Meet Jack, your favourite YouTuber!
Time Skip
(Jacks's POV)
I wake up, and check my clock: 5:15! Two hours until the plane takes off. It's the day before the big YouTuber party. I slowly get ready less than 5 minutes and creep in to (y/n)'s room. "GAAAAH!!" I scream! She wakes up with a terrified face. "Jack!! What the fuck? You could've woken me up like a normal person!" She yells at me. "I'm not normal! Anyway, get up our plane is gonna leave in a couple of hours!" She looks at me. Her (h/c) hair all over her pretty face, and her shimmering (e/c) eyes glow even when it's dark. I shake my head. "!!" And I run back to my room. Trying to hide the biggest blush I have ever done. What is up with me?
(Your POV)
Jack looks at me. His face softens for some reason and he has a slight smile. Then right before he runs away, his face begins to redden, was.....was.....was he blushing? At me? I close the door and then I send a text to (bff/n) that I'm going to Michigan. Tweet it out. Then I start to get dressed. I'm too lazy to do my hair, so I just wear a green beanie that has Sam on it. And wear some oversize shirt and jeans. I run out the door with my suitcase. "I'm ready, Jack!" He is in the living room, waiting for me. I nod at him and we leave the apartment. He locks the door and heads out to his car. "I thought you didn't have a license." I say. "I got one because Ireland is kinda expandin' some more roads and shit so I kinda needed one." He said as he opens the car door for me. "Thanks" I say and enter the car. Jack opens the drivers door and puts in the key. The engine starts and off we go to the airport. "So um (y/n)?" He asks," Yo" I reply," What songs are you guys gonna sing?" "Oh every year we have a celebrity theme, so this year was Meghan Trainor! Can't wait!" He smiles and says "Um, can I, uh, um" "Your brain knows English Jack! Spit it out!" "Can I get a ticket?" he blurts out. "Duh! You were the one you got me to go to Michigan bruh! I owe you BIG time!" He gets to a stoplight and I hug him. And he rests his head on mine for a second to indicate that he is hugging me back. It's feels nice.
(Jack's POV)
(Y/n) hugs me. I wish this moment lasted forever....... Shut up Sean! You have a girlfriend, remember? So I just nudge my head on hers to make her think I'm hugging her back. She smiles, so cutely, and sits normally. Just then, (y/n)'s phone rings. It's her best friend. She looks at me, I nod and then she answers it, she does the most cutes-wait whoa whoa. She laughs and puts the phone on speaker phone
You: Sorry, can you say that again? I couldn't hear you!
BFF: I SAID that there is gonna be a YouTuber party there, are you invited?
You: Uh, yeah. Why?
BFF: OH MY GERD! Jacksepticeye and Markiplier is gonna be there! I wish I was with you.
She mutes the microphone for a minute and talks to me, "Can I tell her than I'm roommates with you so she/he can stop asking me weirdass questions? And the story about you inviting me?","Sure why not? I wanna hear his/her reaction!" She smiles and unmutes
You: Hey, (bff/n)?
BFF: What?
You: You wanna know who my roommate is?
BFF: Yes please!
You: You have to answer this question though!
BFF: Okay, tell me!!
You: Who is THE YouTuber you wanted to meet ever since you found his videos?
BFF: Easy! Jacksepticeye!
She looks at me and nods me to say my intro.
Jack: Top of the mornin' to ya laddy! My name is Jacksepticeye and I am your best friends roommate!
You: Your gonna scream, arentchya?
You: Knew it.
BFF: How is holy bananas did you become roommates with a famous YouTuber?
Jack: I'm not famous!
BFF: Shush!
You: I dunno!
BFF: Tell that dude, he is famous! He almost has almost ten million ( a/n Please correct me if I'm wrong!) subscribers!
You: You're on speaker phone
BFF: gotta go!
Then (BFF/n) ended the call. A few minutes later, (y/n) and I were at the airport. "Off we go to Michigan!". I chuckle and we go into the airport.
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