Meet Mark
Time Skip to Michigan
(Your POV)
Me and (bff/n) are reading Jacksepticeye fanfictions on Skype. She/he reads a part where Jack is kissing you. And I bite a pillow to not laugh but when she reads "he won't stop" I lose it. I laugh so much that I fall off the chair, the bed, I can't speak! "Why are you fucking laughing?" (bff/n) asks," Because it' fa fa.......fucking funny!" I laugh so hard it's hard to speak! But at that moment, Jack comes into my room. I stopped laughing. (BFF/n) looks at me, with a smirk. "What so funny?" He asks. At that moment, me and her/him looked at he each other, and COULD NOT STOP laughing. He/she was all over the floor. While I was under a pillow to try and trying to make myself shut up. It's was hard as fuck. Jack saw my phone and grabbed it. "(Y/N) JACK HAS YOUR PHONE! DON'T LET HIM READ!!" (BFF/n) shouts. I throw the pillow away and jump on Jack. I snatched the phone out of his hand, while he looked like he was hypnotized or something
(Jack's POV)
(Y/n) jumped on me. That was the first time I saw her face real close. And she was mesmerizing! But that moment was two seconds long. I just stared, I probably looked stupid. But I really like this girl. "Umm....that party is starting in an hour so uhh......" I lose every train of thought.
(Your POV)
"Okay! Hey bananaface! Gotta go!" Then I end the Skype call. "Okay, Jack! I'm gonna change." I leave. I get dressed and head out with Jack. When we get there. I literally cannot believe I am standing next to Pewdiepie, one of the most famous YouTuber EVER!'I say hi to everyone then I meet THE Markiplier. "Uhhhh, hi there!" I say, " Hey, your (y/n), right? Jack told me a lot about you, but he never mention how pretty you are!" He said. I smile," Thanks, you ain't half bad ya-self!" He blushes, wait he blushed? MARKIPLIER BLUSHES AT ME?
(Jack's POV)
Mark's tryin' t'flirt with (y/n). "So, anyways! Um Mark? Are you going to (y/n)'s concert?" I ask.
"Concert?" He asks me. (Y/n) tells Mark about her band. I add in that it's the 7th most famous band in the world. "Holy Balls! I'd love to! But I don't have a ticket!" He complains
Anger builds inside me.
"I'll get you a pass!" (Y/n) exclaims
"Fuck you Mark." I mumble. Nobody hears me.
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