Step 19: Fall into a dream
Frey gasped for air, chest heaving as Marius' rough hands squeezed around his hips. Between his warm body pressing him down against the tavern bed's mattress and sharing one deep, burning kiss after another, breathing calmly proved difficult.
"You're so soft," Marius murmured under his breath after their lips separated, moving down to nuzzle into Frey's neck instead.
An unrestrained whimper slipped out of Frey as Marius' hand slid between his thighs, and he hurriedly covered his mouth with a blush.
"No one we know is around." Marius looked up with a smug grin. "You can be as loud as you want."
"S—Still..." Frey uttered, not too fond of the idea of being overheard by anyone, but he wouldn't dream of stopping what they were doing either. Just the sensation of Marius' fingers grazing his sensitive skin was enough for him to come undone, melting into his touch as he was kissed again.
"You want this, don't you?" Marius whispered into his ear, sending a pleasurable tremble through Frey's body. "Imagine how good I'd feel inside you."
Frey opened his mouth to answer, only to be interrupted by a knock on the door. His eyes widened, staring as if someone would come barging through it despite it being locked. No one they knew was there, after all, and it was the middle of the night.
He turned his head to look back at Marius, shocked to find he wasn't there anymore.
"Marius?" he whispered, rolling over on his side to look for him as another knock landed against the door.
Then he woke up.
Frey had never wanted to strangle Damien more than in that moment, and he sat up in his bed with a scowl.
"Haddon informed me that he's been unsuccessful waking you up," Damien continued from behind the door. "Apparently receiving the threat of having a shoe thrown at him last time."
A vague memory of such happening appeared to Frey, but he was too flustered from the dream to go on a rant about his valet tattling on him and his threats. He did take note that he'd recognized the man's name for once though after hearing it for a hundredth time.
"Am I late for something?" He searched his mind for a schedule but without results. With dream-Marius' kisses still burning his lips, his thoughts were apparently reserved for yearning that morning.
Yearning and being disgruntled.
"Not quite, but in a way," Damien said. "Can I come in?"
Frey glanced down at his lower body, pressing his lips together before pulling up the covers.
"It's about the gathering tonight," Damien continued as he entered the room, looking unusually tired. "Apparently the representatives from Verland will be there, which I was informed of just this morning"
"That still doesn't concern me, does it?" Frey raised an eyebrow as Damien pulled out a chair to sit next to the bed. "I have other work to take care of, and you know I'm focusing on local businesses for now."
Damien sighed, a wrinkle having formed on his forehead.
"Yes, I'm aware you haven't been involved in matters overseas since last year, but not only is it time you got back into it if only for the sake of appearances, but we could use someone who knows Verlandic."
"They can speak Wyperan just fine."
"When it comes to medicinal trade I don't want any misunderstandings," Damien insisted. "And as I said, you could stand to show more interest in your work, especially around the other locally involved merchants."
Frey wrinkled his nose, but had to agree with the suggestion. He'd do well in attending as many meetings as possible, not just to prove his dedication. Much like how it had been before, it was another opportunity to find dirt on relevant people that Frey could make use of even if it didn't show at those specific events.
It meant less time at the stables though.
"That's why I thought you should get up now," Damien continued as though he'd read his mind. "If you're to take Tea For Two out before getting ready, you best do it soon."
Then his eyes fell on Frey's face, squinting at what seemed to be his still stinging lips.
Frey narrowed his eyes as well, though not in an inquisitive way.
"Something wrong?"
"Not at all." Damien's eyes switched to meet Frey's gaze instead, but his expression had changed towards what Frey considered disrespectful amusement. "But while we're on the topic I actually visited the stables earlier to see how the new additions were doing."
"They're adapting well." Frey still frowned at the man's strange behaviour. "Even Bonfire Dancing 'Til Dawn has proven to be a promising colt in just these two weeks."
"Yes, Marius said so as well when we spoke earlier."
"Why would you talk to a stable boy about these things?" Frey held back a sceptical glare. "The stable master is there as well, isn't he?"
"But Marius is in charge of the young one, isn't he?" Damien's amusement was more apparent now, to Frey's further disgruntlement. "As you yourself decided."
"Yes, well..." Frey drew a silent breath as his mind grasped for good, non affectionate reasons. "... While I'm sure the grooms are more proficient when it comes to proper stable work, the stable boy appears to have a knack for gaining the horses' trust. A better hand with them, I suppose."
Before Damien could respond, Frey decided to bring the conversation to an end.
"Now, I'm not going to get dressed while you're here, and don't you need to get ready for tonight as well?"
"I do." Damien nodded. "But remember to eat something before you head to the stables, even if your lip hurts."
