A/N: double update! Hwoo! And since I forgot in the last chapter,both this and the previous updates are dedicated the the amazing nightgate like always. Thanks so much for letting me write this! Its summer break for me finally so more frequent updates to come.
how to be stupid
"You're stabbing your food like a freakn' psychopath." Tyler announced with a curious eyes as I cut my turkey wrap in half,all of its contents spilling out and onto my paper plate. Curse words leaving in a string of muttered words under my breath.
"I'm just--frustrated." Gathering all the bits and pieces back into the tortilla. While humming a song under my breath to come me down.
So this is how serial killers are made?
"Some girl leave you with blue balls again?" Why do they always think it's a freaken girl! "That happens to me a lot." Tyler said as his humored face fell to a frown.
"No,I'm mad because people just assume! And they say to much before you can even speak your part and--"Stuffing as much food in my mouth as possible,eating what ever feelings I had self in the dark hole some called a heart.
The capacity reached as I almost choked." You gonna eat that?" Very very muffled sound made around my food-full mouth. Jutting my head to the plate of fries that came with his chicken sandwich,untouched.
He rose a eyebrow ,slowly sliding the plate over to me. As if he was a zoo keeper fearful of getting his arm ripped off, while feeding a emotionally unstable lion. I took it with a thankful nod,putting some of them in my mouth while I swallowed.
I'm emotional,I'm unstable. Therefore food will help.
Realization dawned on his pale face. "Oh,this is about-" leaning in across the table as if it was important secret. "-he who must not be named."
"No,this is not about Voldemort." A thick swallow that almost left me choking again. Clearing my throat,and starting again as my food fell apart in my hands. Eating the mess either way.
Tyler sat back,narrowing his eyes at me and momentarily sticked his tongue out like a little child. "Just like--" he wasn't good at advice in any sense of the term. About the only other male that this high school that was just as awkward as me. "--sex him?" Furrowing his eyebrows and confusing himself.
I sighed deeply. "Ty, its the same terms as straight sex. And no, I won't just 'sex him'." Making quotation marks in the air to go along with his foolish words.
"Do it or I will do it for you--wait no not like that. I mean, tell him or I'll tell him for you." Tyler stumbled around a bit with his words, rolling his green-blue eyes at himself with a annoyed sound to follow. See, even he ticks himself off.
I leaned back in my seat,moving my plate away from my and reaching for my water bottle. Then I was cut off before I could finish."I can't just-"
"Tristan!" A familiar voice called,and both Ty and me froze in our seats. My eyes growing wide as I felt Roy walk up behind me.
"Aw, shit." Tyler whispered
"Is it to late too run?" I replied, but it was to late and the seat besides me was getting pulled out and filled with none other then Mr.Green eyes.
"Hey, pal." He smiled the kind of smile that made forget what breathing felt like once again. Sliding his back pack off his one shoulder and hooking it on the back of the chair. He was going to be sitting here a while then.
"Hey, bro." I winced both physically and mentally ; not knowing what to reply with. Taking my eyes off him and focusing on the now-cold plate of French fries.
He laughed, thinking it was a joke. Moving himself side ways in the chair to face me, leaning in. His elbows resting on his knees,hands clasped lazily together between open thighs. A relaxed position , as where I sat there with a straight back and deer-in-headlights eyes.
"You didn't reply to me back last night." He said while playfully kicking my chair in a brief moment. So light and harmless, yet I jumped anyway. Almost screaming.
"Dude,relax. I ain't gonna punch you or anything. Just wanted to now why, I'm eager! You left me hanging man!" Still smiling as I slowly turned to face him,body still motionless but head directly on him. Trying to loosen up.
"Left you hanging? With what--oh wait yeah I forgot." Playing it off cool,sinking my back into the curve of the cafeteria plastic chair. Stretching my legs out and loose in front of me, shrugging it off as nothing. "So ,that's why your here?" Asking him in a calm voice, going into my life's a lie mode once again.
"Yeah,I wanna know who has a crush on me! This never happens ,I'm excited!" A light blush spreading onto his tan cheeks, avoiding eye contact for a moment. Sitting back up in his chair and running a nervous hand through his brown hair.
Why are you so damn cute?
It was ironic, because only if he knew. Getting all flustered and adorable for a person he never even met. It made my heart happy for that brief moment,it was a reaction caused by me myself and I. I was that crush. But then the bitch called reality broke that fantasy in the following second. He was thinking of a girl, not me.
Roy would never react that way to me. He knew me, well sort of. This reaction was for a unknown female entity.
And then it started,Tyler just had to but it. "Its Tris-"
I almost screamed it to the whole cafeteria. "Her name's Tris!" Wait what?
He looked up to the glaring Tyler and then surprised me. Shaking off the weird moment and turning so close to me,to grab all of my attention. "That's her name,haha weird." Furrowing his eyebrows at the similarity, but not thinking much of it and going to the next question that was probably bugging him all night. "Is she hot?"
Tyler laughed thickly. "Oh don't worry,she's a total beef cake."
Cue eye roll."She's...pretty?" It sounded more of a question then a answer,palms sliding under my knees and gripping onto the chair. Sweaty and nervous, as if my lies were written on them.
Roy grinned, pleased. "Great,can I meet her?" He was to innocent for his own good. I was lying to the one person I didn't want to lie to. Never had I done so to him, I only left the rest to the imagination. Unsaid words were the best words I could manage then,and now I was drowning in something that was beyond me.
"Yes!" An exclaim.
"No,Tyler shut up." A warning.
Roy frowned and I admitly felt the same feeling as earlier,but different this time. Not happiness this time,but regret. I caused that expression. "Why not?"
"She doesn't live locally." I nodded,because that sounded like that would be realistic. I needed to get out of this situation. "-I'll tell you more about her later. But I have to go to piano practice." I haven't taken piano practice in three years.
I stood from my seat when Tyler kicked my back in the chair. "No remember that's after school?" He asked in an innocent tone with evil devilish eyes to follow.
"At least give me her email,or phone so I can message her." Roy eyed the both of us for a minute,reaching for his back pack. Reaching into and taking out his phone, giving it over to me.
I wanted to throw it and just start running. But I didn't.
I didn't take the offer. I just stared and blinked slowly at it; like it was some alien device.
"Well,you see-" laughing nervously when suddenly my hand was taken by his. Pulling me towards him in a gentle motion,but once again I overreacted and almost fell against him. He always had me falling.
"Please." Gripping onto it with wide set puppy dogs,green eyes searching into my brown ones. "I know I said I knew a lot of girls,which I do. But they all think--But I'm friend zoned with them all and it kind of sucks. I don't get crushed on a lot,and I haven't in a while. I'm willing to help you out, can you?" I hardly focused on his words, with his face so close to mine and the sparks that were shooting up my arm. It took every urge in my body to keep calm and not to anything to the desperate boy in front of me.
"Uh huh-" wait those aren't words. "-sure." I smiled meekly, watching as his face lit up once more with happiness. "I'll ask for her email and send it to you tonight."
What the hell was happening? I was so high off of him I couldn't think properly. I didn't want to hurt him,tell him that I was lying. It was to early to lose him. But then again, can you lose something you never had ?
"Thanks." Letting go of my hand and standing up. Stuffing his phone back into his bag,slinging it over his once shoulder more. "Ill return the favor for you within no time. Thanks Tristan." And with that he was gone,a pat on the back and a few simple words of thank.
Dont thank me when I just lied to your face. "Wait,where are you going ?" Tyler asked as I also got up from my seat.
"Going to create a new email account."
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