Tip 7 - Motivation
Writing is an adventure. If you've ever attempted to write any piece of work, you know the feeling of buzzing fingers against a keyboard as you eagerly begin on what you believe will turn into one of the best masterpieces the world has ever seen. However, we also know all too well the feeling that inevitably follows - the dread you begin to feel when you know you need to update, the feeling of wanting to do something else, and feeling like Wattpad has become a chore.
If you've been following me for awhile, you know that I have struggled with motivation majorly during my time here on Wattpad. I went from updating Skyfall multiple times everyday to going a year between the Prologue and Chapter 1 on Skylight, and eventually an unplanned two year hiatus between Chapters 14 and 15.
When I was requested to do a tip on how to stay motivated, I'd be lying if I didn't immediately think of skipping over it. I thought that there was no way I could do a piece on motivation, since given my history, I didn't even know how to stay motivated. Not only that, I truly believed no one would take me seriously. However, since my return to Wattpad, I have developed techniques to help capture my motivation. So, here is what I've been doing for a week now (I know, not terribly long - but something is better than nothing), and I hope you can find it of use!
When reflecting on my Wattpad history, I noticed that most of my updates were the result of that beginner's buzz. I was so anxious to get my story going, that I legitimately couldn't stop writing. I have an obsessive personality, and my Skyfall project was my latest obsession. I would literally write all day, and I even updated 2-3 times each day. Looking back, it has become clear to me that this obsessive and constant exposure to my work is what eventually caused me to burn out. So, my first tip - do not overexpose yourself to your work.
I know what you're thinking - isn't wanting to write a good thing? Why, yes, it is! This desire is exactly the thing we're trying to capture and preserve. If you spend all your desire at once, you will find yourself getting bored of your project. Think of it like a bag of chips - when you first get it, you're terribly excited to eat them! However, if you eat the whole bag at once, you lose this excitement and your mind eventually moves onto something else. Instead of getting excited about the chips you just ate, you're excited for ice cream, or maybe even pizza, since there's no chips left for you to eat.
However, if you eat some chips and save the rest for later - this excitement is preserved. It is effectively maintained, as you continue to be excited to get a chance to eat your chips. Writing is the same way - if you write and write until your heart's content, you will lose interest. Write a chapter or two, and then take a step back. Use this time to look forward to what you can write next, and brainstorm the different possibilities of where you can take your story. This way, you stay motivated, because you want to be able to write down one of those possibilities on paper. It keeps you fired up.
If you think it would be of use to you, my second tip is to consider making a schedule of when you will write. Perhaps you'll write for an hour on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, depending on how busy you are. Create a time to look forward to, and make every time you write feel like the first time. It's absolutely true that the mind wants what it can't have - so by limiting yourself from your writing, you will consistently have the urge to. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing - you'll get sick of your own work if you're working on it constantly.
But Kaylin, what if I forget the ideas I have before I can get to my computer and write? Not a problem. Jot it down on your Ideas List that I elaborated on in the previous part of this book. Not only won't you forget your amazing idea, you will have more time to process it. You can think of how exactly you want it to go down instead of immediately typing the first thing that popped up into your head. You will think more deeply about your story, and this will produce the best result of that idea. It's a win-win!
I hope this makes sense to you all. I always feel like I do a horrible job at explaining the tips I have within this book. Instructional writing isn't my forte. If you need any clarification in the comments, please do not hesitate to let me know! I'd be more than happy to clear any questions up that you guys may have. As always, if you have any requests, leave them down below, post them on my message board, or DM me. I write this book for you guys!
Till next time!
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