Check Yes or No
Do you love me do you want to be my friend?
And if you do
Well then don't be afraid to take me by the hand
If you want to
I think this is how love goes
Check yes or no
~George Strait
I waited outside of Ed's house with Eddy, pacing nervously. "I'm not too sure about this, Eddy. You know I don't enjoy parties. So many things could go wrong!" I fretted. He leaned against the front door with a nonchalant smirk. "Relax, Sockhead. Lumpy and I'll be there, and it's Nazz's house. Nothing bad ever happens at Nazz's parties," he replied. Ed suddenly slung the front door open, causing Eddy to go sprawling on the floor in the foyer. "Ready guys?" he asked in his booming voice. Ed was actually fairly intelligent, but still childish as he had always been. With regular tutoring sessions, he maintained all B's as to be allowed to stay on the football team. Tonight he wore a black t-shirt with the image of a mob of zombies on it and a pair of faded jeans. Eddy quite smoothly pulled off his white v-neck and a pair of torn jeans. Me? I let Eddy dress me. By the time we left my house, I was wearing a pale grey sweater and a pair of black jeans. I believe Eddy's exact words were: "You still look like a nerd, but a cute nerd."
"Eddy, do you think May will be there?" Ed asked, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "Why?" Eddy snorted. "You plannin' on falling in love tonight?" Ed just looked away, his cheeks tinted pink. We walked up the street together, Eddy leading the group like always. As we made our way closer, I could hear the music pouring out of the house. I anticipated a party with drunken wild teenagers all over the property, but was surprised to find that was not the case. The music was loud and not my taste, but the house was far from crowded. All of the cul-de-sac kids were gathered in the living room along with a select few from school. All together, our hostess included, there were maybe 25 people in the house. Lee Kanker sauntered up to Eddy, draping her arms around him. She still kept her signature curls, but traded her pinup-do for a simple puffy bun, and her body had filled out as she began to mature into adulthood. "Dance with me, cutie," she purred. Eddy reminded me of a drooling dog as he eagerly followed her to the living room. I nodded toward May, who was timidly standing in the kitchen doorway, staring at Ed. Her hair was pulled into a tight braid, and she smiled brightly when she saw Ed. "Go talk to her. I think I can manage on my own," I laughed lightly, leaving him to head in the direction of the living room. "Hey dude! I'm glad you guys made it," Nazz shouted over the thudding beat. All of her furniture had been pushed against the wall to make room to dance. Large speakers were in the corner, the source of the deafening noise. "It's our pleasure to be here, Nazz," I shouted back. She responded with a slight nod before going to mingle with more of her guests.
"Wanna dance?" a voice came from behind me. I turned around to see Marie Kanker with a confident smile and a hand on her hip. My anxiety quelled as she took my hand and pulled me forward. With the exception of the other Eds, Marie was my best friend. Her crush on me had disappeared around the time she hit puberty and she discovered her sexuality. Around that time, I also struggled with the realization that I was homosexual. We were there for each other, and have been extremely close ever since. I placed my hands on her hips and swayed at a comfortable pace. I didn't realize I was looking for a certain redhead until I felt the disappointment of not seeing him. "Don't worry, he's here," Marie assured me. I felt my cheeks grow warm and I looked away. "Am I that obvious?" I sighed. She bit her lip, failing to hold back an amused grin. I caught a glimpse of a green sweatshirt, and I tried to follow the body weaving through the crowd. That's when I felt something slip into my pocket. I let go of Marie and whipped around to see who was behind me. I saw the teal-haired boy who frequently accompanied Kevin. "Just give it to Marie when you have an answer," he said, handing me a pen before slinking off to the kitchen. I turned back to Marie with a curious gaze. She gestured to my jeans, waiting patiently as I tried to get into the pocket of these cursed pants. I pulled my hand out, and in my palm was a crumpled paper. I had trouble unfolding it, rushing through every single thought of what it might be. Finally, I opened it, and my heart could have stopped right there.
