Prevention: You don't want to get attached by one of these just ask Marie Anne Hjelle.
(1) Take a wilderness first aid or wilderness first responder class to feel more comfortable responding to this or other wilderness situations.
(2) Ask about sightings in the area before hiking. If there are sightings of a mountain lion don't gl hicking. If you do decide to go hiking make sure you have someone with you and a pocket knife.
(3) Travel in groups. A group of humans is not worth the risk to the mountain lion. Stay close together with your group on a trail.
(4) Do not approach baby mountain lions. Well, they may look cute getting too close is really stupid. The mother will attack if you get too close.
(5) Wear bright colors. While mountain lions do not see color like humans and are more attracted to movement, wearing bright and high-contrast clothing can help signal that you are not their prey.
(6) Making noise. Making noise such as by talking or singing, can also help mountain lions know you are coming so they can stay out of your way.
(7) Carey pepper spray. It's a wonderful defense against creeps and mountain lions (also known as cougars, pumas, or panthers). They, like all cats, have extremely sensitive noses and don't like having them abused. So, they'll respond swiftly to a dose of pepper spray, meaning they'll almost always beat a hasty retreat.
(8) Use an air horn. If you have an air horn, give that some blasts. Air horns are really loud and mountain lions won't stick around if they know you are there. If you have bear spray, get ready to let it loose if the mountain lion approaches. It works on mountain lions too.
(9) Stay out of where they most likely live. Learn where they like to live and stay away.
(10) If you see a mountain lion try and look big. Speed out your cote. ( If you have one. ) Stand up straight with your arms out. Scarem yell and make a lot of noise. If you have a gunshot near the lion as a warning shot to scare it off or if it makes a charge at you. Throw rocks or stones at it. Make eye contact don't look away you need to make it think you are more of a threat. Growl and bare your teeth.
(11) Fight back. If you are unlucky enough to get attacked by a mountain lion fight back. Go for the eyes and face. Punch kick scratch the mountain lion's face as hard as you can. The eyes and nose are sensitive spots. If you must choke it or stub it. Use rocks and sticks to poke and bash at the animal's face. The mountain lion should let go and leave you alone.
(1) Usual habitat is steep, rocky canyons or mountainous terrain. ]
(2) Deserts.
(3) Coastal forests.
(4) And from sea level to 10,000-foot elevations.
(5) Colorado has the most mountain lions in the US.
Signs and symptoms: Not many.
(1) The mountain lion is less than 50 yards away, it has its ears laid back, and is staring intensely at you or moves into hiding without any signs of leaving.
(2) It is attacking you.
First aid:
(1) First, make sure you won't be put in danger by helping the patient; 2 patients are worse than 1. Consider moving the patient as safely as possible if the scene isn't safe.
(2) If there is danger of a spinal cord mechanism, stabilize the patient's spine.
(3) Make sure the patient has an airway and is breathing. If not, address.
(4) Control bleeding by applying direct pressure on the wound. If pressure isn't enough add a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. ( A tourniquet is a last possible resort - control bleeding using other methods first - direct pressure, if possible raise the wound. ) Do a blood sweep to determine if there are any other open wounds.
(5) Once bleeding is controlled or while it is being controlled, perform a head-to-toe assessment to determine if there are any other injuries, record vital signs (heart rate, respiratory rate, skin color temp and moisture, presence of pedal/radial pulse, pupil reaction) and record the patient's SAMPLE history (symptoms, allergies, medications, pertinent medical history, last ins/outs, events leading up). This will help the doctors.
(6) Determine if spinal stabilization needs to be maintained with a focused spinal assessment. The medics will probably do this as the person is being brought to the hospital.
(7) If there are other injuries, develop a plan to address them.
(8) For the bite and scratch wounds, clean with water at least safe enough to drink. Make sure there is no debris left in the wound. If a puncture or avulsion wound is very deep or wide, pack with wet (with water at least clean enough to drink) dressing, then dress with a dry dressing. For shallow lacerations, attempt to close the wound using steri-strips or similar and dress with a clean bandage. If signs of infection appear, remove the dressing, clean, and dress again. ( An infection will not appear right away. This step is only necessary during recovery. )
(9) Monitor and record vital signs regularly. Monitor and address signs of infection. Monitor for signs of shock and address if present (lie down, feet raised 10"-12", clean water to drink)
(10) Develop an evacuation plan that is sufficient for the situation.
(11) When able to, contact 911, park rangers, or local emergency medical services and provide them with the pertinent information about who and where you are, what happened, what you've done, and the vital signs you've collected.
(12) Execute evacuation plan. Hopefully, the ambulance or helicopter is there to take you to the hospital.
Don'ts: Just don't. Just.. no. Don't.
(1)Do not inject Celox or any other clotting agent into the wound unless you've been thoroughly trained on how and when to use it.
(2) Crouching or bending over makes a person look like a four-legged prey animal, this isn't a good thing.
(3) Turn and run. Not only does this make you look like prey, but mountain lions have strong muscular limbs. They are fast runners and can reach speeds of 43.5 mph – which is as fast as a car.
Fun fact: Mountain lions have more names than any other animal in the world.
Fun fact: The largest mountain lion ever recorded weighed 276 pounds. Fat cat.
Fun fact: The female mountain lion makes a screech that sounds like a woman screaming in pain well mateing. If I have to know this so do you.
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