Epic Love
Baby if we, we were a melody
We'd be one hell of a catchy song
And, baby, if we, we were a movie
We'd be the one the world was ravin' on ...
Oh, we had that epic love...
And when they write the story of you and I,
I hope we show 'em how we fight for love till the day we die
~Todrick Hall
"What are you doing tonight?" Tyler asked. "Studying," I answered over the ruckus of the cafeteria. I looked around for Ed and Eddy, maybe even Kevin or Nat, but none of my other friends were around. "No you're not," Tyler sang. "Why's that?" I mused, stabbing at the school's poor excuse for macaroni and cheese. "Well, now that short course season is over, we wanted to celebrate before Spring Break. Coach...may or may not have "loaned" Leo the keys to the pool hall, and we were gonna have a pool party," he leaned in and whispered with a conspiratorial wink. "I would assume this "party" is going to be relatively small?" I inquired. He shrugged, leaning back in his chair. "Just the swim team and a few friends." I raised an eyebrow. "A few friends?"
"Yeah so, you know, your sweet thang and your buddies are more than welcome," he said. I couldn't stop myself from giggling. "'Sweet thang'? You're seventeen, Ty, I think you should lay off the Disney Channel," I quipped. "D, you're fifteen and knew what I was referencing. That implies you watch Disney Channel, too. Dork," he snorted. I had started taking the insult as a term of endearment. "Yes, I am rather "dorky", but I like myself that way," I grinned. "Speaking of your sweet thang, where is he? Where is everybody?" he changed the subject, glancing around with me. I shrugged, continuing to violently pierce my food. "Speak of the devil!" he chuckled. Kevin came strolling through the door with Nat and Nazz on either side of him, Marie, Edd, and Eddy following close behind. They were carrying brown paper bags, Kevin staring at me with a "Help me!" look. I only glared expectantly in response, waiting for an excuse as they neared the table. "Sorry we kidnapped your boyfriend, Double D," Nazz apologized. "We kidnapped everyone," Nat explained as Kevin sat beside me and slid me a bag. "That new fast food joint opened today and we went to grab a bite. I got you a grilled chicken club and potato wedges," he said, batting his eyes at me. I ripped the bag open, unable to keep from smiling. "Thank you, Citrouille. You are so sweet," I grinned, happily tearing into the food in favor of the cafeteria's slop. "He's not gonna tell you, so I might as well," Tyler chimed. "We're having a pool party tonight and all of your beautiful faces are invited."
"Is that why the whole team isn't here?" Eddy snorted, looking around. Tyler nodded, taking some of Nat's fries. "Most of 'em skipped to get things ready," he explained. The topic of conversation changed as Nat began flirting with Ty and everyone teased. "C'mon, you know you can't resist all this sexiness!" Nat exclaimed suddenly. "Pfft, in your dreams," Ty snorted. I looked up from my mostly-finished food. "Hm? I was distracted. What are we talking about?" I asked. Kevin leaned against my shoulder and laughed. "Nat's delusional again, and he's convinced Tyler is in love with him because he's been picking at his food." I nodded. "Ahh, a very reasonable assumption," I snorted.
*That Night*
"How very inappropriate of you, Eddy!" I scolded as he just ran away laughing. I was sticky and dripping wet, the icy champagne causing me to shiver. I couldn't hold back the childish whine that escaped me. "It's going to make my hair disgusting!" Ed brayed over the sound of the music. "Just dive in, Double D! Your hair will be fine!" Everyone was either sitting at the edge of the pool or standing in the shallow end, sipping on drinks and chatting away happily. "Fine, I'll get in," I smiled, catching sight of Eddy approaching the diving board. I growled angrily, sneaking up on him as he boasted to Sarah that "The high dive ain't shit" and I charged at him, linking my arm around him as we both plummeted into the water. Cheers erupted as we broke surface and Eddy splashed me in the face. People that were previously standing around dove right in, shrieks of delight echoing off of the walls. I felt arms lock around my waist and before I could react, I was being lifted into the air. "Chicken!" Nazz yelled as she pointed at me. I giggled as people started lifting others onto their shoulders. "You're all goin' down!" Kevin boomed. I looked down at him as he waded toward the shallow end with me perched atop his shoulders, and I couldn't help but smile. Eddy scooped Sarah onto his shoulders and was the first to come at us. Gleeful screams filled the air as people went down easily, splashing into the water below. Sarah wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pushed backwards. I locked my legs under Kevin's arms and pushed my weight forward, grabbing her waist and effortlessly flinging her off of her boyfriend. Eddy fell backwards into the water, a frustrated gurgle cutting off his wail of defeat.
