Should've Kissed You
I should've showed you just how I feel!
So I turned the car around,
And you were right where I left you,
And your smile said you were feeling it too.
And the moon shined bright,
Cause when your lips met mine,
Yeah I finally got it right.
I'll be leaving with you tonight,
And I won't have to say
I should've kissed you.
~Chris Brown
Despite it being a Saturday, my morning routine was still the same as every day. I got out of bed at 5:30 a.m. and took a shower; by 6 a.m. I was brushing my teeth and then my hair. I dressed in one of my "lounge-around" sweaters, as Mother so affectionately called them, and a pair of shorts. I went downstairs and prepared breakfast, knowing Ed and Eddy would be here by 8 like they were every weekend. Eleven hours and twelve minutes before my date with Kevin and I was feeling jittery already. I whistled Habanera (a/n: it's from the opera Carmen) as I flipped pancakes, trying to alleviate my racing thoughts.
Ed was the first to come into my house, yelling, "What are we eating today, Double D?" Eddy shuffled in behind him, taking a seat at the table. "I'm starving," he yawned. I smiled fondly at my two closest companions as I carried over a tray with a stack of pancakes, a plate of bacon, and an assortment of fruits. "Pancakes. Give me one moment to get some plates and silverware and we'll eat," I responded. Eddy propped his head on his hand and yawned again, his other hand drumming on the table. Ed bounced eagerly in his seat as I passed around plates. "Coffee, Eddy?" I offered as I carried three mugs and a full coffee pot to the table. "I'll get the cream and sugar!" Ed exclaimed as he jumped from his seat. I sat down next to Eddy and began pouring out drinks and serving plates. "What has you looking so down?" I asked. He shrugged, pushing strawberries around on his plate. "Lee broke up with him," Ed announced as he took his seat again.
I whipped my head back to face Eddy, and I finally noticed his puffy eyes and the redness of his cheeks. "I'm so sorry! What happened?" I asked. He shrugged again, taking a swig of his coffee. "I dunno. Last night everything was fine, and this morning when I wake up, I get a text from her saying it's over." He looked up from the table and met my gaze with watery eyes. "Why, Double D? Why did she think it was okay to cut me off like that? Don't I at least deserve a fucking reason? Am I not even good enough for that?" I flinched at his profanity, but reached out to hug my friend anyway. "Eddy, no one knows her reasons except for her. You can pursue your quest to figure out why, or you can let it go. Mend your broken heart and move on. It may sound harsh of me, but if she cannot appreciate what you have to offer, someone else will," I said softly. He pulled away from the embrace, wiping the tears from his eyes. "You're right," he mumbled. We sat in silence for a long while until Ed shouted, "Can we eat now?" Eddy chuckled hoarsely, stabbing into his pancakes. "Yeah, dig in Lumpy," he snorted.
"So what's up with tonight? We heard Shovel Chin is taking you out," Eddy asked around bites of food. I loathed his apparent lack of etiquette, but I couldn't stop the grin from creeping to my face when he asked. "Yes, Kevin did ask me...on a date," I swallowed. The words strung together sounded so foreign to me. He and Ed nodded thoughtfully before Ed chimed in, "You nervous?" My smile faltered and I averted my gaze to my plate. "Extremely," I answered. "Well congratulations to ya, I guess. I hope you have fun. But if that idiot tries anything or hurts you, I'll rock his head against a wall," Eddy growled.
"I don't know man, this isn't like any other date I've ever been on. I don't even know what to do," I groaned as I laid back on Nat's bed. I stared at the ceiling as he sat on the floor, scrolling through his phone. "Ooh, definitely keeping that pic! And that one! Can't delete this, that booty is too cute. Ugh, this one can go," he mumbled to himself. "Nat! Are you even listening?" I groaned, sitting up to glare at him. He looked up from his gallery of ass shots to roll his eyes at me. "You don't know where to take him, it's the end of the world. Yadda, yadda, yadda," he sighed. "It's not that hard. Take him somewhere that he would enjoy." I buried my head in my hands. "So my date is gonna be at school," I whined. "Kev, what does he like?" Nat asked, looking at me like I was a complete idiot. Which I was, but that's beside the point. "He likes to learn about stuff, and loves science, and..."
