How To Retrieve Recordsets from Oracle Stored Procedures Using ADO
The following Knowledge Base article gives an in-depth example, using RDO, of all the possible ways to return a Recordset back from a stored procedure. The example in this article is a simplified version:
174679 ( ) How To Retrieve Resultsets from Oracle Stored Procedures
NOTE: The Recordsets created by the Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle , using Oracle stored procedures, are Read Only and Static. Retrieving a Recordset requires you to create an Oracle Package.
You can create the sample project in this article in Visual Basic 5.0 or 6.0 and use ADO to access and manipulate the Recordsets created by the Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle version. You must have this driver to use the recordsets-from-stored-procedures functionality discussed in this Knowledge Base article:
174679 ( ) How To Retrieve Resultsets from Oracle Stored Procedures
(Currently, it is the only driver on the market that can return a Recordset from a stored procedure.) If you want additional information about using Visual Basic with Oracle, please see the following Knowledge Base article, which uses RDO 2.0 in its examples:
167225 ( ) How To Access an Oracle Database Using RDO
NOTE: You must acquire and install the MDAC 2.1 or later stack for the sample in this article. The following Microsoft Knowledge Base article explains how to get the Oracle and MDAC components:
175018 ( ) How To Acquire and Install the Microsoft Oracle ODBC Driver
MDAC 1.5 contains ADO 1.5 and the Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle version 2.0.
The MDAC 2.x stack, which includes the 2.573 driver, can be downloaded from the following Web address: (
This article is broken up into two parts. The first part is a step-by-step procedure for creating the project. The second part is a detailed discussion about the interesting parts of the project.
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Step-by-Step Example
Run the following DDL script on your Oracle server:
DROP TABLE person;
fname VARCHAR2(15),
lname VARCHAR2(20));
INSERT INTO person VALUES(555662222,'Sam','Goodwin');
INSERT INTO person VALUES(555882222,'Kent','Clark');
INSERT INTO person VALUES(666223333,'Jane','Doe');
Create the following package on your Oracle server:
TYPE tssn is TABLE of NUMBER(10)
TYPE tfname is TABLE of VARCHAR2(15)
TYPE tlname is TABLE of VARCHAR2(20)
PROCEDURE allperson
(ssn OUT tssn,
fname OUT tfname,
lname OUT tlname);
PROCEDURE oneperson
(onessn IN NUMBER,
ssn OUT tssn,
fname OUT tfname,
lname OUT tlname);
END packperson;
Create the following package body on your Oracle server:
PROCEDURE allperson
(ssn OUT tssn,
fname OUT tfname,
lname OUT tlname)
CURSOR person_cur IS
SELECT ssn, fname, lname
FROM person;
percount NUMBER DEFAULT 1;
FOR singleperson IN person_cur
ssn(percount) := singleperson.ssn;
fname(percount) := singleperson.fname;
lname(percount) := singleperson.lname;
percount := percount + 1;
PROCEDURE oneperson
(onessn IN NUMBER,
ssn OUT tssn,
fname OUT tfname,
lname OUT tlname)
CURSOR person_cur IS
SELECT ssn, fname, lname
FROM person
WHERE ssn = onessn;
percount NUMBER DEFAULT 1;
FOR singleperson IN person_cur
ssn(percount) := singleperson.ssn;
fname(percount) := singleperson.fname;
lname(percount) := singleperson.lname;
percount := percount + 1;
Open a new project in Visual Basic 5.0 or 6.0 Enterprise edition. Form1 is created by default.
Place the following controls on the form:
Control Name Text/Caption
Button cmdGetEveryone Get Everyone
Button cmdGetOne Get One
From the Tools menu, select the Options item. Click the "Default Full Module View" option and then click OK. This will allow you to view all of the code for this project.
Paste the following code into your code window:
Option Explicit
Dim Cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim CPw1 As ADODB.Command
Dim CPw2 As ADODB.Command
Dim Rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim Conn As String
Dim QSQL As String
Dim inputssn As Long
Private Sub cmdGetEveryone_Click()
Set Rs.Source = CPw1
While Not Rs.EOF
MsgBox "Person data: " & Rs(0) & ", " & Rs(1) & ", " & Rs(2)
End Sub
Private Sub cmdGetOne_Click()
Set Rs.Source = CPw2
inputssn = InputBox("Enter the SSN you wish to retrieve:")
CPw2(0) = inputssn
MsgBox "Person data: " & Rs(0) & ", " & Rs(1) & ", " & Rs(2)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Replace <User ID>, <Password>, and <Server> with the
'appropriate parameters.
Conn = "UID=*****;PWD=*****;driver=" _
& "{Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};SERVER=dseOracle;"
Set Cn = New ADODB.Connection
With Cn
.ConnectionString = Conn
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
End With
QSQL = "{call packperson.allperson({resultset 9, ssn, fname, " _
& "lname})}"
Set CPw1 = New ADODB.Command
With CPw1
Set .ActiveConnection = Cn
.CommandText = QSQL
.CommandType = adCmdText
End With
QSQL = "{call packperson.oneperson(?,{resultset 2, ssn, fname, " _
& "lname})}"
Set CPw2 = New ADODB.Command
With CPw2
Set .ActiveConnection = Cn
.CommandText = QSQL
.CommandType = adCmdText
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter(, adInteger, adParamInput)
End With
Set Rs = New ADODB.Recordset
With Rs
.CursorType = adOpenStatic
.LockType = adLockReadOnly
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Set Cn = Nothing
Set CPw1 = Nothing
Set CPw2 = Nothing
Set Rs = Nothing
End Sub
Go to the Project menu item and select References. Select the "Microsoft Active Data Objects 2.x Library."
Run the project. When you click on the "Get Everyone" button, it executes this query:
QSQL = "{call packperson.allperson({resultset 9, ssn, fname, "_
& "lname})}"
This query is executing the stored procedure "allperson," which is in the package "packperson" (referenced as "packperson.allperson"). There are no input parameters and the procedure is returning three arrays (ssn, fname, and lname) each with nine or fewer records. As stated in the following Knowledge Base article:
174679 ( ) How To Retrieve Resultsets from Oracle Stored Procedures
you must specify the maximum number of rows you will be returning. Please refer to the Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle Help File and Knowledge Base article Q174679 for more information on this issue.
When you click on the "Get One," button it brings up an input box that prompts you for an SSN. Once you input a valid SSN and click OK, this query is executed:
QSQL = "{call packperson.oneperson(?,{resultset 2, ssn, fname, "_
& "lname})}"
The stored procedure, packperson.oneperson, uses a single input parameter as the selection criteria for the Recordset it creates. Just like packperson.allperson, the Recordset is constructed using the table types defined in packperson. (See Knowledge Base article Q174679 for more information.)
NOTE: You can only define input parameters for Oracle stored procedures that return a Recordset. You cannot define output parameters for these stored procedures.
These two stored procedures cover the basic uses of stored procedures that return Recordsets. The first one will give you a predefined set of records (i.e. everyone) and the second one will give you a set of records (or just one record) based on one or more input parameters. Once you have these recordsets, you can do inserts, updates, and deletes either through stored procedures or SQL that you create on the client.
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