one:how to lie
|main cast:|
Matthew Daddario as Tristian
Jermey Irvine as Roy
Practice banner made by me:
how to lie
It tasted of soap.
Everything that spilled from my mouth drained me. I spit it up like water that would soon drown me if I didn't. Deciet filled my mind and body,I ran on it in my own twisted way. My fuel,my energy,my way of living.
I could feel it in the back of my throat,hardly letting me breath. My mouth was now a running facet,and I could no longer control what came out of it.
When I was younger,my punishment for lying was my mother washing my mouth our with soap. It hadn't made me stop lying,rather only influenced me to get better at it. To improve,and develop the wrongful habit. I had done it till I no longer knew what was true and what was not. The characteristics I possesed started to posses me.
So I wouldn't get caught,and so I didn't.
I was lying before I could talk,a unknown primal instinct of mine for whatever reason.I forever remember to do it correctly, now I do, for I didn't want the taste suds burning my tongue.
And in this current moment,I felt it. Soap. But I wasn't lying to anyone,but myself this time. I closed my eyes and tried harder,yet no avail was met.
I didn't care that half the school was watching,or rather only the students that mattered. That hollar's and cat whistles were going,or the thought that people were video taping a hot session of spin the bottle to stream on their life lines.I hadn't cared that the most attractive girl in school had her tongue down my throat,almost as if she was trying to freaken swallow me.
I kissed harder,trying everything I could for it not to be true. The truth hurt more, and I could bare it no longer.
I pulled away,breathing heavy with hollow cheeks and a flushed face. Eyes stinging and breaths uneven as we parted. She was smiling at me as I did so,a slightly pout covered by a proud grin within seconds. I pulled away first,it hurt her ego. But then again,with all the attention she was getting she hadn't cared.
I could taste the soap on her lips,and see my self drowning in her eyes.
She grabbed my chin,pulling me down towards her small frame in a swift quick movement. Locking eyes with me,and freezing me under her devious glare. I focused on the blue in her eyes,deep and dark and unmoving. I swayed on the heels of my feet,unsteady for a moment as she knocked off my balance like a wave crashing on the current. "There's more where that came from." She whispered suggestively-- louder then the music,but quiet enough for only me to hear.
And you had to molest my chin to tell me that?
With that she let me go,her eyes no longer paralyzing me and nails no longer digging into my skin. And with that she swayed away, hips catching every other males attention besides mine. Instead,of going back to the hormone filled circle of half-sober teenagers, I turned on my heel and practically ran away.
Pushing my way past crowds of oblivious teens,I wiped my mouth on the back of my sleeve. Brown eyes searching for a bathroom that didn't have a puking adolescent ; and while doing so almost scrubbing my tongue with the material of my shirt.
Stamering my way up the stairs,I ignored a friend's offer for beer pong and b-lined for the unoccupied lav.
Slipping in,I shut the door and headed for the sink. Not even bothering with anything else before going to the cabinet and starting to search. Not a care in the world for privacy,like most kids my age.
I just wanted what I needed,flaw or not.
Scavenging through took a few moments before I found what I wanted: mouth wash. Taking a small plastic cup I filled it up,and took it like a shot before gargling it in my mouth. This was about as much alcohol that I had.
I spit it out once I felt clean, rid of her taste. No residue of her on me, of the reality I had to face. Turning on the sink and letting it run, I dunk my hands in. Washing them and scrubbing away at my face,like I needed to way up.
Putting away the item where it belonged and not even daring to look at the mirror, because I already knew what I looked like.I couldn't face it, my reflection. The bleak expression,or the strung out eyes. I had some how always managed to look like a drug addict,without ever being on anything.
"Its not true." I repeated under my breath,remembering mentally the best way to lie.
Lie until you don't know what's true.
I stood there a few minutes, debating on what to do. Maybe haul ass towards my car and get the hell out of here. Or go back to the party like everything was alright ? Or stay here and waste time. Tell my friends when Id see them at school Yeah I was there, guess you didn't see me. I hadn't known,and frankly at the moment I didn't care.
"Hey is anybody in here!" Someone asked ,the door opened and a boy peaking through. I looked towards him, taken back for the sudden voice other then my own.
And when brown eyes met green,I knew then I was forever screwed.
I froze like a statue, clinging onto the sink tile like it was my life line. "Oh, I'm sorry man I didn't know--hey are you okay?" The smiling boy asked concerned, his voice making my knees weak and I suddenly noticed my mouth was opened ajar. Gaping there, staring.
Yep, definitely looking like a stoner.
I shook my head,closing my eyes and nodding slowly. Inhaling a deep breath (one I hadn't known I had been holding ) and somehow managed some sort of smile to not look like a complete idiot. Well , to not look more of what I currently was. "Yeah,fine." Two words, all I could manage was two damn words. Then I opened my eyes, one at a time.
Yep, he was real.
He stood there in the doorway , eyes surveying me as if a sign that read 'HELP ME' was splayed across my chest in big bold letters. "I'm Tristan." I spoke to grab his attention, because my eyes are up here pal.
He blinked slowly, as if processing something, before jumping back into reality.
Offering a nod as a greeting, smile widening even more. A smile for me, by him. Whoever the hell he was. It was boyish and soft--and was a really describing another male's smile?
"Roy, my name is Roy."
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