My voice trailed off as the gears in my head started turning. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Well?" I bounced on the bed with a goofy grin on my face. "I've got it!" He looked at the clock next to his bed then back at me. "Cool. Now you have 2 hours before your date. Care to spend one out of those many minutes TELLING ME WHAT THE HELL YOU'RE PLANNING??" he practically shrieked. I got up, grabbing my phone and the keys to my bike. I looked over my shoulder to wink at him. "Nope, it's a secret," I answered before running out of his room and praying he couldn't catch up to me.
After cleaning up breakfast, and hours upon hours of watching horror movies, Eddy helped me prepare for my date with Kevin. It was now 5:46 p.m. and I was pacing my living room in a black, long-sleeved v-neck and purple skinny jeans, my black Converse tapping on the hardwood floor lightly. "Calm yourself, it's not even six o'clock yet," I hissed repeatedly, although it did nothing to stop my pacing. At 5:52 my doorbell rang, and I bolted for the door. I gripped the door handle and froze. I felt as though my heart would leap from my chest. One deep breath. Two. And then I opened the door. I needed another deep breath, or ten, but all air had left my lungs. All logic had left my brain. He was standing there, suave and confident in a fitted white t-shirt and worn out jeans. His black boots and leather jacket added an air of danger and mischief to him. He was holding a helmet under his arm.
"You're early," I breathed. "And you look great," he grinned. I retrieved my house key from the hook beside the door before joining him on the front porch. My heart stopped and leaped into my throat. Parked in my driveway was a sleek black motorcycle. "K-Kevin? You don't expect me to get on that death trap, do you?!" I balked. "C'mon, it's perfectly safe," he chuckled. "Over 4,000 people die every year in motorcycle accidents, and 80 percent of all motorcycle accidents result in death. Do you know what that makes the probability of me dying? I'll tell you, the chances are high, and I'd rather remain alive, thank you very much," I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest stubbornly. He lifted the seat of the death contraption to reveal a small compartment. From it he pulled another helmet and a small backpack. He set the helmet on the left handlebar and opened the bag, pulling out a hoodie. He stuffed the bag back into its place before holding the article of clothing and the helmet out to me. "I won't let anything happen to you, just trust me," he pleaded. Against my better judgement, I wiggled my way into the jacket and strapped the helmet securely on my head. I then proceeded to stare at the vehicle like an imbecile. "Need help getting on?" he asked. Before I could answer, he deftly climbed onto the two-wheeled beast and grabbed my arm, pulling me closer. "Just swing your leg over. Easy-peasy," he instructed as he flipped the visor down on his helmet. I almost fell, but managed to seat myself behind him without incident. "Hold on." The motorcycle roared to life and I instinctively flinched. Oh dear, I thought.
He raised the kickstand and slowly walked the bike backwards as I gripped his shoulders. "Hold on to my waist, dork," he snorted. I did as I was told, my arms overlapping slightly as they encircled him. My hands each clasped their opposite wrist and I squeezed as he shot out into the street like a rocket. I had never been more terrified in my entire life. I laid my head in between his shoulders and shut my eyes, focusing on the scent of his leather jacket and the feel of him in my arms. It made the ride the slightest bit more bearable. I didn't know we stopped until Kevin tried to get off of the bike. "Double D, relax. We're here," he choked as he gently pulled my arms apart. I scrambled off of the bike as quickly as I could, thankful that the ride was over. He coughed and I felt my cheeks flood with warmth. "If I-I squeezed too tight, I apologize," I stuttered. He shrugged nonchalantly as he removed his helmet, hanging it on the handlebar. He held his hand out, and it took me a moment to realize he was waiting for me to give him back the helmet I was wearing. I took it off, one hand holding my beanie, and handed it to him. He tucked it away and came around the bike to stand in front of me. "Turn around," he commanded. I rotated slowly, almost fainting right on the spot. "The Field Natural History Museum!" I gasped. I looked back at him, and he had a proud grin on his face. "I had a feeling you'd like it," he said, offering his hand to me. I took it confidently this time and nearly ran up the steps, eager to get inside.
I spent roughly two hours listening to him spew random information about different plants and animals, but I was far from bored. The passion that this guy had was enough to get anyone excited about learning. His eyes shone with joy, and I never caught him without a smile on his face. I knew it was a good idea to bring him here, I thought. With a lot less persuasion than I thought it would take, Double D got on the back of the bike and we drove to a nearby restaurant. Italian food, small, family-owned, very intimate-- the perfect place to sit down and enjoy a romantic meal...or, at least, I thought so. That's how it started, anyway. We found a booth in the corner and talked about school. The waitress came and left, and we talked about how much he enjoyed the museum. She brought our drinks and took our order, then she left again and we were reminiscing about our childhoods. The food came, and the subject changed again. I was so hypnotized by his smile that nothing else mattered. Nothing else existed to me outside of that booth. I wanted to tell him everything, and I did. My hopes, my dreams, my stupid little secrets. It was so easy to open up to him, so easy to get lost in his eyes. It sounds sappy, I know, but we were so caught up in our conversation that the waitress came to the table, and we didn't notice until she started to clean around us.