Soon it was just me and Kevin against Nat and Devan. The colorful-haired teens grinned triumphantly as Kevin's grip weakened and Devan grappled me. He pushed with determination and purpose while I struggled to knock him off of his perch. My arms locked under his and I pulled upward before letting myself dive sideways off of Kevin's shoulders, sending both of us down. I came up, adjusting my swim cap as everyone continued to shout and play around us. A few of the guys got out, refilling drinks and turning up the volume on the stereo that was set up on the bleachers. I shivered at the gentle touch on my back and a husky whisper of, "I'm going to get a drink." I turned to watch Kevin wade toward the ladder, climbing out. His sun-kissed skin glistened under the fluorescent lights, water dripping from the end of his short, spiked ginger hair. His swim trunks hung dangerously low on his hips, causing me to lick my lips at the sharp dip of his Adonis belt, where his hip bones met his pelvic bone. Just an inch below his waistband was the beginning of a bright orange trail that would lead me straight to..."Hot damn," I mumbled under my breath as he caught me staring and responded with a seductive smirk and a wink.
"Did you have fun tonight?" I asked, watching Double D gather our clean clothes out of his locker. Almost everyone was gone now, and those that were left were too busy cleaning up to notice we had slipped off to the locker room. "I did indeed," he responded, grabbing a towel as his gorgeous eyes met mine. There was a gleam of mischief there before they darkened with lust. His eyes roaming over me made me feel suddenly very shy, but also excited. "Wh-what is it?" I stammered. He didn't reply as he set the clothes aside on the bench in front of him; instead, he grabbed another towel and took my hand, dragging me along. I happily followed, curious as to what he had up his sleeve now. He pulled me down a row of lockers and around a corner before he let go of my hand. We stood in front of a bunch of high-walled stalls with curtains covering the front of each one. He carefully hung the towels over the top of the stall before turning to me. Oh God, please don't tease me, I pleaded mentally. He smirked as he slowly shimmied out of his swim trunks. "Care to join me for a shower?" he whispered, pushing aside the curtain covering one of the stalls. His porcelain skin glowed in the dim light, the muscles in his shoulders flexing as he faced away from me, adjusting the showerhead and the water. "Oh fuck yes," I happily answered, undressing and following him into the stall before pulling the curtain behind me. He arched his back, raising his arms and running his fingers through his hair as the warm water poured over him. I stepped under the spout with him, my fingers digging into his hips as I began kissing along his shoulders.
He let out the softest of moans, his head falling back against my chest as my fingers continued to explore his body. My cock twitched and I grinded my hips against his as my hand trailed through his little black curls before wrapping around him. He whimpered as I began to stroke his erection. "Kevinnnn," he whined. "What babe?" I whispered before nibbling at his earlobe. My free hand traveled up from his hips, under his arm, and up his chest before gently wrapping around his throat. He let out a short gasp as I squeezed softly, his hips bucking eagerly toward my other hand as I began moving faster. "You like that?" I smirked, applying a little more pressure. He managed a slight nod as his nails dug into my arm that was wrapped around his waist. "Just squeeze my wrist if I'm hurting you, okay?" He jerked his head again, whining as the strokes came to a stop and I grabbed his hip again. I gently pulled him backwards toward me, smiling a bit as he bent forward, bracing his hands against the wall. With my hand still around his slender neck, I carefully guided myself into him. He hissed at the sudden push. I felt bad for a moment about not prepping him first, but I couldn't wait, and I know he couldn't either. I dug into his narrow hips again to keep myself steady, squeezing his throat tighter as I began to thrust. He let out a gasp as his hands balled into fists and he pushed himself into my thrusts. I slammed into him harder, taking pride in the little whimpers and moans. He came in a matter of minutes, leaning his head back further like an invitation to keep squeezing. His body tightened around me, and I knew I hit his sweet spot when he managed to let out a scream. "Edd," I moaned. "Goddammit, Edd. Fuck." Shit, I threw my head back, too. I pounded into him, my grunts and the harsh slapping of our skin almost drowned out by the rattling of the old shower pipes and the water pouring down over us. I cried out in ecstacy, letting go of his throat and bracing my hand on his shoulder. I gave one last thrust before I shuddered violently as I came. "Oh. My. God," Double D panted, his head lowering between his shoulders as his fingers spread against the tiled walls. He struggled for a moment to catch his breath, and I just happily admired his beauty as the now-cold water poured over us. I pulled out slowly, firmly hugging him to my chest for a few moments. He cut the water off before turning to face me with a small smile. "That was...interesting. I never thought I'd be the type to enjoy a little roughness," he chuckled hoarsely. I winced at the red hand print forming around his neck. "Shit, babe I'm sorry," I apologized, gently running my fingers over the marks. "Don't be. I liked it," he said before kissing me sweetly. I smiled against his lips, reaching up for the towels and grabbing nothing but solid wall. Fuck. I quickly pulled away and flung open the curtain, checking inside the stall beside ours in case the towels had fallen. Empty. Our swim clothes weren't around either. The look of horror on my boyfriend's face when I turned back to look at him made my stomach flip. We quietly made our way back to the lockers, where our clean clothes were missing, Double D's beanie the only thing still sitting on the bench. A yellow sticky note was stuck to his locker. I ripped it off, skimming over it as Double D hovered over my shoulder.