Frey wrinkled his eyebrows further as Damien didn't elaborate, standing up to leave instead, and as soon as he'd closed the door Frey swung his legs out of bed to head for the one intact mirror he still had in his room. Why would Damien comment on his sore lips? They were just a result from his dream and would fade soon enough.
The situation dawned on him with just a quick glance in the mirror, and he stared in disgust at the red, irritated spot on his upper lip. Was that it? Had his dream made up the kiss because of a blooming sore? It was unusual for Frey to have blemishes in his face however, so he supposed Damien's surprised reaction was understandable.
"Not the greatest of times to try new things though," he muttered, keeping the evening gathering in mind. Effort and proficiency aside, his looks and charm could take him further than most.
At least it used to, but he wasn't so sure about charm anymore.
He balled his fists as his gaze unthinkingly fell on his scar. Spare the mirror, he reminded himself. A sore lip was one thing but glass splintered hands were sure to evoke the wrong kind of attention, and one more broken mirror was enough for Damien to not allow them inside Frey's room anymore.
And then what would he do with himself?
So he closed his eyes, turning away from his reflection with a huff. He was still gorgeous, he insisted, even if he didn't want to believe it. He'd been told as much most of his life and one measly, albeit glaringly large, scar would not change that fact.
"It just adds character," he tried with another mumble while getting dressed. "Makes me memorable regardless."
He cursed Damien while walking towards the stables. Why did he have to point out the sore? Now the throbbing sting was all Frey could think about and the sun's bright light was no help either. He tried to find comfort in winter almost being at its end. Spring was fast approaching and apart from threats of sunburn Frey couldn't be happier about it.
Memories of the dream returned to his mind as he spotted Marius in front of the stables, in progress of leading a frisky Bonfire inside. It wasn't as though Frey hadn't had similar dreams before but apparently this one had decided to linger.
"Looks like things are going well, stable boy," he said before Marius could spot him, causing the latter to jump at the sudden presence.
"Oh, Lord Clausson." Marius beamed upon eye contact, despite their return to titles. "My apologies. Lord Hargreaves informed me you'd likely be here earlier, but it must have slipped my mind."
Frey however, had shifted attention from Marius' eyes to his lips. Not because of the dream, though perhaps it had been his initial intention, but because of the blister on Marius' upper lip.
"Oh look," Marius pointed out as he too seemed to notice their shared trait. "Samesies."
"Why?" Frey had to ask, though an uncomfortable, rising suspicion was already in full motion inside his head, and his shoulders tensed up. "Why do you also have that?"
Marius' eyes crinkled as he gave Frey a sheepish smile.
"Think I've heard someone mention how they can appear depending on weather, like strong sun in this case, I'd assume. Or one of us is about to get a cold."
"One of—" Frey shook his head. "Why would that matter?"
"Uh, because we've kissed?" Marius looked amused. "A lot, these past weeks, if you ask me."
Frey's jaw almost dropped, and he looked around before taking a step closer to whisper.
"This is from kissing?"
"It happens to a lot of pe—"
"Not to me," Frey hissed, with the source of Damien's amusement becoming clear to him. "I never get these, and now we have them in corresponding spots."
"Yeah... I get how it's not great." Marius looked apologetic. "But for what it's worth, people rarely look at me. Especially not those of higher class."
"There's a meeting tonight." Frey continued his spiralling. "People will leave their horses here and you're working, so the chances of no one spotting you are slim."
Marius grimaced.
"I'll stay out of sight, I promise... As best I can. I mean, I do have to do my job or Master Reimar will let me have it."
It made Frey recall the slap Marius had received from the stable master with rising frustration. How could he have allowed that to happen back then without even saying anything? Even without an interest in Marius, he should not have been fine with such a thing.
"Does he hurt you a lot?"
Marius blinked.
"Not too often. I actually do my job pretty well, and most of the time when I've stepped out of line it's been around you so he's rarely been around to see it."
Frey was not content, but agreed to drop it for the time being, mostly because he had other urgent matters he needed to deal with before that evening.
"Should I prepare Tea For Two, then?" Marius continued as Frey still stared at him in silence. "If you're attending a—"
"I need to do something else first," Frey cut him off before turning on his heels. "I'll come back later, probably."
"I need that paste." Frey didn't bother with a hello as he practically stormed into Lucius' home office. "That thing you have for your skin, I need to borrow it."
Lucius raised an unimpressed eyebrow as he looked up from a thick book on his desk.
"So first of all, it seems you've taken after Damien when it comes to entering people's rooms without permission, which I do not appreciate, and secondly, I told you the paste is not going to work on you."
"Not for the scar, it's for something else."
There was no use in trying to hide what he wanted it for as Lucius only needed to do a brief scan of his face before figuring it out, and the sinister enjoyment in his smile was about what Frey had expected.
