Part 1
Papyrus's POV:
"Hey San's, You Up To Try My Spaghetti?" Papyrus Asked Cooking The Food
San's POV: "I'd rather lick Temmie's Fur Then Have Your Spaghetti..."
Papyrus's POV:
"Not Like I Set Anything On Fire...pfffffft" as Papyrus Looked At The Burning IceCube And Burnt Spaghetti
San's POV: don't worry about it Kiddo...I mean Papyrus's Is Well...Papyrus...he did...he set a fricken IceCube On Fire
Kiddo's POV: Again With The really I'm not gonna be the one that always has to try his spaghetti...I always get afraid he just glares over me like he wants to makeout with my hair...and I'm over her like slurrrrrrp on the spaghetti hiding that I wanna puke
Papyrus's POV: "Order Up!"
Kiddo's POV: I go I walked over "Hey Papy" I sighed and started to eat the spaghetti
Papyrus's POV: MMMM I know she loves it just look at her I glared over staring into Kiddo's Hair
San's POV: Ooooooooooooooooooooooo "Papy Pssst Papy" Sans whispered "keep glaring into her hair!" San's whispered
Kiddo's POV: he's at again as I kept slurrrrrrping away as I covered my face and ran out of Grillby's
Papyrus's POV: I ran out to see if kiddo was ok
Kiddo's POV: "Blaahhhhh" I puked "I knew it I can't stand it! It's just to bad!" I Yelled
Papyrus's POV: I Frowned Within Seconds And Went To See San's "I knew My Food Is Un Edible For A Human!" I yelled
San's POV: "Maybe It's Just That Human Papy" I said to comfort him even though it was really true
Papyrus's POV: I Got Up To Go See Kiddo
Kiddo's POV: I was still puking my guts out until my eyes faded into the dark and gross monster acid 'ewww am I inside a stomach?' I thought
Papyrus's POV: hahaha now she don't have to complain when the spaghetti goes down her throat because it will be going down mine!
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