The True Treasure
Scott burst through his door, crying.
He crashed into his bed and cried himself to sleep.
I'm such an idiot. I should've known that they could hear me.
Scott woke up and sighed.
I should probably shower and get ready for the day. Scott thought.
He took off his jacket and threw it on the floor.
He heard a loud Thunk when his jacket hit the floor and then he remembered the book.
How could I forget the book?
He grabbed the book out of his jacket and settled down at his desk.
Scott opened the book and read,
"The Book of Prophecies: Past and Future
Page 1: Kindred spirits will find each other and unite once more in this world, as they do in every other world.
Page 2: A dark spirit will consume the most vain rulers. Their joyful spirit turned evil by the promise of power."
That kind of sounds like Sausage and Joey with Xornoth. Scott thought.
"Page 3: A prosperous land shall be laid to waste. Streets will run bad before the spires are toppled.
Page 4: There will emerge a great northern palace unlike anything the world has ever seen."
That sounds like Lizzie and her palace. The Prisma Palace is certainly something we've never seen before.
"Page 5: A great betrayal will wrench the hearts of the rulers until a rain falls to cleanse the pain.
Page 6: An heir born the Ocean Empire shall be rare and exquisite. An amphibian of great power, the blue axolotl.
Page 7: Two ancient sea-dwellers ruled the oceans long before human empires ever stood, each able to communicate with creatures of the sea. But should they leave the ocean behind, they are doomed to forget their true self and their past.
Page 8: Brotherly souls trapped in an endless battle since the beginning of time, chaos and order, light and dark, hot and cold. One cannot exist without the other, for if one soul dies, the other is sure to follow.
Page 9: Shaded by trees an Empire will be found.
Page 10: An Empire that commemorates the fallen will be blessed by bountiful luck.
Page 11: The King of the Jungle will learn to defend his lands and people from slaughter.
Page 12: A Master of the Magic craft will impart their knowledge upon eager peers.
Gem did that. Scott thought.
Page 13: A coronet will circulate the world, bestowing ultimate power upon the wearer.
Page 14: A father will become a boy once more.
Page 15: The untapped power of unassuming cattle will be harnessed for nefarious means.
Page 16: A kingdom will emerge from capped stalks.
Page 17: A short king will rise.
Page 18: Well-nourished flora will reach into the sky. It will require the dedication of a lifetime to nurture such a plant.
Page 19: Words spat through vicious mockery will sound strangely melodious from the mouth of a Mezelean.
Page 20: A pursuit to chart the united lands will be fruitless and long.
Page 21: A great source of knowledge will be lost to the memory of mortals, only to be utilized once more by the rightful heir.
Page 22: Explorers will settle unforgiving landscapes and thrive.
Page 23: The resolution of a never-ending feud brings unimaginable chaos that will destroy the world."
Scott lowered the book.
"What... did I... just read..."
"This book is more than I asked for. This can tell the future!"
This is so cool! Too bad it didn't mention anything about 3rd Life. But this stuff does seem familiar.
Scott flipped through the book again, smiling at the things he already knew, and making guesses about the other prophesies.
Wait, it says unimaginable chaos will destroy the world. How could that happen? Then it says two souls are bound together. Hot and cold... maybe that's fWhip and Gem? Gem lives in the high mountains, and fWhip likes to mess with explosions, so that makes sense.
But what is 3rd life? It was a dream, but it felt real. Hearing Jimmy call me 'petal', him kissing me on my forehead, him saying that we were flower husbands and that I proposed to him... it was all a dream. NOTHING about it was real. It might've felt real, but it wasn't.
Scott sighed as he blinked back his tears. I need some cheering up.
Scott decided that he was going to shower and take a fly around the lands.
Scott stood at a cliff in Rivendell and jumped off.
He let the wind fall past his face, smiling.
At the last second, Scott folded out his wings, the horns also sprouting from his head, and flew off. He didn't know where he was going but he liked the feeling of letting his soul guide him.
Eventually, Scott found himself in the Cod Empire. Why am I here? Scott thought.
He landed near a pond and folded in his wings.
He peered into the pond and almost fell off his feet. What was that?!
Scott looked closer into the pond, and he saw another form of himself staring back. It looked like the version of him in the dream.
The Scott in the pond was standing in a flower field like the one in his dream.
Then the Jimmy that Scott had seen in his dream, the one who called him 'petal', appeared next to the Scott in the pond.
Is that land on the other side of the pond?
Scott crouched down, about to put his hand in the water when,
"Scott? What are you doing here?"