"So, should I expect there to be a person with a matching one somewhere?" Lucius leaned back in his armchair, arms folding. "Perhaps near the mansion?"
"Just give me the paste." Frey struggled to keep his voice indifferent, yet his voice sped up without an ounce of sincerity at the next part. "Please and thank you."
"You know our skin tones aren't exactly the same though, right?" Lucius still shrugged before standing up. "But it's a small area so probably better than nothing."
Frey let the perfect opportunity to insult Lucius' skin slide in favour of actually receiving the help he'd come there for, quietly following along instead.
"It's going to get worse for a while, just so you know," Lucius continued as he opened the door to his bedroom. "It's just a little red right now but it will turn into a blister in a day or so."
Frey recalled the state of Marius' lip, and he wrinkled his nose.
"There's a meeting with the Verlandic merchants tonight. Hopefully I won't need to be around people for some time after that."
Lucius paused, hand lingering in the air before opening a drawer in his vanity to bring out his makeup.
"It's good that you're getting back into it," he said without looking up. "I was meaning to talk to you about that, actually."
"About me doing my job?"
"No, about how things are looking trading-wise, specifically concerning West Kerilia."
Unease spread through Frey's stomach, but he shrugged it off.
"Nothing new, last time I heard. And I should think my mother or sisters would have informed me of any changes since I was back just a few weeks ago."
"That's reassuring, I suppose, but I've heard some worrying whispers. About Lord Felek and Lord Hamerling from North Kerilia having discussed a loan with Mr. Gashcrow."
"Is it that surprising?" Frey shook his head. "Most lords turn to a banker when they're planning on investing in something. That's hardly reason enough to be worried."
"It was a big loan," Lucius emphasised while transferring a dollop of the beige paste into an empty vial. "Even with a bank as thriving as the one Mr. Gashcrow owns, it would be a risky investment for everyone involved. Thing is, they mentioned West Kerilia on that topic."
Frey fought the urge to rock back and forth on his feet as he received the vial.
"How so?"
"They said they're aware of the sizable investment, but that they're counting on it all being worth it once the 'West Kerilia' matter has been resolved."
The uncomfortable sensation in Frey's body increased.
"Resolved in... A good way or a bad way?"
"Depends on who you ask, I'd assume." Lucius stepped away from the vanity to head towards the door instead. "But I don't know what exactly they meant by it."
"And where did you hear these whispers?" Frey turned to look after him with a raised eyebrow. "I didn't think you had time to worry about things that hardly involve you."
"I don't, but someone..." Lucius suddenly raised a fist to slam it hard against the door, producing a high pitched yelp from the other side of it. "... Likes to eavesdrop at any given opportunity."
"It turned out to be a good thing, didn't it?" Luna's voice said outside the door. "At least probably!"
"Stop snooping around and go back to studying." Lucius gave the door a light kick. "You can't possibly be done yet."
As no reply came to counter it, Lucius walked back to the vanity with an eye roll.
"I suppose we might be in luck for her to have overheard a conversation like that, despite—"
"You're welcome," was heard from the other side of the door, and Lucius responded by hurling a pillow at it.
"Despite the initial purpose of the eavesdropping having been to find out if Lord Hamerling is a werecow, which he did not appreciate being asked later on either, by the way."
Frey cleared his throat.
"Could we get back to the matter at hand, perhaps?"
Lucius sent the door one last, disapproving glance before focusing back on Frey.
"I don't know what to think of the rumours, to be honest. I'm not saying it cannot be for the better, but with West and South Kerilia's history in mind, I doubt it."
"Well, if something's going on between West Kerilia and the other towns, Damien should know about it," Frey tried to reason, refusing to let the unease take over even more. "He'd tell me if something was wrong."
Lucius clicked his tongue, not looking the least impressed by that statement.
"He never cared enough to do something about the West Kerilia mistreatment before, why would he do so now?"
"After everything that's happened, don't you think he would make more of an effort in this case?" Frey tried a scoff. "I know he doesn't like to meddle and cause a scene, but it's my family we're talking about. It's not just West Kerilia now."
"It was your family before as well." Lucius raised an eyebrow, expression still unamused. "He didn't dislike your father but that didn't change anything, so I wouldn't count on it changing because of the rest of your family."
"But if I ask him to," Frey insisted, trying to ignore how Damien had refused to take his side at the last meeting. "My family aside, he should care enough about me to make sure my family and hometown is doing well. I mean, after all these years I'm basically a son to him, right?"
He regretted it as soon as he'd said it, and a faint glow in Lucius' violet eyes signalled for him to change the subject immediately.