Hope you guys don't mind that we took your clothes. You didn't sound like you needed them anyway
Love, Eddy
Double D growled angrily and reached past me, hurriedly putting in his combo. I thought he would rip the locker door off its hinges as he yanked it open and pulled out his wallet, his keys, and his cell phone. I stepped away from him, grabbing a couple towels from the bin. I tucked one around my waist, offering the other to him as he punched a number in on his phone. He carelessly shook his hair dry and shoved his beanie onto his head before wrapping the towel around his waist. I'd never seen him so furious. He placed the phone to his ear and gestured for me to follow him as he stomped out of the locker room, strands of his wet hair clinging to his shoulders and sending tiny streams along the taut muscles down his back. "Eddy...no, I don't appreciate your 'joke'! Bring me my clothes!...come get them?! Kevin and I could easily catch pneumonia out there!! Eddy, I swear on all that is near and dear to me, if I have to go home naked, I will punch you so hard, you won't wake up until NEXT spring break!...you, you DICKHEAD!" He hung up as he strode past the pool. The whole room was empty and dark, the lights inside of the pool the only brightness inside. "So...I take it Eddy isn't giving us our clothes back?" I asked, just one step behind him. He stopped abruptly in front of the doors, one hand on the bar. He took a few deep breaths and glanced over his shoulder at me. "I'm not entertaining his childish behavior; I have a couple pairs of gym clothes in the trunk of my car. When I open this door, run. Try to keep up," he instructed. I smirked, bouncing on the balls of my feet. "Oh, I can keep up." He flung the door open and shot out of there like a bullet, bare feet whooshing against the grass. I stayed on his heels, passing him easily as he struggled to run and hold his towel up. The air still had a biting chill to it, but thankfully it was the beginning of spring and not the middle of winter.
We cut through the courtyard, his black Mustang sitting in the corner of the parking lot. I could hear his sigh of relief as we reached the vehicle and he opened the trunk, letting the towel drop as he dug around through a black gym bag. "Y'know, this was actually kinda fun," I laughed as he shoved a pair of black basketball shorts and a grey tanktop in my arms. "It was embarrassing, but you are correct. I suppose, in a way, the thrill of it was a bit...fun," he confessed, smiling a little as he pulled on a pair of grey sweatpants and threw our towels in the trunk. "I'm sorry, I can't seem to find a shirt," he frowned. "That's fine. I enjoy the view better this way," I teased, causing him to giggle. The shrill default ring of his phone caught his attention and he flipped it open, answering harshly. "Where are you?" The bright flash of headlights made us whirl around. Double D dropped his phone and just stared as all of our friends hung off of Tyler's truck, whistling and catcalling. Eddy sat on the hood, waving all of our clothes in the air. I stared at Double D for what felt like hours, but couldn't have been more than a few seconds. "What do you wanna do, Edd? I know he's your friend, but I'll kick his ass for you," I offered. He grit his teeth. "Get in the car," he commanded, bending down to pick up his phone. I quickly obeyed, even buckling my seatbelt without being told for the first time ever. I watched in the rearview as Double D screamed across the parking lot, "I'm not entertaining your childish absurdity! Goodnight Eddy." With that, he yanked the driver's door open, got in, cranked the car, and peeled out of the parking lot like a racecar driver. He yanked the beanie off of his head as he sped down the street, throwing it in the back seat. His hair fell around his shoulders wildly, a damp strand clinging to his clenched jaw. "Y'know...you're reeeallyyyy sexy when you're angry," I murmured, leaning across the center console to kiss his neck. His grip on the wheel tightened as he turned. "I feel like I could use some more tension relief and anger management. Since you think I'm soooo sexy, would you like to stay the night?" he shot back in a husky groan as he shifted in his seat. I laughed, snaking my hand up his thigh. "You're wearing only pants, which means you're already halfway to where I want you to be," I chuckled as he slowed down, turning onto our street. "Of course I'll spend the night."
Fun fact: an "Adonis belt" is that gorgeous little V guys have that go from their hips to their *insert whistling noise here*
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