First things first: If you read Wattpad stories, vote.
Vote because pressing that little star takes a second of your time, and it's such and encouraging thing to writers, to know that you liked their story enough to give them a little poke that says "Hey! I thought this was good! Keep it up!"
And now I speak to the writers.
You know it, I know it. There will never be a time where you have as many votes as you have reads. It's statistically improbable.
But if you want votes, here's some tips.
When you see that someone has voted on your stories, thank them. They deserve to know that it meant something to you, to know that they are appreciated.
Readers' support is incredible, and by messaging them to let them know how grateful you are, you are showing them that you are a person on the other side of the screen and that everything they do to support your stories means something to you.
Another thing you can do it put a little author's note at the end. Often people simply forget to vote, but by leaving a little message that says something like "Hey! If you liked this chapter, please consider voting", you remind them to click the little star.
You might think that the message is a little simple, that it might not persuade people enough, and that could be true. But you can't make everyone vote, and sometimes being any stronger about it can turn people away from your book.
Which brings me to my next point.
Chapter withholding for votes.
This will turn me away from any book. Every. Single. Time.
Reminding people nicely to vote is one thing.
But when you say "I'll upload the next chapter when this one reaches fifty votes!", that pisses me off.
It's rude and it's irritating and it's honestly stupid. You are treating your readers like children who have done something wrong, and you're taking away their toys.
If you are willing to do that, it shows that you aren't serious about your book, and if you aren't serious about your book, then neither am I.
Last thing is making fake accounts to vote for your stories.
Not only is it against Wattpad guidelines, but it brings you no pleasure. Votes are only gratifying if someone else took the time to vote, not you wasting time making a fake account to vote on your own story.
Thank you for reading.
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