How to be beautiful and fabulous
Inspiration : Felix a.k.a Pewdiepie~
NOTE or NOT?: before doing the steps, wash your face with what you usually wash to your face...Make sure you are naked and just alone while doing this, your clothes may stain if you are gonna wear some.
(1) Use something natural on your face like watermelon, banana, strawberry and etc.
[ example: rubbing a banana on your face *coughs* rubbing it on your face *coughs* the banana *coughs* yeah, feels just right— I mean..*coughs* sliced banana]
(2)then after that..Try to squeeze lemon to your face, it won't hurt that much if you don't have pimps.
*WARNING: be careful with the eyes, put sliced cucumbers to cover your eyes to prevent the sourness of the lemon*
(3) smash the tomata on your both cheeks like a boss! or make someone karate kick it to your cheeks — this is the best way to make your cheeks naturally red without the slapping session that you have to go through everyday at home and school or worse in prison, but the worst...IN THE WOODS!
(4) put two 5 milliliter (ml) of vinegar on your both cheeks if it is already red — It might sting a bit, but don't worry, it won't hurt you as much as how life hurt you, straight right through the heart! ;-; :'(
(My reaction to the third one: That last one though.... ;-; so much paaaaaaain, peeeeeeeynnn)
(5) Try to put carrots on your nose, be gentle with yourself
(6) do Yoga regularly
(7) check below ⇩⇩⇩ for the Yoga schedule
8:00 AM - 8:15 AM = breathe in and breathe out
8:15 AM - 8:30 AM
*you can't just do Yoga immediately right after eating! have some free time! *
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM = Call the master of peace
11:30 AM - 11:59 AM = know your true self, your innerpeace, your beneficial strength
12:00 PM - 12:00 = Do your win pose
(8) do this everyday!
* You wear clothes — old clothes, so that you won't get sick..You might get cold, you know...
* If you are not alone and with someone to assist you — I mean...Who's gonna karate kick you!? ROFLZ
* your win pose is very sexy ♡ yeah hohohohohohohoho and you would post it on facebook and tag me (jk jk)
13|04|17 22:13
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