Yours For All Seasons
(The song is Girl For All Seasons from the movie Grease 2)
I'll be yours in winter, when the snow is on the ground.
I'll warm you through December, and I'll always be around.
We'll kiss below the mistletoe, when Santa comes to town.
I'll be yours for all seasons, all the year through.
Yours for all seasons,
'Cause I love, yes
I love to be everything to you, just you.
~ Grease 2 Cast
"Double D..." I awoke to feather-light kisses on my face. "Cease this," I whined, swatting at Kevin's arm as I rolled away. It was silent for a moment, and I thought he had listened. Suddenly, I was lifted from bed and smothered with kisses. I made an ungodly sound as I wriggled around helplessly. "Good Lord, Kevin! Put me down now! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, I'M STILL NUDE!" I shrieked. He set me on the bed gently, still keeping me in his embrace as he burst into laughter. "It's also," he paused to look over my shoulder at the clock on my night stand, "8:03 a.m. Your friends are downstairs, and I believe today is Saturday. So, it's time to get your cute little ass out of bed," he explained, letting me fall on the bed with a soft thud before getting up and leaving the room. "You, you jerk! You let me oversleep!?" I shouted, slamming the door as his chuckles drifted farther down the hall. I scrambled around for a pair of boxers and a pair of sweatpants, slipping them on and throwing my beanie on before jogging out the door and downstairs. "Well, well, well," Eddy called from the bottom of the stair case, greeting me with a sly smirk. "DOUBLE D DOES THAT HURT!?" Ed shouted as he scurried over to us, poking and prodding at my chest. I looked down to see that: 1) I was still shirtless, and 2) there were three small bruises that formed a line from my clavicle down. I looked past my friends to glare at my boyfriend who was retreating into the kitchen. "You get back here!" I shouted, pushing between them to chase after him. "Double D, I-"
Before he had a chance to say anything, I swatted him on the arm. "I have a swim meet this afternoon; how am I going to explain this to my teammates? Or my coach? Oh dear God, I'm going to have people watching me swim and all they're going to notice is a slew of- of hickeys on me!" I shouted. "Well, they'll know you're mine," he replied. "Shush! You're not helping my dilemma!" He was laughing uncontrollably, and I knew there wasn't any point in wasting my breath. I huffed angrily, picking up a dish towel and snapping it in his direction. It made a loud pop in the air. "Get out of my kitchen so that I can prepare breakfast," I grumbled. He let out a gleeful laugh, kissing me quickly as he walked by. "You're so cute when you're mad," he taunted. "Out!" I growled, unable to stop the smile that crept to my face.
As I gathered the ingredients for pancakes, there was a loud rapping at the door followed by, "Kevin, I know you're in there!" I listened to the commotion in the living room with a smile as I continued to work on breakfast. "I went by your house, and your old man said you didn't come home last night," Nathan said. I could just imagine him wagging his eyebrows. "Oh, Ed and Eddy are here...that makes things less interesting." My cheeks burned as I remembered last night. Oh, things had sure been interesting, I thought as I began pouring batter onto a hot skillet. Footsteps neared the kitchen followed by Kevin's pleas. "Don't go messin' with him, Nat! Every time you talk to him, you embarrass him!"
"Double Cutie! Look at you, cookin' up a big breakfast for everyone. Half of those are for Kevin, right? I'm sure he has a real big appetite this morning," he giggled, leaning against the counter beside me. I glanced at him out of my peripheral, biting back all the comebacks in my head. "Nathan, would you like to stay for breakfast?" I asked instead, watching him throw his hand over his chest in a dramatic display of mock surprise. "Oh, Double Delish, call me Nat. I'm flattered that you'd ask! How kind of you!" he squealed, throwing his arms around me. Kevin pried him off of me roughly, sending his best friend a warning glare. I couldn't stop from laughing at them. "Double D, what'cha makin'?" Ed asked, Eddy trailing into the kitchen behind him. "Pancakes, Ed. Would you like blueberries or chocolate chips?" I was met with a chorus of answers from all four boys.
