Or Anyone I Love
(Your POV)
I finished editing the video and uploaded it. And couple of seconds later, I get a link from (BFF/n).
Watch this, it's at PAX Prime when they did the Q'n'A with Mark, Bob, Wade, and Jack!
I look at how long the video is, an hour. "I'll watch it in a minute" I say to no one. I start planning for my two videos tomorrow. "Okie dokie, what should I record tomorrow? Let's see the comments to find out!" I (again) say to no one. Who am I talking to?
COMMENTS:(these are names I made up btw)
Bananaface172: oooh I bet they made out after this!
MiaIsaMoreRon: +Bananaface172 I know right! they should've if they didn't!
AndyGrillerlerlerler: +Bananaface172 Jack has a girlfriend remember?
MiaIsaMoreRon: +AndyGrillerlerlerler no she broke up with him yesterday because he said that in Twitter
AndyGrillerlerlerler: +MiaIsaMoreRon oh crap I didn't know that but I do know that Will broke up with (y/n)!
MiaIsaMoreRon: +AndyGrillerlerlerler yeah so they SO should
(YT/n): Guys, we're not.
MiaIsaMoreRon: +(YT/n) wwwhhhyyy??
(YT/n): Because of the.......
Bananaface172: 42!
AndyGrillerlerlerler: 42
MiaIsaMoreRon: 42?
(YT/n): If I had cookies, and I was with you, I would give to you now.
MiaIsaMoreRon: +(YT/n) lol
I giggle as I see comments. Jack and me? Naahh!! So I guess I should do one gaming video and maybe a video with Jack. I remember about the video that (bff/n) sent me. I grab my phone and lay in my bed. I click on the video link. (Skip to ALMOST the end of the video) I laugh at the new tweet. Jack proposed to Mark! Ha!! I laugh. And I explode when Jack kneels down. "You proud of me mom?" Says the Jack in the video. I nod playfully. He opens his hands like there is a ring in his hands. "Will you share you subscribers with me?" He says with a smirk in his face. I laugh so loud that Jack hears me. The video ends just as he enters the room. "What is so fucking funny?" He says angry. I go back to the part where Jack proposes to Mark . And then I hand my phone to Jack. After a couple of moments, Jack's eyes go wide with humiliation. I laugh at his expression. "Umm" Jack says when the video is done. "Did you know I'm a HUGE septiplier fan?" I say with a gigantic smirk. "Oh shit" Jack says with a little bit of laughter. "Actually, (y/n)?" He asks," Do you want to play prop hunt with me, Mark, Bob and Wade, with Felix in the background?" I nod. "It's would be awesome!" I exclaim. He grabs my arm and lays me on my bed. (YOU GUYS ARE THINKING WRONG AREN'T YOU?) "You wanna play now? Cause they are gonna call me in a minute." He asks, his face is close to mine. I get up. "Yes!" Okay but we have to be in separate rooms, okay?" He says. I nod. "Okay, I'll tell em that I gave you their Skype." He says. He gives me a piece of paper. "Here are their Skypes" he adds. "Thanks" I quickly shake open my computer and put in the YouTuber's Skype names. After a few minutes, my friend requests get accepted. After that, I get a group call consisting of Bob, Wade. Mark, Pewds, and Jack. Oh that's why Jack didn't want us in the same room because the Skype call would echo. Anyway I accept the group call. "Hi (y/n)!" I hear a familiar deep voice. "Heelo!" I hear a famous Pewds say. "Hi Markiplier, hey Pewdiepie!" I say "Hi there (y/n), I'm Wade." I hear another voice say, "And I am Bob, hi there!" Says a VERY happy voice. "Hi Bob and Wade!" I reply back. Suddenly, their face cams turn on. I see a Korean Markiplier, a Swedish Pewdiepie, and two Ohioan boys which are Bob and Wade. "And I'm the dude you live with!" Says a VERY VERY VERY familiar Irish voice. "Hi Irish bastard!" I say jokingly, "I already love this girl!" Says Pewdiepie, laughing. "Thank you Pewdiepie, that's my specialty!" I say while laughing. "Jeez, stop calling me that, call me Felix!" He insists. "Okay, but I may call you Pewdiepie just because I'm used to it." I say. "Wade, give (y/n) the thingy for Prop Hunt." Says Jack. "Okay.............Here you go (y/n)." Says Wade just as a Skype text message sound. "I'm gonna get my head phones real quick." I say as I rush to my bed to get the equipment. I plug in the cord into the computer. "Okay, somebody say something" I ask. "Something" says Mark. (Skip to when the video starts) "Markipoo? Where are you?" Says Jack. I am a rug and I stay in the middle of a bathroom. "He's up your ass" Says Wade. "Septiplier moments" I add in while laughing. "Oh my god, yes" says Bob. "What the fuck is happening?" Asks Pewds. Since he isn't in the game and he is just listening, he doesn't know what's happening. "Shut up (y/n)" Says Jack. "Says the man who proposed to Mark." I say with a smirk. "Jack proposed?" Ask Pewdiepie, laughing. "Yeah it's was a Pax Prime and there was tweet that said 'Jack do you have a proposal speech for Mark, heart heart heart. Bob read it then Jack went up to Mark with a face of regret and went to Mark............................" (After the video and the group call ends) I sit at my computer and start to read the comments. Most of them say Septiplier Moment and funny shit that I said. I laugh loud enough that Jack hears me. "Hey (Y/n)? Wanna eat something?" He asks. "If your makin' it then no" I say laughing. "Well I'm a master chef" He says, trying to make a sexy face but failing completely so it looks adorable "You look so cute when you try" I say in a baby voice. (Btw this is not my thinking of Jack, I have my best friend on here reading and I have to please her with these strange words because SHE thinks wrong with Jack. WTF Mia??) His cheeks go bright red. "Aww, you blushed!" I say walking into the living room. "I uh just uh I uh uh uh" He stammers
