From Here to the Moon and Back
I want you to know you can always depend
On promises made and love without end
No need to wonder how faithful I'll be
Now and on into eternity
From here to the moon and back
Who else in this world could love you like that?
Forever and always I'll be where you're at
From here to the moon and back
~Dolly Parton
"Oh. My. Everloving. Christ," Nat gasped. "Jesus Christ on a bike!" Ed exclaimed. "They fucked! Go Double D!" Eddy snickered. I blinked up at them blearily, still not fully aware of my surroundings. Edd was on my chest, his arm slung around my waist as his legs pointed cock-eyed on the bed. The blankets were kicked to the floor, our boxers the only thing that shielded our more delicate parts from their eyes. I held Edd closer to me, glaring up at them. "You wake him up, and so help me God-"
"Kevin," he groaned tiredly, nuzzling his face against my chest. I ran my hand through his inky locks, softly cooing to him as I eased myself out of bed. He shifted at the sudden lack of body heat, hugging my pillow tightly. I couldn't help myself from smiling. He looked so peaceful, and so adorable. I shimmied into my pants, looking around for my white tee. "Ah, fuck it," I murmured, making my way to the door. Our friends were still crowded in the doorway, staring at us both in shock. "Stop staring and go," I huffed, shoving them out of the way. I made my way downstairs quietly with all three of them following me. The kitchen was spotless, as usual, and he was going to kill me for disorganizing it. I dug out pots and pans before digging through the fridge.
"How do muffins, scrambled eggs, and sausage links sound?" I asked over my shoulder. "Sounds great to me!" Ed answered, plopping into one of the chairs. "I'm down," Eddy yawned, sitting next to him. "My little Kevy-boo, cooking up breakfast like a good little housewife. I couldn't be more proud," Nat cooed. I flipped him off as I began making the mix for the muffins. As a last thought, I started a pot of coffee. "Double D is gonna be so surprised!" Ed said, grinning like a fool. "Yeah, I bet he will be, big guy," I chuckled. "What's with all the commotion?" a tired moan came from the doorway. "Mornin' babe," I grinned. "Mornin' babe," Eddy and Nat mimicked, smirking at my boyfriend. Edd's face paled and his eyes widened in realization. "How long have you-"
"Long enough to see you in all your naked glory snuggled up to lover boy here," Eddy snickered. He stared in horror. "You- I mean, but I...shit," he sighed. Ed let out a sharp gasp. "You cursed!" he yelled. "Yes, Ed, I do tend to do that from time to time. I'm not perfect you know," he quipped as he fixed himself a cup of coffee. "So what's on the agenda today, folks?" Nat asked, leaning his elbow on the table with his chin in his palm. Double D looked to me, his eyes repeating the question. I shrugged weakly. "I've got to go home to see my family off and then I'm free for the day," I answered. A loud, shrill ring made us all jump before Double D composed himself and got up to answer the phone. "Hello? Vincent residence. Oh! Oh, hello! Really? I honestly didn't expect to hear from you...yes ma'am. You're leaving the airport now? Yes ma'am. I'll see you shortly. Alright. Goodbye." Double D hung the phone up and continued to stand with his back facing us.
I could see the taught, strained muscles in his back, and I wanted to ease his stress. "Babe? Everything okay?" I asked, reaching for him hesitantly. Nat and Eddy quickly stood, all of us concerned for him. He quickly spun to face us, forcing a polite smile. "M-my parents are on the way home," he spoke, looking completely terrified. We sat in silence for a moment, trying to understand the intensity and dread in his statement. Then, Eddy's eyes widened in realization and he whispered two words that matched what Double D seemed to be feeling. "Ah shit."
"What's wrong?" Kevin asked, his face painted with concern. "What's the big deal?" Nat echoed. I dropped into a chair and let out a heavy sigh, anxiously fiddling my fingers. "Mother and Father, they- they don't know that I'm gay," I confessed. "Not "ah shit", ah fuck is more accurate," Nat interjected. We all nodded solemnly, sitting around the table as gears turned in our heads, all for different reasons. How am I going to tell them? What will they say? Will they hate me? I silently worried. "Sockhead!" Eddy shouted, slamming his hand on the table. I instinctively flinched, obediently focusing my attention on him. His gaze softened and he offered a sympathetic smile.
"It'll be alright. You don't have to worry," he assured. "Do you want us to stay here with you?" Ed offered. I got up, clearing the dishes away. "No, that's quite alright. I'm perfectly capable of spending the day alone with my parents." Before I could even turn to face them again, strong arms wrapped around my waist and a cheek was laid against my back in between my shoulder blades. "Don't be afraid, babe. It'll all be okay. We're here for you," Kevin's deep voice rumbled against my back. I found myself smiling despite my fear, relaxing against his firm embrace.
"I know it will be, and I know that you are; my parents are just...overwhelming," I sighed. I would have been content to stay in his arms all day-- perhaps even crawl back into bed and continue our activities from the night before-- but alas, being the dutiful son I was, I had to get things prepared for their arrival. I wiggled around until his hold loosened, and I turned to face him. "I'll message you later, alright? I'll be fine," I cooed, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. "Alright, gentlemen," I announced, stepping away from Kevin to address our guests. "If you'll excuse me, I have chores to complete before Mother and Father arrive. I will see you all later." Eddy scowled, dragging Ed along with him. "My door's open if you need a place to crash tonight!" he yelled before the front door slammed behind him. Kevin kissed me once. Twice. Several more times. He finally pulled away, flashing a bright smile. "I love you, Púca." I grinned in response, pulling him to me again. "I love you too, Citrouille." He cupped my cheek in his palm, gazing at me with tenderness. Concern was still writ on his face, but he was taking my word on the matter and letting me handle it myself. That's all that I asked. "C'mon Nat," he said, nudging the teal-haired boy as he passed the dining table. "Coming out to your parents is never easy. Good luck," he encouraged before following his best friend out.
I took in the dark, lonely house around me, despair creeping back in-- and by creeping, I mean in the way a bed of snakes creep across the ground. "Oh dear," I sighed as I got to work.
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