Chapter 14 - Cloud Nine
As the day went on, Katsuki Bakugo was released from the infirmary before little Izuku. Recovery Girl had deemed him well enough to return to class as long as he took it slow and came to her in case he felt the need to do so.
She might have been a strict person, she blamed the age, but she cared for their students and their wellbeing.
Midoriya's burn slowly healed and by the end of the day he was allowed to leave her room. Uraraka had come by earlier and dropped off his things telling him that their sensei had let them go home early for the day. So, upon his release from the infirmary, he went straight home.
Aizawa hadn't left any homework for the weekend, there weren't any assignments or long-term projects to work on, so, it was going to be a lazy weekend at home with mom. He was kind of looking forward to it, considering he had started spending less and less time with his mom when All Might showed up in his life.
He still hadn't thought when or how he was going to tell Todoroki that he was willing to go out on this 'date'. The word made him giggle as he walked down the streets of the small town he lived in.
Making a right turn at the stop light, he quickly passed the bus stop and thought of the blond, saddened at the way he had left the room earlier without being able to say goodbye. 'Well, he didn't know I was in the bed on the other side of him.' He thought as he kept on walking.
He had been sleeping when the blond was told he could leave, so, it's not like he had much choice in the matter. He'd talk to him on Monday he guessed as he made a left turn and reached his home.
Once inside, he greeted his mom and started helping with dinner. Soon, the house was filled with the chatter coming from the both of them as Izuku recounted the day's activities. He told her everything, including the whole ordeal with Todoroki and Kacchan.
"What do you mean he came out and started yelling at your friend?" asked Inko, trying to figure out what had motivated the blond to such actions.
"Well, apparently everyone in the screening room heard Todoroki asking me out on a date, so...yeah, I guess he heard." He explained to his mom, "But I don't really know how that has anything to do with what he did. Kacchan being Kacchan I guess."
Being the wise woman she was, she could clearly see what her son was failing to see. It was right there, right in front of his eyes and he hadn't a clue. At least now she had a way to confirm to Mitsuki what they had been talking about in the morning.
"I bet he was just worried about you hon; men have a weird way of expressing the way they feel about someone." She said, trying to push him in the right direction, hoping he would figure it out on his own.
He sighed, not really wanting to think about that anymore as he began setting the table for dinner. "I doubt it mom, it's Kacchan we're talking about." He said as he placed the napkins on the table.
"So, what about that other boy? Todoroki you called him?" she asked, "Are you going to accept the date?" She wanted him to do it, she wanted her little boy to explore and live a little, it'd do him some good. "Here, take this." She said handing him the plates with food on them.
Taking their dinner from his mom, "Yeah, that's what I wanted to talk to you about." He quickly said.
"What about it?" she questioned, turning off the kitchen stove.
"I don't know how to tell him that I want to, or when to do it." He explained, taking a seat at the table.
"How about a text, you teenagers love your damn phones." She said in a motherly tone, as she teased the boy.
Rolling his eyes at his mom's teasing, "Nope, I feel like it's to impersonal. I want it to be face to face, like in person." He said.
"Well, then do it on Monday. Just tell him that you'd love to go out some time. It's not rocket science, Izu." She told him.
Lifting his chopsticks, "You're right, I'll do that then." He agreed, "Itadakimasu!" they said together and began to eat.
Once they had finished with dinner, they each said their goodnights and went to their rooms. Inside his room, Midoriya sat in his desk chair as he typed into his phone,
Midoriya: Todo, would you be willing to make it to school earlier on Monday? I wanna talk to you before class starts. ;)
'That ought to do.' He thought before clicking send. He wasn't counting on a quick response. He had barely put his phone away as it signaled an incoming message. Pulling it back out, he read it,
Todoroki: Yeah, no prob. See you there.
'Okay, it's happening.' He thought as he left the phone on his desk, deciding that a response wasn't necessary.
As he lay in bed, he had a stupid smile on his face as he thought about the possibility of a date with Todoroki. He blushed as the imagined them walking hands intertwined through some park or Todoroki trying to hug him at some movie theater.
"I haven't even told him and I'm acting all mushy. Get a grip Izuku!" He said out loud as he got ready for bed.
"Hon, stop screaming and go to bed!" he heard his mom yell from her room.
Face palming at his stupidity, "Sorry mom!" he yelled back. He needed to get a grip of himself or he'd be making a fool of himself in front of the other boy come Monday. Pulling the bed sheets over himself, he fluffed his pillow and let sleep consume him soon enough.