(Jack's POV)
I walk into (Y/n)'s room. "Hey (y/n)? Wanna eat something?" I ask her. "If you makin it then no" she says while laughing. "Well I am a Master Chef!" I say while make a sexy face. Not knowing that it's not sexy at all. (C'mon I gotta have an opinion too right?) She stands up. "You're so cute when you try!" She says in a baby voice, looking straight into my eyes. I felt a blush. And (Y/n) confirmed it. "Aww, you blushed!" She exclaimed. Embarrassed, I try to redeem myself but failed, " I uh just uh I uh uh uh" I stammer out. "Sorry if that made you feel weird." She said. She walks into the living room and set her phone down just to fix her hair, giving me time to think. "So you like spicy food right?" She asks. I nod up and down really fast. "And you know how at Indian restaurants they say do you want spicy food but then it's not spicy at all?" She adds. "No it's spicy. But it could be spicy-er" I say. "Well you ready to taste ACTUAL spicy Indian food?" I nod. "Let's see how better of a cook you are!" I say while laughing. After about fifteen minutes, (y/n) yells to come. "Here is your food sir" She says all fancy-like. She put down something in a plate but I don't know what it is. It's looks good though. "Okay, you ready to humiliated?@ I ask. "More like, are you ready for a kick in your mouth?" She says while handing me a fork. I plunge the silverware into the edible substance and eat what the fork fished out. After two seconds, I feel it. It's REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY spicy!!! But it tastes amazing!! "Okay, when you meant spicy you were not kidding!" I said. "Really? Because that's not the spiciest! I eat Indian food way more spicy than that! Jeez, your weak!" She says while laughing. I roll my eyes. "What is it?" I ask. "It's chicken!" She gets another plate and puts the food in her plate from the pan she made it in. After we are done eating, (y/n) throws me a soda. And gets one for herself. We walk into the living room. And plop down in the couch. Suddenly, (y/n) gets a call from (bff/b). "Hey" she says into the phone. "Chris?" She says louder. "W-w-where?" She says with a panicked face. "Y-you have Skype in your phone right?" She asks into the phone, then looks at me. "O-o-okay I'm gonna Skype you maybe seeing my fave with help you calm down" she runs into her room. I follow her. "Chris is going to be okay! Don't think like that!!" She says with a very worried face. "So you and your mom are at the hospital?" She asks. A chill runs up my spine. Hospital? Who is Chris? What happened? I slowly mouth "What happened?" She says that's she is turning on her computer and is going to Skype her as soon as it's on. "(BFF/n)'s little brother Chris, he is three years younger than her and he is 18." She says," He was driving and he was in a car accident!!!!!!!" She screams at me. "He gonna be okay just hurry up and Skype her!" I say. She nods. She clicks on Skype. And then immediately calls her friend. After few seconds of ringing, (bff/n) shows up. Her face is covered in tears. "(Y-y-/n)!!! Chris......." She slowly tears out. "HE IS GOING TO BE OKAY!" (Y/n) screams at the monitor. A few moments later, I hear a deep male voice. Sounds like a doctor maybe? "Ms. and Mrs. Nitebrinngher (night-bringer)" says the voice. (bff/n) stands up. "Is my brother going to be okay?" She demanded. "Yes, your brother is fine. He will be in a coma for a week then he with stay in the hospital to heal for another week. Your brother is very lucky. Most people don't survive car crashes with severe injuries like this." Says the voice. Then I hear a female voice, slightly higher that (bff/n)'s. "Is my son, gotten memory loss?" Say the female voice. Must be her mother. "No, the place wear it hit wasn't near the temporal lobe, which is where the memory is. It's hit where the parietal lobe is. But hit a way so he won't feel anything for 12 days. But we want to keep him just for those two extra days if we were correct. But he'll be out in no time!" Said the male voice with a hint of joy. I heard a gasp. Of happiness and relief. "Also, it's a one and a million chance that, that actually happened. Don't know what miracle you used but it worked!" And then footsteps. So he must've walked away. (Bff/n) says she has to leave and says goodbye. I turn to (y/n). "You care a lot of her." I say, then I mentally slap myself. "I been with her most of my life," She says," I would do anything for my friend." She says. "I understand" I nod while saying. "Or anyone I love." She says back.
Okay a few things I want to talk about. Yes, I changed the gender of the best friend to a girl permanently because my best friend is a girl so every time I write the gender I put her or she by accident and so yeah. Other thing is, SORRY!!! I brainstormed a few ideas so expect at least a chapter a week so yay!! Ideas!! Also, no sex because I like describing things. I have never had sex so I don't know how to describe it. PLUS ITS THE YUCKY THING!!!! WHY DO PEOPLE WANNA DO THE YUCKY THING WITH JACK? You guys are weird. Write soon!! Byeeee!!! 📝📝📝📝📝📝📝
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