"Perhaps you're right, Frey," Lucius said, turning his face away. "Perhaps you are like a son to him."
"You know I didn't mean it like that."
"I'm sure a great father like Damien wouldn't dream of letting any harm come to you or your family," Lucius pressed on with an empty voice. "Perhaps we should ask his actual sons what they think."
"Oh that's right..." Lucius sent him a burning glare. "... We can't."
Frey drew a silent breath through his nose before releasing it in a sigh.
"... Forget I said anything."
He should have known better than to argue with Lucius when it concerned Damien. Still, he'd gotten what he had come there for so perhaps it was best to wrap things up before he could strike another nerve.
"I'll send a letter to my family, just in case," he said as the glow faded from Lucius' eyes, and he held up the vial. "And thank you for this."
"It should last until the blemish has faded." Lucius nodded, exhaustion suddenly plaguing his face. "Just don't pick at the scab."
It was easier said than done. Frey loved picking at scabs. Not actual love, of course, but he couldn't help it.
"Also..." Lucius said in a lower voice as Frey turned to leave, gesturing at the door. "... Do you mind?"
Frey gave him a reproachful look, far from genuine, before grabbing the knob to quickly swing the door open, unsurprisingly slamming into something on the other side.
"I believe your father told you to get back to studying." He closed the door behind a smugly appreciative Lucius to address Luna as she covered her nose with a groan of pain. "Helpful as your werecow investigations may or may not be."
"He looks like a cow," she complained through muffled words, and Frey nodded sympathetically.
"He really does."
With his mission being a success he finally allowed his shoulders to relax as he made his way back to the mansion. He even took the time to enjoy his walk in the thawing weather. If the paste could cover up Lucius' war zone of moles, a small cold sore shouldn't pose any trouble.
He absentmindedly reached up to touch his lip. It was inconvenient for certain, but in a strange way he liked their shared proof of intimacy. A burning reminder of Marius' lips against his own. The unease he'd felt earlier was washed away by a warmth blossoming in his chest, and he dared to smile softly.
As if the world was trying to mess things up for him however, he didn't make it past the stable doors upon returning before running into something undesirable.
Or someone.
"In a hurry, Lord Clausson?" Lord Carrigan held out an arm to catch Frey before he could sneak past him. "I would have thought you'd take your horse out earlier if you're planning on attending tonight."
"I was delayed." Frey tried to leave it at that, but it was a foolish attempt. "But rest assured I'll be there."
"And I look forward to it." To Frey's horror Carrigan grabbed his chin to tilt his face upwards. "But if I were you I would hurry up and get ready. You wouldn't want people to think you don't care about your appearance anymore, despite your... Misfortune."
He was undoubtedly referring to the scar, but for once Frey almost hoped he'd be distracted enough by it to not notice anything else on his face.
Why didn't I fucking apply the paste immediately?
"Don't touch me so casually," he instead whispered before pushing Carrigan's hand away in a manner that didn't look harsh from an outside point of view but still got the message across. "Regardless of your opinions, I care enough about my horse to let her outside every day. Unlike other people I don't need an excessive amount of time to look stunning, anyway."
With that he turned away to head inside the stables.
"Is there a mirror in here?" he asked in a low voice as he slowly walked past Marius in an attempt to make it look like they weren't talking.
Marius, having been in the process of cleaning one of the worker horses' hooves, looked up with a frown.
"In here? Why would there be?"
Frey sighed, looking around to check for unwanted company before facing Marius.
"I need to put this on my lip." He held the vial forward. "Or, above it. And you should too."
Marius eyed the paste with a smile forming on his lips.
"Even if I was fine with putting unknown goo on my lip, you do realise this is too pale for me?" He gently pushed the vial towards Frey again. "And like I said before, no one's gonna care to look at me. They very rarely do."
"So we'll find something darker to blend it with. It's just for a couple of days."
"Frey..." Marius gave their surroundings a glance as well before placing a hand on Frey's shoulder, and the latter couldn't help but remember the dream again at his touch. "... You need to relax. You're gonna tremble to pieces like this."
Frey hadn't noticed the trembling until Marius pointed it out, but he was indeed shaking.
"There's just a lot today," he whispered, trying to take a calming breath. "I woke up in a... Strange mood, and I was told I need to attend this meeting tonight, and then I noticed the sore, and I came here, and then went to find Lucius who had some further troubling news, and I just ran into Carrigan who's an asshole as usual and then there's the actual meeting on top of it all."
"You'll do just fine." Marius gave him a wide grin. "Whatever corrupt business thing they try, I'm sure you can put a stop to it."
Frey smiled at that, at least a little comforted.
"Thank you." He gave Marius a quick kiss after making sure no one was around. "But you don't know anything about my job."
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