The weekend flew by, and before you knew it, it was already Monday and little Midoriya was a nervous train wreck. His hands were sweating, his legs trembled, and his heart was about to explode. "You're going to be fine," she reassured her son, "so calm down. Go get 'em tiger!" she said giving the boy a soft push out the door.
He had woken up earlier today, it's not like he had gotten much sleep las night. He had been nervous and still was. He wasn't ready for this, 'What if I tell mom I'm sick?' he thought, she wouldn't believe him though, she'd know he was chickening out and send him back to school.
"Come on Izuku, settle down." He told himself as he balled his fist making his way to the bus. As he reached the bus stop, he saw the bus was already there. 'It's like everything wants me to get there today...' he thought.
First his mom had barged into his room going on about it being 'the day Izuku got a boyfriend' and some other thing he didn't really make out. Now the bus was practically waiting for him to take him to school. 'Next thing you know I'm gonna get a police escort all the way to school.' He thought, 'Don't jinx it Izuku, don't jinx it.'
After getting on the bus he noticed he was the only passenger on it, and they quickly started on the route to school. Then out of nowhere he heard the bus driver yell out at him, "Yo kid! I'm gonna speed this baby up, my wife just went into labor." Then all of the sudden, he was jerked back into his seat as the bus picked up speed.
He made it to school in under 5 minutes, and with an upset stomach. Way too many turns were taken way too fast. 'Not a police escort, but close enough.' He thought as he slowly walked into homeroom, holding his stomach.
His eyes immediately landed on the only person in the room, Todoroki, sitting in the back of the room. He smiled awkwardly as he walked to his desk, noticing said boy standing up and walking towards him.
"Izuku, good morning!" he greeted, smiling at the smaller boy.
"Morning Todoroki! How was your weekend?" he was trying to make small talk. His body was on fire, his mind was on fire, his everything was on fire. He felt his hands start sweating and his cheeks flare up.
"Are you alright, Izuku?" questioned Todoroki, worried his friend might be coming down with the flu or something. It was starting to get chillier outside.
"Yeah, perfect." He lied, "No, wait, I'm not. I'm nervous Todoroki." He couldn't lie to someone who'd been nothing but honest to him since day one.
"Nervous? Why?" he asked, "Is it me? Should I leave?" he insisted, a bit worried he was distressing his friend.
"No, it's not you. Well, it kind of is, but not for whatever reason you might think." He explained trying to get his point across. "I told you to meet me here early because I wanted to talk about what you asked me on Friday." He said, trying not to look at the taller boy.
"Oh, the date..." said Todoroki as he realized where this was going. He felt on edge as if he knew the boy was about to deny his request. He had mentally prepared for this, he was ready, he'd take the rejection with dignity and a head held high.
"Yeah, about that," answered Midoriya, "I'd love to go out with you Todoroki." He said, as a he looked up into the older boys eyes.
"I understand, thank you for your kind rejection Izuk- Wait? What?" he asked unsure of what he heard. Shock written on his face.
He kindly laughed at his friend's astonishment, which oddly enough calmed his racing heart, so, he was able to gather some courage and speak loud and clear, "I said I'd love to go out with you." He said cutely, meeting his friend's eyes.
"Kami! Really?" he asked, incredulous. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, he was ecstatic, his mind was going haywire as his heart thump out of his chest.
"Yes, really dork." Now that he had said yes, he felt like a huge load had been taken off his back. It felt good, he liked this new feeling, it was a new kind of happy, much more intimate. He relished in the feeling as the older boy hugged him and quickly let him go.
He was going to explode, his crush had said yes to him, "You don't know how happy I am right now," he beamed at the boy, a huge smile adorning his amazingly good looks, "well, what do you want to do?" he asked.
Laughing at his friend's genuine enthusiasm, "Well, I kind of thought you'd have that planned out, considering you were the one to ask me out. Surprise me." He said widening his eyes at that last sentence.
"Mmm, you're right!" he said as he turned around and walked away, quickly turning back around and saying, "Thank you, truly." Then he went and took his seat as students started coming in.
Izuku turned back around and sat down properly as he noticed a certain blond walking into the room. He wanted to say hi but was afraid of getting yelled at. As the blond took his seat, Izuku decided he'd risk it, "Good morning Kacchan!" he said brightly, giving him a smile and a wave. 'Here it comes.' Thought Izuku.
"Morning Deku." Was hi answer, along with what Izuku considered a smile.