Tomorrow night, 6p.m...will you go out with me? -Kevin
[ ] yes [ ] no
This is a joke, this has to be a joke, I thought, fingers shaking as I uncapped the pen. I chewed my lip, weighing the pros and cons of an affirmative answer. Why not? I mused silently as I checked the box on the left. I looked at Marie in disbelief. "You knew about this?!" I squeaked, unsure of whether or not she had heard me. She nodded with a smug smile, holding her hand out for the paper. I handed it to her, feeling my face flush. "I'm going to get a glass of water," I shouted, making my way away from her and the gyrating bodies in the living room. I couldn't make a single coherent thought, like I was malfunctioning. I couldn't think straight at all. I laid my forehead against the wall and tried to calm the impending panic. "Double D!" Eddy shouted, causing me to jump. "Bro, you look like you're gonna pass out. You okay?" I tried to laugh off his observation, but the sound was weak and forced. "I-I'm fine, Eddy," I insisted. "You want a drink Double D?" Lee asked, shrugging off Eddy's arm around her shoulder to get to the refrigerator. "A bottle of water if there's one in there," I murmured. She handed me a bottle and returned to Eddy's side. "We're, uh, we're gonna head out of here. Do you want us to go find Marie?" Eddy offered. I emptied the refreshing liquid in one gulp and then shook my head. "I will join the party again momentarily. Go on and enjoy the rest of the night," I said, waving my hand toward the door. "Later Sockhead!" Eddy snickered before rushing out of the kitchen with Lee eagerly following behind him. I turned to the counter and gripped it tightly, lowering my head as I tried to apply some order to my haphazardous emotions and thoughts. "You just accepted an invitation for a date, Eddward! You cannot just avoid him the entire night," I scolded myself quietly. Two strong arms slipped around either side of me and I froze. "Avoiding me? Is that what you're doing in here?" an achingly familiar voice whispered in my ear.
I pivoted so fast that I nearly fell down. Lo and behold, the reason for the erratic thud of my heart and the nonsense in my head was standing before me. "K-Kevin," I breathed. "Double D," he replied with a smirk. "You wish to go on a...on a date with me? Tomorrow?" I gulped. "That's the plan, dork," he said. The insult from my childhood held no malice as his gaze was playful, mischievous even. "Might I ask why?" He reached for my hand, but hesitated, looking to me for permission. I grasped his hand with an unsure smile. It was so nice, how his hand fit mine, but it was so new. "You don't seem very comfortable here. Let's go for a walk," he suggested. I let common sense leave me as Kevin guided me out into the cool September night. We walked hand-in-hand, in content silence, for several minutes.
We were getting closer to his house, and I couldn't even bring myself to speak to him. I was just staring like a dork! But, man, who could blame me? He was...stunning! He looked up toward his house, then to me, his deep blue eyes looking violet in the dark. "Would you please explain to me why you wish to court me?" he whispered, his gaze flicking back to the pavement. "Why did you say yes?" I asked, nudging my shoulder against his. The quiet seemed to stretch on for eternity. "What if I were to tell you that over the years I developed affections for you, and I was hoping one day for a chance to 'go out' with you?" His words came out in a single breath, and his head fell back. Even in the dark, with his face turned toward the stars, I could still see the blush on his pale skin.
"Then I would tell you that I've also had a huge crush on you for as long as I can remember and I've been trying to find the courage to ask you out," I chuckled. "Does that sound like a good enough reason why?" He nodded, gnawing on his lip as we made slow steps up the street. "Hey Double Dork?" He looked at me suddenly, his eyes piercing straight through me like a dagger. "Yes Kevin?" I hooked my thumb over my shoulder, pointing behind us. "We just passed your house," I snorted. His eyes widened and he dropped my hand before turning around and running only a few houses down. "I shall see you tomorrow evening! Farewell Kevin!" he shouted. I waited until he was gone to head back up the street to my house, which was right across the street from his. As soon as the door shut behind me, I began to dance around like a little kid at an amusement park. "Woohoo! Yes!!" I cheered.
"Kevin? What are you yelling about?" my mom called from the living room. I sprinted into the room and dove on the couch, landing beside her. She was watching some criminal investigation show. "I've got a date tomorrow," I grinned. "That's lovely sweetheart," she sighed happily, ruffling my hair. "Guy or girl?" Mom and Dad knew I was bisexual before I even figured it out, and they were as accepting as any parent could be. Mom even moreso, because she was the one who helped with and heard about all of my relationship problems. "Guy. He lives across the street," I replied, taking a handful of popcorn from the bowl in her lap. She turned her full attention on me, an excited grin on her face. "Is it that nice Vincent boy?" she asked. I could feel my cheeks grow warm and I nodded. "He's a cutie, lucky you," she giggled. We continued watching TV together until Dad came home. Mom was so excited to tell him about my date, but all he was looking forward to was going to sleep. I got up and stretched before heading toward the stairs. "Night Mom, night Dad," I called. Tomorrow night couldn't come fast enough.
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