From Assassin To Protector(Damian Wayne)
Narrator:Karai was in the Batcave practicing ninjutsu when she feels a presents behind her
Karai:who's there
?:how did you get in here
Karai:*gets in a defense position*show yourself
?:no who are you
Karai:why should I tell you
?:are you with the league of assassins
Karai:the what of assassins
?:no so who do you work for
Karai:Chief Cruz
?:your a firefighter
Karai:no I'm an Officer now show yourself
?:*throws batarang at her*why are you here
Karai:*dodges*enough*blast flames in the shadows*
? :*jumps down into the light*your a Metta human
Karai:*sees his outfit*what did you do to robin
?:*takes out sword*why do you need to know
Karai:tell me where he is
Narrator:the two get into a heated battle until Bruce and Jason walk in
Both:hey stop what are you doing
Karai:don't get too close you'll get hurt
Damien:is that a threat
Karai:depends on who's saying it
Damien:that sounds like a challenge
Narrator:Bruce and Jason push them apart
Jason:easy K here us out please
Karai:I'm trying to protect you and-
Narrator:Robin(Dick Grayson walks in)
Karai:Dick*runs up and hugs him*
Dick:*hugs her back*hi you ok
Karai:yeah I just thought whoever the other kid wearing your suit is hurt you
Damien:Grayson may be an unavoidable irritation but I promised father I would not harm him
Narrator:Karai lets go and walks to Damien
Karai:why do I care who your father is
Bruce:because his father is me
Karai:oh ok then*backs away from him*
Damien:father who is this dark haired assassin
Karai:I'm not an assassin
Bruce:Damien this is Karai the female ninja I told you about
Damien:I see hello Karai it seems our fight was a misunderstanding father didn't mention that you're a meta human
Karai:I'm not nevermind that does seem to be the case nice to meet you Damien
Damien:it was a mistake to fight you because father would have been disappointed if I had hurt you
Narrator:Damien walks past her and hits his shoulder against her
Karai:hey that was unnecessary I was trying to apologize
Damien:*turns around*maybe next time you'll answer my questions*continues to walk away*
Narrator:Damien goes upstairs
Bruce:speaking of injuries did he hurt you
Karai:no but his additude is ridiculous and unnecessary I expected more manners for the son of Bruce Wayne let alone Batman
Bruce:Damien's mother didn't really teach him manners
Karai:who is his mother
Bruce:Tala al Ghoul the daughter of the leader of the league of assassins Ra's al Ghoul
Karai:he mentioned a league of assassins he ask me if I was with them
Bruce:you might understand if I say it like this Ra's made Damien's only pass time training
Karai:so he's like Saki but worse because he explained his motivations
Bruce:yeah pretty much
Karai:I'm gonna try to help him
Bruce:if anyone can help it's you or Cora
Karai:wish me luck
Narrator:Karai heads upstairs and asks Alfred to take her to Damien's room
Alfred:I will announce you
Karai:no don't actually could you bring Jason here
Alfred:of course young mistress
Narrator:Alfred brings Jason to her
Alfred:her is master Jason as you requested
Karai:thank you Alfred
Alfred:is there anything else you require
Karai:no, thank you
Alfred:you're welcome young miss*leaves*
Karai:does he ever address anyone without a title
Jason:yeah no not that I've heard anyway you needed me
Karai:right I need you to knock on the door because if Damien knows it's me he won't open it
Jason:ah what do I say when he asks why I came
Karai:ask him if he wants to spar later
Jason:ok*knocks on door*
Damien:who's there
Jason:hey it's Jason can I come in
Damien:fine enter
Jason:*opens door and walks in*hey Damien
Narrator:Karai uses soundless suction cups to stick to the wall and climb up to the rapters(flying would have gave her away)
Damien:state the purpose of your visit
Jason:nice to see you too I wanted to know if you want to spar with me later
Damien:weapons or no weapons
Jason:swords, bos, and fists only
Damien:fine I agree come back when your ready
Jason:ok cool see you later
Narrator:after Jason leaves Karai jumps down
Damien:*startled*ah don't you know how to use a door and how did you get in here
Karai:I snuck in after Jason
Damien:so did you come here just to ambush me or do you have other motivations
Karai:*walks to window*you want to know the one thing I don't like about cities
Damien:the crime
Karai:*chuckles*ok one of the things I don't like about cities
Karai:it's so bright that you can't see the stars
Damien:Gotham City is nothing but shadows
Karai:well the smog blocks the stars here but if you want to see them*opens portal*I can take you to one of the best stargazing spot I know of
Damien:fine but I'm bringing my sword
Karai:well at least you can be an assassin and make wise decision
Damien:Raven would like you
Karai:yeah she does we're friends and teammates anyway come on*walks through*
Damien:*walks through portal*it's quite
Karai:that's the point city boy
Damien:what is your game you bring me here and then insult me
Karai:it was only a joke
Damien:even so why bring me to stargaze don't you have other people to do this with
Karai:yes but I didn't bring you here just to look at the sky
Damien:i knew it so then why did you bring me here
Karai:because we had similar childhoods
Damien:how so Kent and Diana aren't-
Karai:I see Bruce didn't tell you about how he meet me huh
Damien:no how did he meet you
Karai:you want the full story or the Summary
Damien:summary and if I am confused I'll ask for the long story
Karai:fair enough*lays against hill*A mad man burned down my home while fighting my father and while the house burned my mother tried to stop the fighting and ended up receiving a blow ment for my father
Damien:where we're you when this happened
Karai:glad you asked my mother had hidden my twin sister and I under a chair before she had gone inside and so once the blow was delt to my mother and debris fell on my parents the mad man thought they were dead
Damien:so then what happened to you and your sister
Karai:well the mad man ran out of the house and heard the cries of my sister and I then took us and raised us as members of his clan we called him father but only if we were outside the dojo
Damien:at least you had your sister
Karai:not really
Damien:*sits down next to her*what do you mean
Karai:Cora was better than me at everything when we were kids I wasn't allowed to call her any form of the word sister
Damien:why not
Narrator:Karai exposes her shoulder to show a slash scar
Damien:he hurt you if you want to you don't have to answer but with what
Karai:*rubs her shoulder*sounds odd but he hit me with a kunai
Damien:I'm sorry, our home was invaded too my grandfather was killed and after my mother brought me to my father to learn from him but I can tell he doesn't want me around
Karai:I don't think he doesn't want you around it's just that the way you do things isn't how he does it and he's not used to it so maybe instead of trying to do things your way all the time ask him what he thinks
Damien:you do bring up a valid point I will try to listen to my father more often
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