'Huh?...did he just..' he thought, dumbfounded. He couldn't believe his ears. Kacchan has just said good morning to him and attempted to smile, what was the world coming to.
The sound of more students flooding the room snapped him out of his thoughts, and before he knew it, Aizawa sensei had come in and started the lesson.
The week went by quicker than he'd have liked to say, and so did the next but soon it was Friday of that second week, and he was going out on his first date with Todoroki, or Shoto as he had been asked to call. They were on a first name basis now, though Midoriya still called him Todoroki in front of everyone else, not quite ready for them know that there was a development in their relationship. Shoto had understood and conformed for being called Shoto in private with the boy.
He walked the boy home every day those two weeks, except for Friday, they'd be going to the city after school together. Izuku had insisted it wasn't necessary that he walk him home, that he knew the way and wouldn't get lost. Shoto insisted it was the right thing to do, considering they were 'something', they just didn't have a word for it yet, so Izuku agreed. He enjoyed the company, and he wouldn't admit it, but he would secretly wait anxiously all day to hold the other boys hand like they did on the way home.
Nobody seemed to notice how Shoto would wait for the smaller boy before lunch, or how they would sit together at lunch, or how he would open the doors for him whenever they walked through one, or how he would wait for him hidden by a tree outside so that they could sneak out together when the day was over. Nobody but Bakugo noticed, but he kept silent as he kept the peace.
But everyone did seem to notice how the blond boy had noticeably changed over the weekend. He would greet Midoriya in the mornings. He no longer yelled at the boy or called him any names, but simply Midoriya or Deku. They noticed how he would say goodbye in the afternoon when the day was over and how he would kindly answer the boy when spoken to. Everyone but Shoto noticed, he was too caught up in Izuku to care.
No one wanted to mention it or bring it up in any conversation, too scared to jinx it. I mean, they were happy Izuku wasn't being bullied or pushed around by the blond anymore, but they feared what he might be hiding behind this change in attitude.
Even little Midoriya was too astonished to really say anything about it. He simply just went with it, happy at the attention he was getting, that he had been craving from the blond boy. Dare he say his soul needed this. But how did he know it was his soul? He would feel a load lifting from his shoulders after ever moment shared with the blond, as if he was no longer fighting against something that pushed him down for so many years. He was happy and he was going to enjoy it.
So, here they were, Friday afternoon, on the subway as they made their way into the city. Things with Shoto were going quite smoothly, and Izuku enjoyed it, it didn't feel forced or fake, but it was genuine.
Squeezing the older boys hand, he looked up at him as he turned his face down to him, "So, what are we doing today?" he asked all giddy, wanting to know what the surprise was, he puffed his cheeks out and pursed his lips, making a dumb face.
"You'll see when we get there, silly." Shoto said smiling at the boy as he poked him on the cheek. He was happy, you could tell he was happy about the way things were playing out for him. He'd enjoy every second he could get with the boy standing next to him.
He had planned for two weeks what he could do with Midoriya, and failed every day, he wasn't used to the whole dating thing. But the day before while sitting in his bed, he had come up with a brilliant idea, he'd take his little green bean ice skating.
"Shoto, why are you carrying such a big duffle bag with you?" asked the small teen squinting his eyes, trying to figure out his date's plan.
"You'll see when we get there, Izu." He repeated, not giving into the boy next to him. He wanted to tell him, but it'd spoil the surprise, and he really wanted to see the face Izuku would make once he saw it.
He'd convinced his father to allow them to "train" in the gym he owned, it was actually quite big.
Midoriya whined the entire way there, begging the older teen to tell him what they would be doing, but no matter how much he pried, Shoto never gave the slightest clue as to what his plans for the duo might be.
When they arrived at the gym, Izuku quickly recognized it and turned to face Shoto, a confused expression on his face, "We're going to work out?" he asked, slightly disappointed and unamused.
"You'll see when we get there, Izu." He repeated for the umpteenth time that day as he dragged the little boy along into the gym.
As they made their way towards the back, where the basketball court was at, he turned to Midoriya and gave him the duffle bag, "Here, go change over there." He said signaling two chairs to their left, "They should be your size."
Taking the bag, he walked to the chairs and opened the bag as he took a seat. "My size?" he said as he reached in and pulled out a pair of ice skates, one sky blue and one orange red, "OH MY GOSH! NO WAY!" he screamed out, letting Shoto know he had figured it out. "But where's the ice..." he wondered as he began to put on the skates.
