Tips vol. 6
Some friendly reminders for you fanfic writers! :3
1. Try to use a variety of different pelts, not just white cats or just gray/silver tabbies. Also a variety of different eye color, is great (see my eye color chapter of this fic for reminders on eyes)
2. Don't forget what the weather and season is in your fic! It's really easy to forget lol I do it aLL the time.
3. Kits are basically incapable of everything. No joke they're like Magikarps. And then they grow up and evolve into Gyarados and can murder everything in their path. Basically: leave the murderous kittens to apprentice age or warrior. Kittens don't understand anything about rage to the point of murder; not really.
4. Don't forget to have your characters eat/drink/hunt. Or mention that it's has/had not happened recently
5. Most people don't remember what a cat is described as in the allegiances, some don't even read the allegiances ( so don't forget to describe what the characters look like every once and a while. Also if their name correlates with their fur their fur color is easier to remember. (Firestar is ginger, Sandstorm is light ginger, Spottedleaf is a tortoiseshell, etc.) however that doesn't mean you gotta whip out a "dark gray tabby she-cat with white paws purred and nodded," every time you want to describe them so that we remember what they look like. You can also use "white-pawed" "tabby" "yellow-eyed" or whatever applies to your character.
6. Pro-tip: flip a situation from something you'd expect to something you wouldn't expect. For instance, your main character thinks they've found the perfect mate-material cat! And then that charming warrior turns out to not be what they expect (cruel, wants to be a kittypet, not into your cat, etc.)
7. Kits and apprentices don't usually "fall in love" or whatever. They aren't even mentioned to date or whatever he cat equivalent of that is in the canon books. The closest to that would be Whitewing waiting to become a warrior for Birchfall. I don't know I'm not a fan of the apprentice romance plotline because they're really young. Don't forget that in Bluestar's Prophecy they noted that Snowfur was really young to be having kits, and I'd estimate that she was around 15-20 moons old. Using that as a marker, I'd say that a good age for having kits would be like 30+ moons. So a good age for starting a romantic relationship would be like 20+ moons. Not nine, and defiantly not six moons.
8. For writing numbers,
I learned it as ten or less you write the word out rather than put 10, but my current English teacher says one hundred or less you have to write out. I prefer twelve or less, because I think that's reasonable. What I mean is, instead of putting "I'm turning 6 moons today!!!!" You'd put "I'm turning six moons today!!!!" This doesn't apply to dates though, so if this is real life, you can write "May 6, 2016," instead of, "May Sixth, 2016." You won't be writing dates in a cat fanfic though lol
9. "Blacking out"
Yeah. I think this is a bit of a cliché? I'd say limit blacking out to one or none per fic, because some people literally have every fight scene end in "and then I blacked out," or something. The worst is when they're back on their paws as soon as they wake up. I don't know about you, but I would be superrrr disorientated if I woke up from being blacked out. And the medicine cat would probably want to keep them under watch, too. I don't know, it's your fic, just remember that blacking out is pretty much a classic warriors fic cliché
10. Pelts do not have to be 100% matching to their prefix. Like, if they're Foxpaw, they don't have to be a ginger cat with black legs and a white tipped tail and a dark muzzle etc. Or Cheetah- as a yellow cat with black spots. A Cheetah- cat could just be a golden spotted tabby or a ginger spotted tabby? Whatever, you get it. Go crazy, though, you're free to do what you want. This is just MY opinion.
Literally this whole book is my opinion w/ some fact stuff tbh lol
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