Scott turned around and blushed, Jimmy was running up to him.
Scott looked back to the pond and only saw cod. The reflection was gone.
"Dammit." Scott said under his breath.
"What did you say?" Jimmy asked, crouching down next to Scott.
"Anyway, what are you doing here?"
"I... I was just flying around and decided to stop here. I needed to get my mind off things."
Jimmy nodded, "Do you want to talk about what happened at the meeting?"
Scott stayed silent, he was infinitely happy that he was sitting next to Jimmy, it was romantic, but Scott felt worried about how Jimmy would react.
"You don't have to if you don't want to." Jimmy added, looking embarrassed.
Scott looked at Jimmy, "No, I... I should tell you what's going on. I have no one else to really talk to."
Jimmy wrapped his arm around Scott, his face red.
Scott flinched, but then leaned his head on Jimmy's shoulder.
"Thanks." Scott said, "But whatever I tell you, please, promise me you won't tell anyone."
"I won't." Jimmy said, "But do you want to fly somewhere else that's more... private?"
Scott looked around, and sure enough, people were staring at them, some pointing and gossiping.
Scott and Jimmy got up and Jimmy strapped on elytra.
"Follow me." Jimmy said, grabbing Scott's hand and started flying.
Scott folded out his wings and flew off after Jimmy.
After a while, Jimmy and Scott landed.
Scott looked around and saw that Jimmy had led them to a pretty flower forest, not far from House Blossom.
Jimmy sat down next to a pond near the flower field, and patted the ground next to him, signaling Scott to sit down.
Scott sat down and rested his head on Jimmy's shoulder again.
Jimmy rubbed Scott's back and said, "Would you want to start by telling me who Eleanor is?"
Scott took a deep breath and nodded, "It's going to be a lot. Tell me when you want me to stop or don't understand, and I'll do my best to explain."
Then Scott started explaining everything about Xornoth being his brother, how he's a god and is supposed to stop the corruption, and about his dream, well the first part of it, he left out the part with Jimmy in it.
At the end, Scott took a deep breath and sighed.
"I'm sorry, you probably don't understand anything I was saying."
"I'm really shocked at the fact that you're a god and Xornoth is your brother, but... if it makes you feel better..." Jimmy trailed off.
"I had a similar dream to yours. The dark room thing and remembering things."
"Yeah, but mine wasn't about me being in past memories. I was seeing and hearing things. Stuff like, 'We're flower husbands!' and 'I love you, petal.'"
He knows about flower husbands and 'petal' too?! Scott was amazed, but let Jimmy continue.
"I also saw things like rings, one gold, one silver, then a poppy, two guys kissing in a flower field, and another version of me. It was me, just wearing different clothes. He also had the silver ring on from earlier. When I asked him who he proposed to, he just said 'petal'. I don't even know who 'petal' is."
Should I tell him? This could be my chance of us getting together. But... what if he's not gay, and the 3rd Life version was?
"Scott? Are you okay? You've been silent for a long time."
"Sorry! I... had similar dream to yours."
"But you didn't mention it?"
"I was worried that you wouldn't understand." Scott said, trying not to make eye contact with Jimmy.
"So, was yours about flower husbands?"
"Yeah, but it was like the one with Xornoth. I was actually there, it felt real."
"What was your like?"
"This is going to sound crazy, but I showed up in a flower forest and you ran up to me, you know the other you."
Jimmy nodded.
"You ran over and hugged me, calling me 'petal' and kissing me on my forehead. When I told him I didn't know where I was or who he was, he told me he was Jimmy and that he proposed to me. That we've been through everything together. And then he started crying..."
Scott trailed off.
Jimmy was silent.
"I'm sorry, I'm just dragging you into my problems." Scott said, getting up.
"No, it's okay!" Jimmy said, also getting up.
"No, it's not! I'm just putting you in danger and making you worry about me." Scott spread out his wings, ready to take off.
"Wait! Scott please, wait." Jimmy said, grabbing Scott's hand and making Scott look at him.
"Why?! Why is it like that?!" Jimmy shouted back.
"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU JIMMY!" Scott shouted, then he yanked his hand back, and flew off.
But Scott just kept flying.
He was crying, now Jimmy's a target for Xornoth. Anyone I care about is.
Scott crashed into his bedroom again and locked his door. I can't talk to anyone anymore; I'm just going to put them in danger.
Scott folded his wings around him and fell asleep, little did he know, there was a small blue glow that appeared on his hands and disappeared.
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