"Alright, keep back Izu." Said Shoto as he covered the court with a crystal-clear layer of smooth ice. "There's the ice." He answered Izuku's question as he walked up to the boy.
"Shoto, it's..." he was at a loss for words.
Smiling at how starstruck Midoriya was, Shoto quickly changed into a pair of green ice skates. "You know how to skate I presume?" he asked the boy as he stood up and grabbed his hands.
"Somewhat." He stated, still not believing his eyes at the surprise Todoroki had for him. He was amazed, Shoto had really gone out of his way for him.
As they slowly made their way onto the ice, Shoto helping Midoriya steady himself as he took his wobbly first steps across it, he smiled at how nervous the boy was. Stopping for a few seconds, he stretched out his right hand and made ice walls that acted as boundaries along the edges, "So you can hold onto them if you'd like." He said to the wobbly teen.
Noticing what Shoto was talking about as he looked around the room, "I'd rather hold on to you." He said, a tab bit daringly, knowing he was acting on what he was feeling.
Surprised but not disappointed, "Nothing I'd like better." Shoto answered, as he held onto Midoriya. "Come on, I'll lead." He said as he began pulling the boy. "Stand on up straight, firmly on your heel, don't lean forward, we're figure skating, not playing hockey, Izu. Now one step after the other as if you were walking." He instructed as the boy began following his advice, "There you go, good job." He praised the boy, earning him another smile that had him swooning.
"This is easier than I imagined." He said, wobbling a bit back and forth.
"You'll quickly get the hang of it, you're amazing like that." He complimented the smaller boy.
"Shoto, you're making me blush." He said giggling, a blush creeping its way onto his cheeks. Though he didn't know if it was because of Todoroki's words or because of how cold the room had gotten.
Noticing the boy was getting a bit cold, "Wait a sec, don't move." He said and sped off back to the duffle bag.
"You can't just leave like that out of nowhere! SHOTO!" he yelled, balancing on his heels for his life. He knew it, he was going to fall on his butt, he felt it coming, until he felt a pair of rather strong arms wrap around him from behind holding him in place.
"See, only a sec." he said, holding the boy, "You're alright." He slowly turned Midoriya around as he showed him the objects in hand. "Put these on, they're for you." He said as he wrapped a scarf around the boys neck and put a beanie hat over his head.
"Thank you, but what about you?" asked Midoriya, worried Shoto would freeze trying to keep him warm.
Laughing a bit, "My dad's got that covered, since day one." He said as a steam could be seen coming from his left side.
"Smarty pants." Teased Midoriya, laughing at Shoto's joke. "Don't leave like that, I could have fallen." He said, pouting at Shoto.
"But you didn't, plus," he said as he made his way around the boy, "I got to hug you, didn't I?" he asked into the boy's ear as he wrapped his arms around Izuku's waist again, bringing their bodies closer, and resting his head on his shoulder.
Blushing madly at what Shoto was doing, a shiver going down his spine as he felt the boy's warm breath on his cheek, "Someone's acting quite bold today." He said to the taller boy behind him
"I put the blame on you, Izu." He teased, hugging him tighter as he began pushing his skates against the ice, making them move forward. "Hold on, I'll guide us" he said.
"How is this my fault?" he asked, feigning innocence as he was led around the improvised ice ring.
Shoto came to a soft stop and turned Izuku around to face him, "You're just so damn irresistible, I can't help myself." He said.
"H-how can you say t-that without a stutter?" stuttered out the blushing green-eyed teen, looking down at the ice.
"Izuku, look at me." He told Izuku, as he grabbed the boys arms, waiting for the boy to lift his face. When emerald green eyes were set on his blue and grey ones, he asked away, "Izuku, would you like to be my boyfriend?"
Completely at a loss for words is how a bystander would describe Izuku in this exact moment, petrified, eyes wide open, mouth agape. He just stood there, as if Shoto's quirk had frozen him on site.
'Do I wanna be his boyfriend?' He questioned himself. 'What the heck, I'm already invested in this.' And with that final thought, he snapped back into reality and answered his now icyhot boyfriend, "I'd love to."
Shoto was on cloud nine, a new emotion had to be invented to explain how he was feeling right then and there, humane words weren't enough, he was out of this world. So, he did the only thing he could think of, the only thing he'd been craving for since before day one, he leaned down and brought their lips together into a delicate first kiss.
Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's one of my favs so far.
Thanks for reading.
Lots of love, thanks <3
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