Prevention: If you live in Florida you most likely have seen or held one of these. Don't, I already have heard of enough Florida man stories to last a lifetime.
(1) Leave alligators alone. Alligators are shy animals that usually avoid human contact.
(2) Pay attention. Keep an eye on your surroundings near fresh or brackish waters. Avoid vegetation-filled areas of rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water.
(3) Do not feed alligators. Feeding alligators is illegal. Alligators that are fed will come to associate humans with food and will lose their natural fear.
(4) Throw fish scraps into trash cans. Do not discard fish scraps in the water at fish camps or boat ramps—you will unintentionally feed alligators.
(5) Follow directions on signs. Do not swim outside of posted swimming areas.
(6) Swim during daylight hours only. Alligators are most active at night.
(7) Stay with children. Never allow small children to play unattended near water.
(8) Keep an eye on your pets. Dogs are in more danger from alligators than humans, because they resemble the reptiles' natural prey. Do not let your dog swim in waters where you know alligators live.
(9) Remember the odds. You are more likely to be struck by lightning than attacked by an alligator in Florida.
(10) If you want to keep alligators out of your yard, install a fence that is at least four and a half feet tall. Alligators are good climbers—anything lower would not be adequate protection. If you do have a close run-in with an alligator that charges at you, run away fast and straight, not zig-zag. It is unlikely, however, that an alligator will display this behavior unless you are near its nest.
(11) Remember that in Florida, it is illegal to kill or harass alligators; alligators may only be harvested under special licenses and permits issued by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. If you have a nuisance alligator in your area, contact the FWC office or call 866-FWC-GATOR (866-392-4286).
(12) Don't camp nearby. Although crocodiles and alligators live in water, they can still come out to land and attack you. Camp at least 50m away from the water or as far as possible for the safety of you and your loved ones. If you are nearby any crocodile-infested water, use a flashlight or headlamp to check the area before moving.
(13) Keep your distance. Stay away from a crocodile at least 25 meters when you spot one. If you are boating, keep your distance for at least 10 meters. Crocodiles can also attach vertically from the water. Therefore, avoid standing or leaning over the docks or side of the boats.
(14) Stay cautious during the breeding season. Alligators and crocodiles are most aggressive during mating, breeding, and nesting season. Meanwhile, mothers during the nesting seasons are most ferocious and defensive. If you live in an area with crocodiles, you must be extra cautious during the mating and breeding season. The breeding season for freshwater crocodiles in Australia is between July and August, with nesting season extending from September to April. Meanwhile, Florida's alligators breed at the start of May and nest for several months.
(15) If it attacks. Swim or wade to the shore. Don't make any noise or splashes if you accidentally fall into the water, as this could draw crocodile attention towards you. Simply swim or wade to the shore as quickly and calmly as possible.
(16) Run away as fast as possible. If you encounter a crocodile on land, run away as fast as possible. Crocodiles can run very fast when they are about to attack. So, skip those "running in zigzag motion" advice and run in a straight line as fast as you can. The goal is to get away from the croc as far as possible.
(17) Surviving an attack. Pock out the eyes. The eyes are one of the sensitive organs of a crocodile. Try to gauge, kick, or poke the eyes of the animal, and there is an excellent chance that the crocodile may release you from its hold. The Croc may fight you back and try not to let you go. So, you must keep repeating your attack on its eyes until it lets you go.
(18) Attcak the throat. If the crocodile has grabbed you so that you can't attack its eyes, you must attack its throat. The flap (palatal valve) inside the crocodile helps them keep the water from getting inside its throat. When the animal has dragged you inside the water, your only option is to grab the palatal valve, allowing water to get inside the mouth of the crocodile.
(19) The death roll. The dearth roll is one of the crocodile's and alligators' favorite moves. If you are on the water it will drag you under and start to spin to either kill you or rip off bits of flesh it will do this on land as well. Your only hope is to grab on to the alligator or crocodile and roll with the alligator or crocodile as best as you can and maintain the second tip by attempting to gouge the eyes and hit the snout. Under no circumstance try to resist the death roll this won't help and will kill you faster.
(20) Know the diffresns. Many people can't tell the difference between a crocodile and an alligator I was one of them for a long time. There are a lot of differences. Crocodiles are greenish-gray in color and are bigger than alligators they also have visible bottom teeth and a v-shaped snout for catching fish. They live in salt water and are more aggressive than alligators. Alligators are blueish-gray in color and are on the smaller side their bottom teeth are not visible, and have a u U-shaped snout for catching land animals. They live in fresh water and are less aggressive than crocodiles, but this doesn't mean they are less dangerous you have a higher chance of running into an alligator because of how rare crocodiles are.
Habit: Only in a few places.
(1) Freshwater. ( Alligators. )
(2) Slat water. ( Crocodiles. )
(3) Suning on the side of rivers. ( Both. )
(4) Asia, Australia, Africa, and the Americas. ( Crocodiles. )
(5) The United States and China. Florida, southern Texas, Louisiana, and parts of North and South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, with the alligator's range appearing to inch northward in the last few years.
Signs and symptoms: Not many.
(1) Alligators and crocodile often sun themselves on logs or banks.
(2) They may bask in the sun with only their eyes and nostrils above water.
(3) Alligators and crocodile may slide into the water silently without making a splash.
(4) If you have been or are being attacked you will know it.
First aid: There really isn't any.
(1) Seek medical attention immediately. Not only do crocodilian attacks tend to cause a lot of tissue damage and blood loss, but they can also quickly lead to infection. These animals harbor a massive amount of bacteria in their mouths, and even a minor bite from a small alligator or caiman can quickly lead to infection if not treated right away.
(2) Use a tourniquet to stop the bleeding.
(3) Don't move. This will be really hard when you are bleeding out anyway and will just speed up your death. So stay still for god sake!
(4) Stay calm. Staying calm will help keep that blood inside you where it belongs.
Don'ts: Never do these! That goes for you too Florida man.
(1) Provoke a crocodile or alligator. This isn't a good idea it will get you hurt and arrested if not dead.
(2) Pick one up or hold it. Not only is this agent the law it is wrong. Let the poor thing be and it will not hurt you.
(3) Feed them. This will make them less scared of humans and start looking at us like you look at a cupcake.
(4) Feed it beer. This is really stupid and only Florida man himself knows the logic behind why this would ever be a good idea.
(5) Throw it through a Wendy's drive-through. Again only Florida man knows the answer to this one.
Fun fact: As an alligator's teeth are worn down, they are replaced. An alligator can go through 3,000 teeth in a lifetime.
Fun fact: The sex of the juveniles is determined by the temperature of the eggs.
Fun fact: Crocodiles are really good moms. Like them now?
( Sorry too any Florida people reading this. But what the heck are you drinking over there?! )
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