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Hey, hey, hey! It's the iWarrior commercial, bringing you the newest edition of the iWarrior!
The newest iWarrior has the same old features, but it is now called the iWarrior 14,244,238GS and has the following apps:
iMeow, a messaging app that is quick to communicate the latest Clan secrets, prophecies from StarClan, battle plans, sharing selfies, sharing the latest fresh-kill caught,
MeowTime, a cat-to-cat video call app!
Meowl, an app to send messages to other cats, but it takes forever!
Find My Fresh-kill, a fresh-kill locator for all types of territories!
Yowlp, an app where you can rate the Clans and fresh-kill spots! The newest update includes the Tribe!
Hunt, the app for the Internet thing Twolegs like to go on all day instead of feeding their kittypets!
Clanmates, a list of your Clanmates' phone numbers and e-meowls, as well as their face on the screen in a tiny square and their name, kin, a button to MeowTime them, and their Clan rank!
Territories, a map of the Clan territories and Tribe territories, plus other places we don't know about!
Mews, the app for all the latest sharing tongues around the Clans! StarClan also sends us mews, too! They also have pawsidential debates with the Dark Forest every eleventh moon after a quarter moon!
Instapaw, the app for taking selfies and putting stuff on it to make it look like you actually groomed today and have your Clanmates make stupid faces as well!
Catleaf, the best way to connect to cats all over the world, from kittypets who are single to loners who only eat mice, and even to rogues who hate the Clans! The app features Paws, a way to make sure your friends are annoyed to the maximum amount, messaging, and games such as Slice the Vine, Furious Robins, and Pawkemon Stop! You must be 18 moons or older to have an account.
Snapmeow, the app for snapmeowing with your Clanmates with funny stuff on it that makes it look like you actually groomed today, look like a Twoleg or a dog, or just scare your elders every once in a while!
Stalks, the app for determining how many herbs will grow and die in the seasons of leaf-bare and newleaf! Only medicine cats and elders would care about this stuff.
iLeaves, the app for looking at weird symbols and determining what they are!
Wattpaw, the app for looking at hundreds of weird symbols and determining what they are! Follow many other cats on this app and try to find out what these symbols mean! You must be 13 moons or older to have an account.
YowlTube, the app for watching other cats watch other cats watch other cats watch other cats watch dogs watch horses watch sheep watch Twolegs watch other Twolegs watch cats watch kittypets watch loners watch rogues watch...
And so much more!
The new features include the new StarClan voice assistant, including different voices for the assistant, including Yellowfang, Bluestar, Lionheart, Firestar, and Mousefang! The StarClan voice assistant can speak your iMeows, send iMeows, and also answer funny questions such as "How old are you?" (Mousefang doesn't like this one)!
The iWarrior is only 5,836 pieces of fresh-kill plus scratching and handling!
This offer is limited, so get your iWarrior today!
*Note: The iWarrior is not intended to be used underwater, while battling other cats, swimming, climbing mountains, digging underground, falling, sleeping, listening to a leader's ceremony, listening to a Clan meeting or Gathering, while sneaking up on prey, etc. Messaging and data rates apply.
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