My Werewolf Version
I got bored, so I invented my own version of the werewolf. Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing Day.
-they can change at almost any time under the moon, but the light has to touch their skin ‘pure’- going through clear glass or water (tinted glass or colored water or anything that isn’t clear will not let this happen) or just going through nothing. At the new moon, they can’t transform, and at the full moon, they always transform. The closer the moon is to full, the more they will naturally transform and be unable to resist; and the closer the moon is to new, the more they will find it harder to become a wolf
-they have extreme allergic reactions to silver, it causes mild pain when in close proximity to them and burns and blisters their skin if they touch it, but you don’t necessarily need silver to kill them
-they also have slightly less extreme reactions to monkshood, or wolfsbane- they have to actually touch it or digest it for the effect to come- if they touch it, their skin gets red and looks inflamed for about a day, and if they ingest it they come down with flu-like symptoms for a day that can’t be cured
-they are actually fairly decent at climbing
-a person can be bit and not turn into a werewolf themselves; the bite goes with the shift of the moon, almost always making somebody a were at the full moon, but never making them one at the new moon
-werewolves, when in their ‘wolf’ form, look like a sort of strange hybrid- they’re bigger than most humans, and look stronger, too, with a humanlike body, but they can easily run on all fours and are covered in thicker and darker hair than most humans. They have wolflike tails and their back legs end in paws, not human feet, and their hands are a mix somewhere between hands and paws, with the thumb rotated on the back of the hand and smaller than the other fingers and pads on the palms, with claws at the tip of each digit, but still with long human fingers. They have faces that look like a human’s but with a slight muzzle, and fangs that almost (and sometimes do) poke out from the mouth. Their noses are flat and darkened near the tips, like a human’s and a wolf’s got mashed together, and their ears are almost completely wolflike. The hair on their head stays the same, just darker, and the closer the moon is to full when they turn, the more wolflike they look- although they always look at least somewhat human
-as a werewolf, they remember everything about what they’ve done as a human, but once again- the closer a moon is to full when they turn, the more feral and animalistic their minds and instincts will be, and the more desire they will have to attack someone or something
-they live slightly longer than the average human; if the average human lives about 85 years, the average werewolf lives about 110 years
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