About Us
I see ya lips movin',
But I don't hear nothin'
Nah, everybody talkin' like they really wanna know about us.
They don't know nothin' 'bout us.
~Brooke Hogan
From: Dork 💘
Sent: 4:52p.m.
Kevin, if you are available, would you mind coming over?
"Ah, shit," I huffed, getting out of bed. We had just gotten home from dropping everyone off at the airport, and this was the first I had heard from my boyfriend since I left his house. I slipped on a pair of sneakers and threw on a hoodie, making my way downstairs. "I'm runnin' over to Edd's!" I yelled before slipping out the front door. Edd was sitting on the curb at the end of his driveway, wearing a black hoodie with the hood pulled up over his head. "Babe? What's the matter?" He looked up at me, and my blood instantly boiled. His eyes were swollen and puffy from crying, and the tears were still coming. Most infuriating of all, there was a red mark on his face. I tried to reel in my anger. What he needed was his boyfriend to comfort him, not a big brute to punch his problems away. I knelt beside him, gently taking his chin in my hand and tilting his head back so that I could see it better. It was already starting to bruise around his cheekbone. "Who did this?" I choked, nearly trembling with rage. He let out a pained laugh. "My parents know about you...Father didn't like what I had to say."
I pulled him into my arms as he broke down again. "Shhh, it's alright," I whispered, setting him in my lap and rocking back and forth. A sharp clicking sound caught my attention, and I looked up to see a petite woman with stormy blue eyes and thick inky curls strutting across the icy sidewalk toward us. Double D looked up, wiping the tears quickly as the woman knelt next to us. "Is this him?" she asked with a slight smile. He nodded slowly and she offered her hand to me. "Lucille Vincent. Nice to meet you, Kevin." I took one arm off of him to return her gesture, staring blankly. Her eyes softened with sadness and she turned her attention to her son, running her fingers gently over his cheek. "I'm sorry about your father, dear. He can be so thoughtlessly savage. I'll talk to him, smooth things over. In the meantime, Kevin, do you think it would be alright with your mother if Eddward stayed over for a few days? I could go talk to her, maybe- I just, I want to keep Eddward out of harm's way if at all possible." her voice trembled and her eyes pleaded with me desperately although her body language was frigid and calm. That's when I realized: she was terrified of her husband.
"Of course he can stay with me, Mrs. Vincent," I responded. She smiled brightly. "Such a sweet, sweet boy. I see why my son has chosen you," she murmured, abruptly standing as a gruff voice yelled from the open door. "Lucille!" She scurried back into the house, blowing Double D a kiss before she disappeared inside. I gently moved him from my lap, standing. He looked up at my outstretched hand like it was foreign to him, his sapphire eyes dull and far away. "Double D, it's cold out here. Let's go inside before you get sick," I said. He took my hand and stood up, shaking like a leaf. I put my arm around him, guiding him to the warmth of my house.
"Kevin, is that y-oh! Hello, Double D, you staying for dinner?" Mom asked, coming around the corner while drying her hands on a dish towel. He nodded, smiling as she pulled him into a hug. She pulled away and took each of our hands, dragging us to the kitchen. We sat quietly, sharing a look that expressed more than words ever could. Mom went back to fixing dinner, her back facing us as she began to serve plates. Once she got a good look at Edd, I thought she was going to drop the dishes in her hands. "Greg!" she screamed. I flinched and covered my ears, my boyfriend doing the same. Dad came in from the door to the garage, wiping his hands on an old grease cloth. "Calm down there Iz, where's the fire?" he chuckled. That didn't last long, though. As soon as he laid eyes on Edd, a rage washed over him like a merciless wave. "Eddward, what happened?" he spoke, his hands trembling a bit. "I- my parents were informed of mine and Kevin's romantic involvement and a bit of an altercation occurred between my father and me. No need to worry, Mr. Barr. I promise, it isn't a big deal," Edd smiled meekly. "Like hell it's not a big deal!" he thundered. I put a hand out, trying to calm him when I saw my boyfriend flinch. "Dad, please. Calm down. Now is not the best time," I whispered, my free hand gently stroking circles against Edd's back. Dad rubbed his face and let out a heavy sigh. "You're right, son. I'm sorry, Double D. I didn't mean to scare ya. You sure you're okay?" He gave a sharp nod. "Yes sir. Trust me, I'll be quite alright. I would like to ask that you allow me to stay until things blow over." Dad nodded, sliding into a chair across from us.
"You what?! No, nuh-uh. My son isn't a faggot!" Father protested, pacing the living room. Mother hovered in the doorway to the kitchen, her pale eyes filled with fear while Father's royal blue eyes continued to darken with rage. "Father, I- I love him! I love him and there is nothing about our relationship that diminishes the feelings we have for one another, not even the fact that we're both males. I'm dating Kevin and you'll just have to deal with it!" I proclaimed, squaring my shoulders and preparing for the battle to come. His face burned the color of roses and before I could take another breath, his fist cracked against my face, sending me careening to the floor. "YOU are NOT a faggot!" he roared. He stood over me, panting like a savage animal. "Eddward, dear, why don't you go? I'm sure Eddy will let you stay the night with him," Mother piped up, still cowering behind Father. I slid on my back toward the door, scrambling to get up as Father stepped forward. Hands found the doorknob and I had reached salvation. "And stay away from that fruity fucking cocksucker! No son of mine'll be taking it up the ass!" I tripped on the curb, deciding I was far enough away to cry without worry of Father chasing me. Soon his and Mother's screams echoed throughout the cul-de-sac. Fingers trembling, I dug my phone from my pocket and sent a message to Kevin.