"Gentlemen, I don't want to interrupt, but we closed 45 minutes ago, and you're our last customers. I'd really just like to go home," she laughed lightly. "Oh dear! I apologize miss," Double D said. He jumped, digging through his pockets for his wallet. "I've got it, Edd," I smiled. He froze for a minute, like the name was foreign to him, but then he pulled his wallet out anyway. "Please, let me," he insisted. "Double D, I invited you out, I'm the one who should pay," I argued. "That's preposterous!" he scoffed, opening his wallet. "I'm paying!" I yelled, handing my debit card to the waitress. He snatched it away from me before she could take it. "Hey!" He held it just out of my reach. "Let me pay half or you don't get to pay at all." He gave me a devilish smirk that I found equal parts sexy and annoying. "Fine," I relented. He grinned triumphantly, handing her my debit card and his. "How adorable," she mused before walking away. I got up and laid a ten on the table. He did the exact same thing. "Stubborn ass," I growled. He glared at me before turning and walking toward the register. He was silent as he took his card and his receipt from our waitress. "Thank you, and sorry for the trouble," I said to her as I took my card before running out after Double D. "Hey, I didn't mean it to be rude," I said, slowing down to walk beside him. He continued to ignore me as he walked toward my bike. "It's actually...kinda cute," I admitted. I caught those royal blue eyes glance over at me and I smiled. "You...think I'm cute?" he asked, looking skeptical and a little offended. "I think you're a lot of things, cute happens to be one of them," I answered as I pulled up the seat and handed him my spare helmet. "I'll tell you next time we go out what some of those things are." I meant it to be funny, even flirty, but he just looked so confused. "So there will be a next time?" I felt my face get hot. Way to go Kev. Nice way to put your foot in your mouth, I thought, wanting to knock myself upside the head. Who's to say he even wants to go out again? "O-only if you want there to be," I stammered. There it was: his smile. "I'd be delighted," he whispered. I was just staring like a goof, and I knew if we didn't leave, I'd end up making it awkward, so I got on the bike and put on my helmet. "It's late, we should head back," I said over my shoulder. He climbed on behind me, and as I took off, I couldn't help but think how right it felt.
The feeling didn't last long; all too soon, I was turning onto our street, and the night was ending for us. I pulled into his driveway and waited for him to give me the helmet. He started to take off my hoodie, but I just shook my head. "Keep it," I said. I didn't dare tell him how cute he looked in it, or how good it made me feel that he was wearing my jacket. "Thank you, Kevin. That's very kind," he murmured. Say something, do something. Don't be a dork! "I should probably go inside. It's late and I do need my rest," he blurted. "G'night Double D," I uttered before backing out of the driveway. Disappointment filled me as I watched him go inside. I went home, greeted with darkness and emptiness. Mom and Dad both were probably still at work. I went to my room and fell face first on the bed. "Idiot!" I hissed in self-loathing. I buried my head in my pillow and kept going over what I should've and could've done, but didn't have the guts to, because I was too chicken. "Kevin Barr is not a coward, Kevin Barr is not a coward," I repeated to myself, very unconvincingly I might add. Frustrated and not able to sit still, I got up and began pacing my room, mentally kicking myself for not doing what I've wanted to for years. I glanced out of my bedroom window, and I saw the downstairs light was still on at Double D's house and a shadow was crossing the window, doing exactly what I was doing. "He isn't going to sleep," I laughed as I bolted from my room and downstairs. I swung the front door open and sprinted across the street, not even breaking a sweat by the time I stopped on his doorstep. I knocked several times, impatiently waiting for him to open the door. What felt like an eternity later, the door slowly creaked open. He looked shocked to see me. "Kevin, is there something that you need?" he asked. "Yeah, there is," I panted. He opened the door wider, a curious look on his face. All fear and shyness aside, I took the leap. I grabbed his face in between my hands and tilted his head back, crashing my lips against his.
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