his face to touch his freckles.
Katsuki was on dangerous ground here, he'd pull out for now and continue some other time, so he asked, "You going tomorrow?"
'Way to kill the mood.' Thought Midoriya. 'Wait, there shouldn't even be a mood Izuku! You have a boyfriend.' He scolded himself. Speaking of boyfriends, he'd try to see if Shoto wanted to speak later.
"You mean the party?" he asked
"What else would I mean, Deku?" what a dense nerd he had fallen for, he thought as he answered his question.
"I don't know, half the time I don't even know if you're listening." He said defensively, "But yes, I'm going, and you?" he asked.
"Well, according to the old hag, if you go out I gotta go with." He said, playing it cool. He wanted to go with the boy, but he wasn't going to say that, he'd jump out his bedroom window first.
'Shit.' He thought, he had forgotten that tiny part. "You're right, I guess we can go together then." He told the blond.
What was he going to tell Shoto? 'Hey, I'm going to the party with Kacchan?' he thought. Well, that would definitely get his boyfriend there.
"I guess." He said. He was acting nonchalant or else the nerd would probably freak out and not want to go.
"Cool!" he said happily. He needed to call Shoto and explain what was going on, "I'm going to go make a quick call." He said as he walked out of the room, leaving a confused blond on the bed.
Once he made it outside, he wasted no time in dialing his boyfriend's number. It rang four times before he heard his boyfriend's voice on the speaker. "Hey." he was greeted.
"Hi babe," he greeted back, "we need to talk." He stated, right to the point. He wasn't going to beat around the bush.
'Babe?' thought the blond sitting on the edge of his bedroom window that was situated right over his home's front door. 'What the fuck?' he was very confused now.
As he eavesdropped on his friend's conversation, he couldn't help but feel his stomach coil in an uncomfortable manner as he heard the nerd speaking in such an informal and loving way with someone on over the phone.
It couldn't be his mom, she's not his babe. 'Round face?' he thought, they were close, but not close enough, so no, he guessed.
'Peppermint bitch?' his brain pitched in. They had been acting rather strange at school lately, but he couldn't believe, he didn't want to.
As he sat there, he could make out how Izuku explained how he was staying at his house for a week, and by the exasperated sigh he gave out, the other person wasn't liking it.
Who hated Katsuki enough to give the nerd shit about it? 'It has to be that son of bitch.' He told himself, if not him then who else. He kept quiet as he continued to listen as his friend was getting angry, 'Never seen him angry.' He thought.
"Yes, I'll be going with him tomorrow, his mom's rules." He explained, getting rather upset at Shoto's jealous attitude. He'd never been so explicit about it these past two months, 'Why is he freaking out now...' he thought.
He heard the other boy scoff, as if he didn't believe him. A little fed up with the attitude, "Well, will you go and meet me there?" he asked rather pissed off now.
"It can't be helped." He heard his boyfriend answer back. 'What the heck?' he thought to himself. It's not like he was being forced to do it. What had gotten into Shoto? He wasn't acting like himself.
"Are you ok?" he asked his boyfriend, genuinely concerned.
"I've told you all damn week that I'm fine, Midoriya." He got from his boyfriend. So now he was back to being Midoriya.
Alright, he had enough for one night. His boyfriend was being an impossible ass. All he wanted was to spend time with the boy and make sure he was alright. Was that asking for too much? 'Apparently' he thought as he rolled his eyes.
"Guess I'll see you there." He said, before hanging up really pissed off. He decided to turn his phone off.
As he turned back around to head in, a light from above caught his eye and he saw the window had been open the entire time.
'Crap, that's Kacchan's room.' He thought hoping the blond hadn't heard him.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it <3 Remember to comment and vote, I don't bite. <3 Love all of you. Thanks.
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