Rule 4: Take All the Opportunities Offered
In my middle school we had this acronym for ROAR because we were wildcats. It was Respect, Opportunities, Achievements and Responsibility. While I thought it was cheesy and I still do, I think we do have to take the opportunities that are offered to us. You'll gain experience, even if it's something small like a volunteer opportunity you'll still learn something. Even if you don't, you'll experience life and that's what really matters. That's why you should take any opportunity life offers you, especially in high school. Go to the party, the dance, the Relay for Life, the volunteering stuff and don't take it for granted.
I drive into the opened black gates that surround my grandmother's property. A beautiful white fountain is in the middle of the horseshoe driveway. On the right there is a small creek with a big tree above it, hanging from the tree is a swing. I spent a lot of my time in that swing when I was younger. Green grass and perfect flowers cover the ground.
I park my car at the front and step out into the dying light of the evening. I follow the pathway leading up to the wooden double doors. I knock on the door and a couple seconds later it's opened.
"Hello, Ms. Rivers," a tall, man in a suit smiles at me and I walk into the warm air of the house.
"Thank you, Alejandro," He nods and then leads me into the house to the living room where my grandmother sits. She looks marvelous, her silvery gray hair is pulled back with a barrette and she wears a flowy light blue dress.
"Ah, my Tea, I was wondering when you would get here; on time or fashionably late. I know your mother is one for fashionably late," she stands up and gives me a hug, "I have to show you these records I bought last week, I think you'll like them."
She talks with a twinkle in her eyes and I smile, "I can't wait to see them, Grandma."
"Dinner will be ready in a couple minutes, why don't you go get your grandfather? He's in his office, probably pretending to be busy but actually watching football," she rolls her eyes and I laugh.
"Of course he is, I'll go get him."
I walk into the hall where the front door was and I see Alejandro, I give him a salute and he smiles and salutes me back. I walk up the grand stairs and go to the left when it separates. The halls are well lit, art and vintage decor is position perfectly. I walk to the second door on the right and knock softly with the back of my hand.
"Yes? Come in," my grandfather's deep voice comes through the door and I swing it open. My grandfather sits in a leather chair behind a big oak desk. He has his glasses on and he stares at the computer in front of him. He looks up at me.
"Hello, darling. How are you doing?" He stands and walks to me to give me a hug.
"I'm doing good. How are you?"
"I'm feeling quite good today," he beams at me.
"Grandma asked me to come get you because dinner is almost ready," his face lights up.
"Ah, that must mean gnocchi dinner."
I laugh as he closes the door to his office and we walk down the wooden stairs. I tell him a brief summary about my first day. I tell him about the new kid and my classes. We walk through the living room and into the dining room. The table is set with silverware and plates. My grandmother sits on one end of the table and my grandfather walks to the other side.
"I hope you want gnocchi, Tom," my grandmother smiles and my grandfather returns it.
"Of course, what else would we eat when Tigger joins us for dinner," my grandfather takes a sip of his water.
"Grandpa why do you still call me Tigger? Why don't you just call me Tea? Like grandma does?" I ask him as a server comes through the kitchen doors with steaming plates.
"Tigger is a far better nickname than Tea, we can't have your grandmother thinking that she makes me best nicknames."
I shake my head, laughing. When I look up my grandmother is glaring at my grandfather and he smiles at her.
I want to have the relationship they have, they always support each other and it's clear they're still in love. My grandfather fell in love with my grandmother when they were young in high school and he made it his mission to have her fall in love with him. I've heard the story millions of times, it provides hope that my soulmate is out there. Too bad that hope left 2 years ago.
"So about your gap year," my grandmother delicately wipes her mouth with her napkin before continuing, "all you need to do is keep your grades up. A 4.0 at both report cards and we will provide the money for your travels for your gap year."
My gap year is something I've dreamed about since Freshman year. I made it a plan to travel the world for a year after I get out of high school. I want to go to Greece, the Bahamas, Canada, Mexico, Japan and so many other places. Of course I probably won't fit everywhere I want to go in just a year but a year is better than nothing. My grandparents think this is an amazing idea and they told me if I got a 4.0 my entire high school career they'd pay for it. My mother didn't like the sound of that but there's no way I'd let this opportunity pass up. I've worked hard all years and so far I have succeeded getting a 4.0 at all the report cards.
"I can do it, no problem," I boast and my grandfather laughs boisterously.
"I'm sure you'll have no problem," my grandmother smiles at me.
The rest of the dinner we talk about the places I'll be able to visit. We talk about my grandmothers want to learn how to ski at 67 years old. We talk about who's going to the Super bowl and we tease my grandfather about his losing team.
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