The Voice in the Back
(Jack's POV)
I wake up to a female singing voice. I look at the time and I realize that I slept for about 2 hours. "(Y/n)? (Y/n)?? Where are ya?" I shout throughout the apartment. "I'm-a here!" She shouts back," But I'm coming out though!" She says behind the kitchen door. I open the door and, immediately, (y/n)'s nose touches mine. She backs up and laughs awkwardly. It's so cute. I feel a burning blush covering my face. I scratch my head. "So uhh, what were ya doing in there?" I slowly said. "I was a little hungy so I made myself something to eat. Cereal." She said in a baby voice. I pull my head back. "Okay las, you need to take your ass on a seat and watch the master cook something amazing for you, cause cereal is for breakfast, IT AIN'T BREAKFAST TIME!!!" I say laughing. She does a playful curtsy," As you wish, masta!" She said in a Scottish accent. She smiles and that fills me up with a warm feeling and I take her hand and take her into the kitchen and make her sit in a stool. "Okay, what would you like to eat today?" I say like I'm a waitress. "Weeeelllll, since you can't cook better that me, you choose!" She says in a mockingly way. "Okay, that's a threat. Never tell a Jackaboy that he isn't a better cook!" I say keeping my eyes on hers. "But what if it's ONE HUNDRED PERCENT TRUE!!!" She says while shouting the last couple of words. My eyes go wide open. "You? You? You think your a better cook than a Jackaboy??? Whatchya got?" I ask in a challenging voice. Her face goes up to mine, real close. "Gimme a dish ta cook!" She says her mouth is really fucking close to my mouth. Kiss her says a voice in my head. I go for it but she puts her head back. "Jack? Can I ask you a question?" She asks. "Sure! Waddya wanna know?" I say tryna be cool. Her face goes close to mine, my heart beats fast and my knees go all jelly like. "Why am I starting to get the feeling that you like me, more than a friend?" She says suspiciously. "M-m-maybe I do?" I say in a questioningly way. Her eyes go wide for a second then goes normal. "Uhh-ummmm? I uh gotta go upload a video so um see ya in a bit. Yell if you need anything." She says, smiling awkwardly adorable. Yell I need you says the voice in my head. No. She likes you back, just say it! It replies. NO! Your loss, she would obviously like you, she know your Jacksepticeye and she like you! So hey win win. You love her..... I know I do
(Your POV)
I smile then head out to my room. I shake my computer awake and then press upload. 20 minutes until it's in the Internet. I get a tweet from (BFF/n) that says that I moved to Ireland and got a roommate there that is really famous!I laugh then start to check my Twitter. I get a thousand tweets saying to do a video about who my roommate is. I think about. I shouldn't, should I? Do the video says a voice in my head. I shake my head. Do the video so then people know who you roommate is say the voice in the back if my head. I smile. "Okay, I will." I say to no one. I turn to open the door. "Jaaaaaaack!" I shout. "What?" Says a Irish voice. "Come-a here!" I say, tryna be Mario or something. Jack laughs and comes in my room. "You wanna do a video on my channel? Because I told my subscribers that I would post a video saying who my roommate is!" I ask. "Sure!! Why not?" He says, like he doesn't have to do something better. I giggle ask him to sit on the bed. I get a tripod and my camera. I press record and then sit down. I push Jack off the bed because I just wanted to. "Yo! My name is (yt/n) and I have moved to Ireland! I told you guys that a couple of weeks ago and I still haven't made a video about so I sorry!" I laugh. "Anyway, I got a thing while I moved. It's a loud Irish bastard!" I say laughing at Jack. I pull Jack off the floor. "This person is Jacksepticeye on YouTube. Please check him out, he makes awesome videos! Anyway he is my roommate." I say excitedly. "Did you call me a thing? And a loud Irish bastard?" He says to me. I nod. He punches me in the arm. "OW! ABUSE!" I scream out in pain. "Sorry!" He says grabbing my arm gently. And I laugh. "Okay, I may do videos with the thing if you guys want me to. And if he won't kill me in every video. And this is just a side video. So your second daily video is coming out after this one is edited." I add in. I turn to Jack. "You wanna do your outro or let me do mine?" I ask. He smiles. "If you like it, punch the like button in the face! Like a boss!!! And high fives all around. WHA-PISH WHA-PISH! AND SHE'LL SEE YOU DUDES IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screams in my ear. "You really are lucky that I am used to your screaming." I say to Jack. "I know" I laugh and end the video.
Don't go crazy because there isn't anything "going on" in the story yet. The next to chapters I will barf and write about kissing because I REALLY don't like kissing but I write about it anyway because I'm a weirdo!!! Write soon tho! 📝📝📝
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