Prevention: If you've seen JAWS then you know you don't want to get eaten by a shark. If you haven't taken it from me it's not a nice way to go.
(1) Know what sharks are in you're local waters, and which ones hunt.
(2) Read a bit about sharks. Knowing what they look like can help you know if you are in danger.
(3) Always stay in groups since sharks are more likely to bite a solitary individual.
(4) Do not wander too far from shore-this isolates an individual and places him or her far away from assistance.
(5) Whaering a wet suit. You like pizza right? Well, sharks love seals, can you guess what you look like in a wet suit? That's right a seal.
(6) Avoid being in the water during darkness or twilight hours when sharks are most active.
(7) Do not enter the water if bleeding from an open wound or if menstruating a shark's ability to smell blood is acute.
(8) Wearing shiny jewelry is discouraged. When light reflects off shiny jewelry, it resembles the sheen of fish scales.
(9) Avoid waters with known discharges or sewage and waters used for any type of fishing-especially if there are signs of baitfishes or feeding activity. Diving seabirds, which frequently feed on baitfishes, are good indicators of such activity.
(10) While there are myths and anecdotes about dolphins saving humans from shark bites, the presence of dolphins does not indicate the absence of sharks both often eat the same foods.
(11) Use extra caution when waters are murky.
(12) Remember that sharks see contrast particularly well. Uneven tans and bright-colored clothing may draw a shark's attention.
(13) Refrain from excess splashing, as this may draw a shark's attention.
(14) Do not allow pets in the water: their erratic movements may draw a shark's attention.
(15) Be careful when occupying the area between sandbars or near steep drop-offs. These are favorite hangouts for sharks.
(16) Swim only in areas tended by lifeguards.
(17) Do not enter the water if sharks are known to be present, and get out of the water if sharks are sighted.
(18) If you see a shark don't try and swim for it stay still and calm. A shark will be more likely to attack you if you move around like prey.
(19) If you somehow find a shark trying to attack you here's how to fight back. Use whatever you have at your disposal (surfboard, dive gear, fishing equipment) to avoid using your bare hands to attack the shark. If you must use your hands, concentrate on attacking the eyes, nose, and gills. Make sudden movements to scare the shark.
(20) For the love of god I can't believe I have to say this. Never harass or provoke a shark!!! I don't care if your drunk friends dared you to, or you want to prove your brave! If you do this you are not brave you are downright stupid!
Habit: You go into their home it's fair game.
(1) Read where and when the sharks will be most active so you can stay away from these areas when they will be more likely to hunt or better yet at all.
(2) Just like every animal on this list. Different sharks live in different places and not all of them are dangerous.
Signs and symptoms: There really aren't any.
(1) There's a shark near you.
(2) You are in pain bleeding and or missing a limb.
First aid: I hope with all my heart you will never have to use this.
(1) Get out of the water as calmly and slowly as you can well adding pressure to the bite.
(2) Wath the bite with sope and water. ( Only for minimal damage where you won't need to go to the hospital. )
(3) Apply pressure directly to the wound. If pressure is not enough to control the bleeding, a tourniquet may need to be improvised.
(4) Even for a bite or stach clean it out and get help. You never where that shark's mouth has been.
(5) Call 911 to transport the person to an emergency medical facility. Hopefully, someone has already called 911 and an ambulance or helicopter is on the way. If not get out your phone and call.
Don'ts: Never do this unless you want to die a slow painful death.
(1) Play dead. I would like to punch whoever came up with this. You should never play dead around a shark. A shark will still eat you.
(2) A surfboard is safe. No, it's not! Well, the odds are low it is never zero. A shark may mistake you for a turtle from underneath and bite you. You can still surf but remember to be a bit more careful.
(3) Provoke a shark. I already said it but I am saying it again. Provoking a shark is really really really stupid!
Fun fact: There are only 72 annual attacks on humans by sharks each year on average, and only 5 will succumb to their injuries.
Fun fact: Humans kill around 100 million sharks each year most of the time being for sport or shark fin soup. Yuck!
Fun fact: You are 15 times more likely to get killed by a coconut. No. I'm not kidding.
Fun fact: Most of the time a shark attacks because it thought you were food or was provoked.
Fun fact: If you hate sharks after what I just told we are not friends.
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