Summer Love
I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love, you'll see
This just can't be summer love
~Justin Timberlake
"Just so we're clear, I never ever EVER want to go on a car ride with any of you ever again," Marie groaned as she hopped out of The Hippie Bus. Her black tee had a picture of Stitch on it and was tied in a knot in the middle of her stomach. Everyone climbed out with similar statements and complaints, but Nat... oh, dear, sweet Nat. He hopped out wearing a tacky Hawaiin shirt that- instead of tropical flowers or tiki designs- had pictures of Mike and Sully all over. "Are you kidding?!" he squealed excitedly, his voice pitched up high enough to send animals fleeing away from the sound. "WE'RE AT DISNEY WORLD! FUCKIN' DISNEY! HOW ARE YOU GUYS NOT GODDAMN STOKED?!?!" A mother glared at us as she steered her two spawn away from us in the parking lot. "Hey man, maybe tone down the language, eh? There's little one's around," Sarah lightly scolded. We crossed the parking lot in a herd, approaching the front gate with growing excitement. "Really though, Nathan. Was it necessary for you to pay for this whole excursion?" Double D asked as we entered the park, wringing his hands nervously. "Not only was it necessary, Double Delish," Nat declared as he slung an arm around my boyfriend, "it was imperative to my continued existence. Just let me do this nice thing for you guys and stop being about it!"
"Fine, fine," my boyfriend relented. "Where to first?" Jimmy cut us all off with an excited shriek. "OH MY GOD IT'S MICKEY!!!" He took off at a dead sprint with Sarah eagerly following on his heels and Eddy anxiously chasing them both. Nazz eagerly began dragging Marie off toward Frontierland. Gradually, everyone split up and went their own way. Double D and I were left wandering through the park alone. "Soooo, where do you want to go first?" I asked, swinging our hands slowly as we walked down Main Street, browsing the shops leisurely. He wandered toward Main Street Confectionery and I couldn't help but chuckle. "Sweet tooth already babe?" He looked over his shoulder at me with a coy smile. "But of course," he giggled. "I know they were cracking jokes about the purse," I snorted, pointing to the messenger bag hanging against his side, "but you brought that specifically to carry sweets didn't you?" He made a beeline for the glass cases that housed Mickey Mouse-shaped treats and Disney-themed desserts. "You know me so well," he sighed. I stood by patiently as he loaded up on food, purchasing little goodie bags filled with cookies and sacks of cotton candy with Mickey Mouse's face stamped on the plastic. He moved on to the candy bins, and poured scoop after scoop into bags. I continued to admire him like I was seeing him for the first time. Thick, inky locks tumbling down past his shoulders in light waves; black t-shirt with Maleficent on it with "Baddest Witch" in purple letters; black and purple flannel tied around his waist; slender hips and toned legs wrapped in deep violet skinny jeans; paint-splattered white Converse with the silhouette of every Disney villain drawn on in black Sharpie; his ever-familiar beanie; that lopsided, gap-toothed, joyful smile. All of it drove me insane. All of it made my heart swell with joy. All of him made me think, How did I get so lucky?
He cashed out and skipped over to me, munching happily on a bag of caramel popcorn. "Want some?" he offered. I took a handful, eating contently as we left the shop and continued on our adventure through the park. "This is going to sound absolutely ridiculous and childish and ever so...lame, but can we go to Belle's Cottage? I...erm, I- I really want to meet Belle," he stammered, shifting anxiously. I took another handful of popcorn, swaying and bumping his side with each step. "Of course Púca," I replied. Loud shrieks and excited chatter, bubbly music and whirring of machines; everything was overwhelming and just...loud. I warily observed my boyfriend, expecting him to go into a panic attack at any moment, but he was...smiling. He was eager and excited and immersing himself in the environment. His royal blue eyes were alight with joy as his focus darted from attraction to attraction. It quelled my own anxiety, and I couldn't help but smile as I admired him. What's not to smile about? I mean, he was...perfect. This whole trip was perfect. This day was perfect. Nothing could ruin my mood.
I eagerly jumped into frame as Double D caught photos with any and every Disney character we passed. We rode the tea cups and the carousel; we visited Bella's cottage and he got her to autograph a copy of Beauty and the Beast that he had brought surely for this specific reason; we went on Peter Pan's Flight and then visited the Hall of Presidents; we hit the Pirates of the Caribbean ride and circled back around to hop on the riverboat, and then- "BABE! SPLASH MOUNTAIN! Get on it with me, pleasepleasepleaseplease!" I pleaded. He stared up at the monstrous ride apprehensively, his gaze flickering between me and it. "O-okay," he reluctantly agreed. I pulled him into my arms and kissed him warmly, my hands pressed firmly on his back. When I pulled away, he was smiling. "It's alright to be nervous, babe. You'll be safe with me, I promise." He nodded, staring back at the line again. "I trust you, Citrouille," he swallowed. Oh, thankyouthankyouthankyou, I thought joyfully as I took his hand and tugged him along to the back of the line. I bounced from foot-to-foot in excitement. To anyone else, I must've looked ridiculous in my Finding Nemo t-shirt and Mickey Mouse ears with my name on them as I jumped up and down beside my boyfriend. But I didn't care. I'm happy and I'm excited, and anyone who wants to be a judgmental dick about it can suck my dick! ...but not really though, I thought, shaking my head at the last thought. Double D looked up at me curiously and I just chuckled softly in response. "S'nothing dork," I murmured. The line was moving sooooo slow! After what felt like hours, we finally got to the front. I tugged Double D right into the front row, jittering like crazy when I finally sat down. He looked around quietly as he slowly took his seat. "...this doesn't look so bad," he remarked, his whole body relaxing as he settled beside me. I wrapped an arm around him, pulling him against my side and planting a quick kiss on his forehead. "Nothing to worry about, we'll be fine," I assured.
