Encasing The Demon
Scott's Perspective
Scott and Jimmy broke apart.
The party was silent. Everyone was staring at them.
Scott opened his eyes; Jimmy's hand was on his cheek while Scott's hands were on Jimmy's waist.
Even though everyone was staring at them, it felt like Scott and Jimmy were alone.
But then,
Lizzie started clapping.
Then Katherine started clapping.
And soon, everyone was clapping and cheering.
Jimmy and Scott laughed, even though they were kind of embarrassed.
The rest of the evening carried on, and Scott was happier than ever.
Near the end of the party, Scott's friends offered to help clean up.
"Thanks guys." Scott said, smiling.
"Wait, Scott." Jimmy said, grabbing Scott's hand before he could go help Katherine take down decorations.
"Yes?" Scott asked, facing Jimmy.
"Does this mean we're boyfriends?"
"Do you not want that?" Scott asked.
"No! I was just wondering. Because... you see... my parent's... they're very homophobic. Luckily, neither of them came today."
"Why didn't they come?"
"Well... I kind of told them that the parents would stay behind. And that they could come along if they wanted to, but they didn't."
Scott nodded.
"So are you saying that we shouldn't have kissed in front of everyone because now your parents will probably know because some of your townsfolks are here?"
"Yeah... yeah. Probably a bad move on me."
"I gotta help Katherine and Gem. I'll see you later."
"Bye, King of Rivendell." Jimmy said, bowing.
Scott laughed, "And goodbye to you, Cod Boy."
The Next Day
"King Scott." Gem said, knocking on the Rivendell palace.
"Hello Wizard Gem." Lumi said, bowing.
"I am here for a meeting with Scott."
"Yes, right this way please."
Lumi led Gem through the village to the secret meeting room. Well, it's not so secret since all of the emperors know where it is.
"Thank you." Gem said to Lumi, once they walked in.
"Hi, Gem!" Scott said, standing up from his seat to greet her.
"It's literally the first day you've had the crown, and you already want a meeting." Gem said, teasingly.
"Well, I needed to talk about Xornoth with you guys." Scott said, sitting down next to Katherine.
Gem sat down too, and Scott began to talk.
"Okay, so I decided that to be able to get rid of Xornoth, we should like, trap him. Find a way to keep him from using his magic. To encase him."
"I think that's a good idea, it's just what we would encase him in." Katherine said.
"What about a crystal? They're commonly used for encasing things, they're able to hold magic, and they're easy to carry around." Gem said.
"Do you think if we get rid of Xornoth, all the corruption would disappear?" Katherine asked.
"I think the tentacles would, but I'm not sure about the crystals. I think we would have to find a way to destroy the crystals." Scott said.
"Okay, so... let's say the crystal works, which I'm sure it will, but how would we get Xornoth into the crystal?"
"Magic." Gem said, "It would be a hard spell though. I'm able to encase things in crystals, but Xornoth is very powerful. So, it'll take a lot of energy and power to hold him into the crystal. And I don't think using a regular encasing spell would work. They're normally used for animals, or items, and dark magic... I just know there has to be another, better encasing spell out there."
They fell into silence. All thinking.
Wait... I think I've read something about encasing. Scott thought. But where...
"The library!" Scott shouted, making the girls jump.
"Which library? There are tons." Katherine said.
"The library in the cave. You know, Gem. The one you showed me about a month ago."
Gem looked shocked and tried her hardest to remember.
"Oh, yeah!" She snapped her fingers, "The tower in the cave! Come on, the sooner we leave, the better."
"Here we are!" Gem said, beaming at the cave.
"It just dawned on me that you had to leave the egg. I'm so sorry Gem." Katherine said.
"No, it's okay. My parents started to get really worried about how stressed I was about the egg and forced me to take a break. So now I can do other things without having to watch it."
Gem grabbed a torch and led Scott and Katherine to the library.
"Are you sure this is the right cave?" Katherine asked, unsure about her surroundings.
"Positive." Gem said.
"I don't remember where the book was exactly, but I do remember that it was in Elvish." Scott said.
Eventually, they all walked into the library tower. Scott and Gem started looking for the book immediately, while Katherine wandered around, amazed at all the books.
"This section is labeled spells, so it'll probably be in here." Scott said.
Gem walked over and started grabbing random books.
"Scott, you sit down at the table and read the books that I give you until we find the encasing spell." Gem said.
Scott nodded and sat down at the desk.
Katherine dropped a pile of 10 books on the desk.
"Sorry Scott. This is gonna take a while."
"It's okay, it'll be worth it." Scott said as he opened the first book.
Katherine and Gem stood over Scott's shoulder, watching him anxiously.
The book was titled 'Book of Dark Spells.' So, they had their hopes up.
Scott started shaking his head, and Katherine and Gem sighed.
Gem walked back over to the bookshelf when Scott said,
Gem turned to face him. A smile spread across his face.
"This is it."
Gem rushed over to Scott and looked at the book.
"Can you translate it?" Katherine asked.
"I can... but it'll take a bit."
Gem took out her spell book and pen.
"I'm ready when you are."
Scott took a deep breath and started reading.
"Encasing dark magic has killed and seriously injured many who have tried it. To be able to keep the magic in the crystal, you will have to summon most, if not all, of your energy."
Scott stopped and looked at Gem.
"Are you sure you want to do this? I don't want you to kill yourself just to get rid of Xornoth."
"Don't worry. Sacrifices must be made." Gem said.
"What if there's another way!" Katherine shouted.
Gem shook her head.
"This is our best option. It's a way to hold him for good. To prevent him from using his magic."
Katherine was silent but sighed.
"Okay Scott. You can continue reading." She said.
Scott nodded and continued reading the spell.
"Got that?" Scott asked.
"Yep." Gem nodded.
Katherine had left in between them trying to decipher the spell.
"Come on, we better go." Scott said, getting up and stretching.
Gem yawned, "Yeah. I'll find a crystal tomorrow."
Scott and Gem flew off towards their kingdoms.
God I'm so tired. What time is it anyway? Scott thought.
He landed and opened his door.
"Scott! You're out late." Lumi said.
Scott was too tired to say anything, so instead he nodded.
"Is everything okay?"
He nodded again.
"Are you gonna talk?"
"Bed- tired- night." Scott said and fell asleep.
Yay it's December! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and know that I probably might take the next week off. I have a lot of tests, a science project, and an orchestra concert to prepare for, so those will be taking up my time, but I will be back by December 10. (At least on this story. I got two stories I plan on releasing another chapter, but they're short).
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