Chapter 1
-Okay kids it's bed time!
-Mom!Mom! Tell us our favorite story!
-I don't know you should be in bed by no...
Once upon a time :
So this happend years,years ago.
There was once an Angel called Alice.She was the Angel of the light, hapiness, love, life, family, friendship and everything that count to be good.But she wasn't alone,in her side there was a demon called Discord.He was the demon of the darkness, sadness, madness, lonlyness, hate, death and everything that count to be bad.
From the moment where life begun on the earth they both were there.They did their doutis and kept the harmony,peace and equality.But it couldn't last forever.
One day Discord asked Alice ‘Why aren't we finish this „game”?,-Alice looked at him with a questionning look but in the inside she was happy.
Happy because from the moment they had borned, they didn't say a word,for many,many years she wanted to speak with him but didn't know how nor what should she say.The only sound that they had heard from each-other was Alice giggles and Discor groans and she was so bored of it.But now he finally spoke to her and oh god! she loved his voice...
It's a shame that she isn't understand what he meant but it gave her an opportunity to speak with him and she did.
‘What kind of game?,-She asked calmly with warm in her voice,in her beautiful warm voice.The demon needed some second to answer and he was already sorry for what is going to say...but he couldn't back away now.‘The game with the humans,-The Angel didn't reply,she thought of the the humans,the most powerfull being on the earth...
What kind of game can they possibly play?
She didn't needed to think much because he continued.‘Why should we bother with their life if all of them will die in the end?!, ‘Bother?, ‘Yes.Their life is useless in the end they all die.So why do you bother with them?,-He said in a serious and cold voice,what she isn't anymore.
‘Life is beatiful and they know that too!,
‘And do they know that they born to die?!,
‘No one can live forever!!,
‘We do!!,
‘But we aren't humans!!!,
‘I'm not a human!!But look at you,you look like one!,-He had finally said the only thing that pissed him off...there bigest difference.
She was like a human with big white wings,an angelic face,soft blond hair,2 sky blue eyes full of hope...but no one knew if she had legs because of her long,big cloud dress.Yes her dress was made by clouds but it's still rather elegent then revealing.
The comletly opposite of him.
He was a bit human-like but he had red tatoos all over his body,long white hair,big black red ending horns on his head, 2 glowing bloody red eyes and he weared unregular, chineis clothes.He also weared sandals and a big black boa and he had 3 little glowing soul-head that had followed him everywhere.He looked strange,very revelaling and even a bit flirty.
"553 word"
Hey guyes!
So firts chapter.
On the top you can see Discord.
What about Alice? In the next chapter I will post her picture too.
So...see you in the next chapter!
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