Everyone took their seats and once the carts were filled, the ride slowly cranked to life and we pulled forward, water sloshing around the logs as we moved. So far, so good, I thought. We hit the first hard corner and he squealed as water splashed up and hit us. I laughed and pulled him closer to me. He let out a small giggle and the sound made my heart kick into double time. I glanced at him, and he was grinning, leaned forward in his seat. We hit another corner quickly, and his body jostled into mine as he continued to yelp in delight. It went like that for a while, and I was too distracted by him to even remember why I had been so eager to get on the ride in the first place. The rail made a rickety dragging sound as we started to approach the drop. I leaned in, enjoying the slight shiver from him as my lips brushed his ear. "There's gonna be a drop up ahead, but it's okay. You've got nothing to be scared of. There'll be a camera on the right that's gonna snap a picture as we drop, alright?" I whispered. He swallowed nervously and nodded, his smile faltering for just a moment. We reached the end and his deep blue eyes widened with fear and then excitement as he opened his mouth to take a deep breath. What came out was a shrill squeal as we plummeted. His arms shot straight up, a grin plastered on his face. I followed suit, laughing wildly the whole way down. All too soon, the ride was over, and we slowly unloaded, people shuffling toward the exit or running back through the Fast Pass line to ride again. We came across a booth with a giant screen behind it, showing panels of digital photos from people who had rode on Splash Mountain. The man at the booth nodded to everyone as they exited and said we could get our photos in an hour. "We've got some time to kill, babe. What do you wanna do?" I asked. I was met with a devilish smirk, and it was game over. I gave him my hand and let him drag me along.
"Y'know, I thought you had something a little more...exciting in mind than the Festival of Fantasy Parade," Kevin grumbled, his breath tickling the back of my neck as he stood behind me with his hands on my hips. "I know," I giggled. He gave my hips a tight squeeze and my laughter cut off immediately, replaced by a sharp gasp and a weak moan. "OhmyfuckinGod, can you two horn-dogs stay off of each other for two seconds?" Marie scoffed as she all but tackled me. I caught her and set her upright on her feet. Almost immediately, she grabbed my hands and pulled my arms over her and across her chest in an X, her fingers interlaced with mine. Nazz's voice came from somewhere behind me soon after. "Seriously, Kev! You guys are worse than newlyweds on a honeymoon!" she taunted. I tilted my head back to see her clung to my boyfriend's back, wearing a Mickey Mouse hat with her name in pretty cursive. In minutes, the rest of our friends had converged on our location in a squirm of excited energy and vulgar banter, each one wearing a pair of mouse ears with their names on them. "Oh shit guys! Shut up! SHUT UP! It's starting!!!" Nathan squealed with delight as he hopped up and down beside us. Eddy's hands were tight around Sarah's thighs as she sat perched on his shoulders. "Look, between the two of them, they're as tall as Ed now!" Johnny teased. "Ohmygod! For real, shut the fuck up!" Nathan growled in annoyance. "Language, please, all of you! You're putting a damper on what may very well be my first, last, and only Disney World trip!" I sighed in exasperation. I received murmured apologies in response, just as the cheers began to rise and the music reached my ears. I glanced down the street, and here they came: Belle, Cinderella, Peter Pan and Wendy Darling, Tinker Bell, Maleficent, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Alice, Pinocchio, Daisy & Donald Duck, Pluto, Goofy, Mickey & Minnie freaking Mouse! My word, I felt like a small child. For the first time since I was little, I felt like I could believe in magic! The feeling was intoxicating!
The parade was maybe 15 minutes, if even that, but I was still full of bubbly energy long after it ended. By the time we retrieved our photos from Splash Mountain, everyone was tired and ready to leave. We made our way back to the Hippie Bus swapping souvenirs, photos, and stories of our time in "the happiest place on Earth". Everyone climbed in the back, but Nathan stopped and opened the passenger door, bowing over-dramatically. "After you, your royal Dorkn-ass." I rolled my eyes, but hopped into the front seat anyway. Kevin climbed into the driver's seat, cranking the old vehicle to life. "Get in or I'm leaving your ass, Nat," he sighed. Nathan got in the back with everyone else. I fiddled with the radio while Kevin typed in the house's address on the GPS. "Hey, Púca," he murmured. I turned my attention to him immediately. "Yes, Citrouille?" I responded. "You had fun, yeah?" he asked. I couldn't help but to smile at those shimmering emerald eyes, that childlike expression of hopefulness. "Of course," I said. "This has been the best vacation and- dare I say- the best day ever." He beamed brightly, turning his attention forward as he navigated his way out of the crowded parking lot, but I heard it: that soft, eager whisper of excitement and joy. "Choice!"
Dear Lord, it has been SO LONG since I've updated. It feels amazing to be writing again! Hopefully, the wait between chapters will be (much) shorter than they have been. Until next chapter, see y'all later! ^_^
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