"So, what's everyone doing over here? Is this the new official chill spot?" Nat asked, taking a seat at the breakfast table. "We have breakfast together every morning. Double D is an awesome cook," Eddy replied with a shrug. "Yeah, and you weren't invited to breakfast," Kevin mumbled, sulking next to me. "Actually, I was. Did you not hear Double Cutie ask me to stay?" he retorted, sending a devilish smirk toward his best friend. I smiled to myself as they started their typical banter. The house didn't feel empty. Every day, I was less alone, and it was all because of Kevin. He had brought both of our groups together, and my heart swelled with joy at the fact that this scene taking place in my kitchen, of all places, was thanks to the man next to me.
"I ask that everyone take their seats, as we are about to begin the 100-Meter Individual Medley," the announcer spoke. Things settled down, and I took a moment to glance around. Ed and Eddy were on the top row of bleachers, of course, joined by Kevin and Nat (who had insisted on coming despite Kevin's protests). Deep breaths, clear your mind, I thought as I stepped onto the stand. I stretched lazily, my gaze wandering back to Kevin. His eyes had darkened with desire as he watched me. I began to bite my lip, resisting the urge to acknowledge my indecent thoughts, "Eddward, eyes on the prize. You can ogle your boy-toy later," Tyler snorted from somewhere behind me. I shook my head and stared down at the water. "On your mark!" the announcer bellowed. I crouched low, gripping the edge of the stand. A whistle was blown, and I hit the water with perfect form. Butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke...what would be most efficient for the freestyle? My arms and legs are quite long, and I'm already ahead of the others. The combat swimmer stroke would be most logical if I want to save my strength for the other races, my thoughts ran in a single direction as I made my way to the other side of the pool. Jonah was in lane 4, and he was close behind me. Applewood didn't stand a chance. I came out of the water, greeted by my friends screeching in the bleachers, Kevin the loudest of them all. "Good job kid," Coach Bryton grinned, handing me a towel. I wrapped it around my shoulders, acknowledging the congratulations from my teammates with a small nod.
I made my way to the side of the bleachers, reaching up and tapping on the top row three times. Eddy responded by handing me a bottle of blue Powerade and a bag of trail mix. Kevin and Nathan peeked their heads over the side, practically sprawled across Eddy's lap. "Hey, back off!" he yelled. "You were awesome Double D!" Nathan grinned. "You did great babe!" I smiled up at them, filled with pride. "I know. Thank you," I responded smugly. "Whoa-hoa! Watch out, Superstar's getting cocky," Nathan teased. Eddy pushed them away. "Seriously, you guys are killing me. Fat asses," he complained. I handed my refreshments back to Eddy before wiping myself down with the towel. "Well, back into the shark pit," I joked. "Good luck babe!" Kevin called as I made my way over to my team.
It felt like the meet was over in a matter of minutes, although it had been about two hours now. My heart was racing and the adrenaline was coursing through my veins as I accepted my trophy, along with a few of my other teammates and a couple kids from Applewood. "You did a fantastic job," I murmured to one of my opponents. He was holding a 3rd place trophy, his expression one of disappointment. His lips quirked upward and he whispered, "Thanks, but you really deserved first place. Be proud of yourself." As people dispersed to find their way to friends and family, Coach Bryton gathered us together near the locker room. "I'm real proud of you all. You put in a lot of time and effort in the past couple of weeks, and it truly paid off. I want you guys to hit the showers, go home, and enjoy the holidays. We'll pick up practice at 5:30 sharp the first day back from vacation," he announced.
