Chapter 17 : Encounters in Diagon Alley 《《 Rochelle's POV 》》
It was August 12th when the Springfields headed to Diagon Alley.
Once they arrived at Diagon Alley Resonance was practically bouncing with barely contained joy
She was in Diagon Alley, the very same Diagon Alley that Harry Potter visited to get his school supplies for Hogwarts !! Of course she's gonna be excited !!
" Okay princess where do you wanna head to first ? Madame Malkins, Potage's Cauldron Shop, Slug and Jiggers Apothecary, Magical Menagerie ... " Resonance's father said counting on his fingers
" Ollivander's. Duh ... " Resonance said
" Okay honey, your father and Auggie will meet us at Flourish & Blotts when they're done shopping for Auggie's stuff okay ? " Resonance's mother said
" Okay mother "
And with that Resonance and her mother walked to Ollivander's
" Go on in dear, there are a few things I need to take care of " Resonance's mother said once they arrived at Ollivander's
Resonance squealed a bit in excitement and walked in, looking around in awe. So many wands ...
And one of them would be hers ...
" Ah Miss Springfield !! Come for your first wand I see. I've been expecting you "
Resonance whirled around to look behind the desk, where on a rolling ladder was none other than Mr. Ollivander himself
" Come come, yes it feels like just yesterday when your mother, father, and brothers came in to buy their first wands ... " Ollivander pulled a white wand box off the shelf and climbed down the ladder as Resonance slowly approached the front desk
Ollivander opened up the wand box and handed the wand to Resonance
" Well go on, give it a whirl " Ollivander said
Resonance gave it a wave and soot came out of it and onto Ollivander's face
" Perhaps not that one "
Ollivander took that wand and set it on his desk then grabbed a bright yellow wand box and opened it, handing her a wand of a lighter shade of wood than the previous wand she tried
Resonance gave it a whirl and a window shattered
" Nope, no. Definatly not ... " Ollivander said and went back to the shelf of wand boxes and got out three more for her to try
Those ones failed as well
Resonance sighed in exasperation. At this rate she'll never get her wand
Ollivander went back to the wand self and was about to take a few more out for her to try but then paused
" I wonder ... " Ollivander mused and walked from the shelf to head into the back of the shop, leaving Resonance confused
Ollivander came back holding a deep blue wand box " I wonder ... "
He opened the box and pulled out a very beautiful and uniqe wand.
It was made of a wood that was a navy blue color - does wood like that even exist ? - with a large rough aquamarine embedded at the end of the hilt of the wand
Ollivander handed her the wand, and as she held it she felt warm inside and heard what she thought was angels singing and she smiled happily
" Hmm ... Curious, very curious ... " Ollivander said
" I'm sorry, what's curious ? "
" I remember creating this 11 years ago, made up of a very unique wood you see. Bluewaterwood, a very rare wood, made from the branch of the only Bluewaterwood tree in existence, or so I've been told, it's core made of mermaid hair, the wand itself at 11 1/2 inches.
' Mermaid hair ? Bluewaterwood ? '
Resonance thought to herself as she walked with her mother to go get the rest of her things after paying for her wand.
Suddenly she heard a girlish scream and a strangely familiar blonde haired boy around her physical age had ran past her and her mother away from a horde of ... dancing sugarplum furred ferrets and floating shoes ?
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