Close to a Kiss
(Your POV)
"TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES!!! MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE AND TODAY I AM HERE WITH THE QUEEN OF WEIRD!!!!" Jack screams. I roll my eyes," Also known as (yt/n). Yes I am the queen of weird. Don't battle me or you will be in confusion for the rest of your life of just what the fuck-ness" I say while laughing. "Wow. ANYWAY, you guys did something spectacular today! Which is, we hit 8 million subscribers!! Holy fuck!" He says to the black camera. I just smile until Jack finishes his thank you's. "Okay, I'm probably annoying the shit out of you and (y/n) of saying thank you because she is ALSO a boss!! Yeah, Uh, she watches Jacksepticeye videos too." He said. I nod. Then he starts to shake me. "Why are you guys always quiet? And you aren't usually quiet during the day!! You scream off of your ass like me!!" He complains and laughs. "OKAY OKAY!!!" I shout in laughter. "There we go, normal (y/n)!" He says. "Can we go to the main reason why people clicked on this video, Mr. Jackassticeye?" I ask him, laughing at the name I gave him. He rolls his eyes. "Well my roommate has given me the best name in the world so we might as well." He says. I smile. "We are gonna ask each other things about stuff we may know. And if they get the answer right the person who ask the question gets shocked and if they got it wrong the person who answered it has to get shocked." He explained. "Wait what? I thought I was gonna shock you? What?" I ask. "Ummm, I changed it?" He said in a question asking voice. I start hitting him gently. "LIAR!!" I scream while laughing. "Okay, okay!!! Can we do the video now?" He says after I'm done hitting him. "Fine" I give in. "Okay! Me first! Question number the first. What shirt was I wearing a couple of hours ago?" He ask. "Umm, I don't pay attention to what your wearing!! Ummm, the um the uhhhh THE RED SHIRT WITH THE UMMMM LONG SLEVES AND STUFF!" I finally answer. "Dammit." He said. "Wait I got it right? Yay!! I've always wanted to shock Jacksepticeye!!" I laugh. He rolls his eyes and I grab the shocking machine. I put the strap around his arm after he goes to the camera and says," Plus one biceps!" And I laugh. "Ya right." I say sarcastically. After that I turn the number to (your lucky number that's below 10) and ask "Ready Jackaboy?" "No" He says in fright. "1 and 2 and 3!" I say as I pressed the green button on the torture device. "OW!" Jack screams in my ear. I rub my ear and smile. "How ya like that, leprechaun!" The video was and hour long to record and I got shocked 4 times while Jack got shocked 16 times! We each did 10 questions that made 20 in total. After we are done Jack doesn't stop complaining. "My arm is numb!!" He says. I slap him in the place where I shocked him. "OW!" He screams. "I thought you said it was numb!" I say, cunningly. "Umm" I shake my head. I walk up to him, not knowing there is a small box in front of me as I fall down in to Jack's arms. And since his arm is hurting. We drop on to the bed. "Whoa!" We both say as we fall. Our faces are 2 inches apart. Slowly Jack, comes closer, and closer, and closer. Before anything becomes touched, I jump up and give my hand to Jack. "Th-th-thanks for uhh catching me. Umm" I stammer out. "N-n-no problem (y/n)..." He awkwardly says. I silently breathe in and out. "So I um gotta get a video edited and uploaded so if you wanna get that video edited, go ahead. Just um, I'll uhhh be in my room." I slowly say. "O-o-okay....." He says. I fast walk to my room and breathe in and out really loud. "Exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, EXHALE, INHALE!!" I say while breathing.
(Jack's POV)
I sit down at my desk and just think about what just happened. Why did you get closer to her? Were you trying to kiss her? Whaaaaat? Then out in the blue I get a call from my beautiful Korean girlfriend.
Jack: Hey
GF: Hey Sean. We uh need to talk.
Jack: Um. Okay.
GF: I uhh umm I uhhh I think we need to break up because I kinda like someone else
Jack: W-W-WAIT? WHAT??
GF: Sorry. I just don't have an interest in you anymore.
Jack: Whattya mean?
GF: I just don't like you as a boyfriend and thats that.
Jack: Uhhh, what?
GF: We can be friends still so uhhh
Jack: Okay I guess so
GF: Okay, yay? I um will talk to you later Se-Se-Sean
Jack: Bye
GF: Bye
Why for some reason did I feel happy because of this news? My girlfriend just broke up with me and I feel weird. So I go to (y/n)'s room. "My girlfriend just broke with me" I say, kinda in a crying voice because I am NOW sad. Her beautiful (e/c) eyes go wide and she stands up still. Then hugs me. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! Did she just now?" She asks while hugging me. "Y-y-yeah, over the phone because she is in Korea!" I say, in a weak fake laughter. She stops hugging me and looks at me. Her thumbs wipe under me eyes. Turns out I was crying. "You okay, Jackaboy?" She asks while doing a "I care about you" smile. I nod my head and lean my body towards her so that my head rests on her shoulder. She wraps her arms around me and we stay like that for a few seconds. Then she takes out her laptop. "Jack, you wanna chill for a while before you go back editing?" She asks. I nod my head really fast like a little kid would. She giggles like an angel and grabs my hand and I plop down onto the bed. "Soooo...... Futurama or South Park?" She asks. "SOUTH PARK!!" I scream out. Then she looks at the bed then me. "You wanna watch with me on the couch?" She asks. "I would watch South Park with anyone!" I say as I grab her laptop. "Ha! I just got a image of you and Deadpool watching South Park." She says while laughing. "Deadpool? Naaah man, Spider-Man for life!" I say. I plunk down on the couch with (y/n) and her laptop. She grabs it and goes to Netflix. She searches South Park and clicks on the playlist. After that we just watch South Park. I slowly drift asleep on (y/n)'s belly. She is comfortable. Wait, I snore....shit I'm gonna snore in front of (y/n). Oh god. I sleep peacefully. Entering lalaland.
Okay, before y'all go bananas, sorry I haven't been posting. I just don't know what to write sometimes and all things that come to mind is sex, which I'm not doing thing early in the story. Don't worry? UMMMM anyway don't forget that your a med student because that will come in the story later. Also, yes I did change the title and the description of the story so if you want to get a better feeling of the story, go a right on ahead. Write soon! ♥️♥️
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