I stepped into the locker room, shoving the trophy into my gym bag before grabbing a fresh towel. Swim team had been such fun for me, and I was always excited for meets, but I wasn't too thrilled about the awards. They were just material things, and I didn't need them. For some reason, my parents took pride in them, so I was always sure to keep them. My shower was scalding and quick; Kevin and my friends were waiting for me. Choruses of "See ya!", "Enjoy the break!" and "Have a Merry Christmas!" echoed throughout the locker room as one by one we got dressed and exited. "PIZZAAAAAAA!!" someone bellowed before I crashed into 5-foot 6-inch of a living, breathing sugar rush. "Oh, hey, sorry Double D," the small boy with a crooked smile and royal blue hair apologized. "It's quite alright, Devan," I sighed, taking his outstretched hand and getting up. "Some of us are going to Pizza Hut, you in?" I twirled the ends of my hair anxiously. "I don't think so. My friends-"
"Come on Double D, pleeeeeaaaasssse?" he begged. "You never come out with us!" My quartet of friends approached. "I could go for pizza," Kevin chimed in. "Ditto," Eddy agreed. I smiled weakly. "Sounds good to me," I relented. Devan sprinted to the other end of the pool, where teammates were gathered near the exit. "Guys! Double D is coming with us!!" he cheered. The other guys cheered as well, gesturing for us to hurry up. Ed nearly carried me toward the exit as we rushed to freedom.
The restaurant was packed with excited and exhausted swimmers alike along with their family, friends, and significant others. Chatter was lively and near incoherent as drinks and plates were passed around. "Hey Double D!" Tyler shouted from the other end of the long table. I leaned around Eddy to look at him. "Yes?" I responded. "What're you doing for Christmas?" I wrung my shirt in between my hands as I thought about it. I actually had no clue what was planned. "U-um, well...I-"
"Double D and I are going to Lumpy's house Christmas morning, then we're eating at my house that afternoon, and he's all Lover Boy's that night," Eddy cut in, wagging his eyebrows at Kevin. The football star responded by flinging a chunk of pizza crust at his face. Eddy retaliated, pegging him with slices of pepperoni. "Gentlemen, please," I sighed, weaving my way around their attacks as I was seated between them. "My parents are doing Christmas dinner at my place, 8 o'clock. You wanna come?" he whispered lowly. I nodded, unable to stop the ridiculous grin that spread across my face. "Oh, I see how it is!" Nathan wailed dramatically from across the table. "Invite Double Cutie for a holiday with the folks, but just forget about me!" His childish pouting was enough to have the entire table bursting into laughter.
"Bye everyone!" Double D called, waving as I took his hand. Nat pulled up beside us and rolled his window down. "You guys sure you don't need a ride?" he asked. I could feel Double D's expectant gaze. "Nah man, we're good. Thanks for taking the other dorks home though," I declined. "Well fuck you, too! We didn't wanna ride home with you guys anyway," Eddy shouted playfully. Ed leaned over Nat, yelling at us, "You two lovebirds be safe! Wouldn't want you to get abducted!" Double D laughed, reaching in the window and ruffling his tawny locks. "Sure thing, Ed." With a few farewells, they drove off, and we were left alone in the parking lot. "So...about Christmas..." I began, rubbing the back of my neck like I always did when I was nervous. I glanced down at him, noticing the anxiety in his eyes. "What about Christmas?" he whispered. He took my hand, leading me toward the street. We walked in silence for a few moments, the cold winter air and the snow under our feet the only sound that could be heard. "My family is...very touchy-feely? I guess that's the only way I know how to put it. They will ask A LOT of questions. My cousins will want to talk to you, play with you, drag you around like a rag doll," I chuckled, staring up at the clear winter sky. Please don't be scared off by them, I prayed silently. "I just want you to be prepared, alright?"
I felt his hand squeeze mine and I looked down at him. I couldn't stop myself from smiling as he grinned up at me. "Delicious food, large family, a slew of over-excited children? It sounds like it will be lovely," he assured me. "Okay, good," I breathed, relief flooding through me. As if reading my mind, he piped up, "Do not worry. There is nothing that could keep me from you. Not even a wild family." I leaned down, pressing a kiss to his smiling lips. Oh my God! How did I get so lucky?
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