I opened my eyes, staring up at Kevin's living room ceiling. Kevin and his mom were sitting on the floor on opposite ends of the coffee table, playing cards. Kevin's dad threw a blanket over me before sitting in his recliner, his attention on the TV. Kevin looked up just as my eyes finished wandering around the room. "Oh. We thought you were asleep, babe," he said. I shook my head. "No, I was just thinking." Mrs. Barr giggled, "Well, do you wanna get down here and think about getting your butt kicked at 5-card poker?" I smiled softly and slid to the floor with the blanket still wrapped around me. Ever since I had come over, they gently avoided the sore subject of my father's outburst and tried their best to keep me feeling at ease. Kevin dealt me five cards, staring intently at his hand. A few $20 bills were in the middle of the table. "Do you two gamble often?" I asked, looking at my cards. "Are you kidding me?" Mr. Barr snorted. "It's like their favorite pastime." Mrs. Barr smirked, laying a card down before pulling another from the deck. "Don't mind him. Greg doesn't like to play because he's never been any good at gambling," she teased. I laughed softly, sliding the few dollars I had into the middle of the table. We made small talk of this and that throughout the game, and I found myself falling easily into the warm atmosphere of the Barr home.
"Goodnight boys," Mrs. Barr eventually yawned, getting up and heading to her room. Mr. Barr had retired for the night two hours prior, and now it was just Kevin and me sitting in the living room. He set the cards down and stood, coming around the table and pulling me into his arms. "Kevin," I sighed, fighting the smallest of smiles that crept to my face. "I would appreciate if you set me down, please." He sat down on the couch with me in his lap, burrowing his face into the crook of my shoulder. "No," he chuckled, holding me tighter. I exhaled heavily, playing with his hair as I waited patiently. After a few moments, he looked up at me, his emerald eyes clouded with sadness and concern. His grip loosened and one hand came up to caress my bruised cheek, but I made no move to leave his lap. "Are you sure you're alright? You don't have to bottle everything up," he whispered. I was speechless, to say the least. He had been so worried, and continued to worry, about me. It seemed like we sat in silence forever, but soon I opened my mouth and exhaled heavily. "I'm so...tired, Kevin. I'm tired of my parents. They neglect me all year round with maybe one or two phone calls; they barely ever come home for holidays; yet, the minute they get any insight into the life of their only child, Mother runs for cover from Father's anger, and he...he refuses to accept it." I snorted, a feeling of bitterness rising in me like bile coming up my throat. "I doubt they even love me. If he did, he wouldn't treat me in such a way, and if she did, she would protect me from him." Tears started to blur my vision, and I was angry; I'd spent the majority of my life shedding tears over my parents and their absence-- why should I shed anymore? My voice, when it finally did return to me, came out in a broken sob. "I'm- I'm tired of feeling so alone. Why don't they want me?" Kevin's strong arms wrapped around me once more, holding me against his chest as he rocked gently. His fingers ran through my hair as he whispered soothingly, "You're never alone, Eddward. Never, I promise. You've got me and I've got you. It's just you and me, babe. I'd take on the whole world for you, even your shitty parents." The last part made me laugh, and I pulled away from him, wiping the tears from my eyes. "There's that beautiful laugh. I love that sound," he grinned. I kissed him sweetly, my heart fluttering as our lips met. He was the first to pull away, still looking concerned. "Are you tired? We can go to bed. Or we could stay down here and cuddle and watch a movie," he suggested, his cheeks flushing pink. I bit my lip, looking over his gorgeous features as a flame was ignited in me. I leaned forward, gently biting his earlobe. "Let's go to bed," I whispered huskily. He let out a groan and I couldn't contain my smug grin as my kisses trailed down his neck. He cleared his throat, shifting underneath me. "T-to bed?" he stammered. "Mm-hmm," I hummed against his skin. "Yes sir," he chuckled shakily, standing up with my bottom in his hands. I locked my legs around his waist, stifling an excited giggle as we passed his parents' room.
He nearly couldn't get us to his room fast enough. As soon as the door clicked shut behind us, he set me down, tugging off my hoodie and my shirt in one rough pull. My beanie fell to the floor somewhere, but I didn't care. My hands tugged at his shirt, pulling it over his head before I threw it completely across the room. As we continued to undress each other in a frenzy, I noticed his lustful gaze was accompanied by a devilish smile. That smile will be my undoing one day, I silently mused, getting rid of the cocky gaze with a shower of eager kisses. He pushed me away gently, his smile gone completely. "Babe, are you alright?" he asked. I pulled him to me, boldly running my hand up his thigh before grabbing a hold of his hardness, stroking lightly. "I'm fine. I just need you. Is that so wrong?" I murmured, taking great pride in the way his head fell back and all he was able to do was moan. I pushed him back on the bed, kneeling in between his legs as my mouth closed around him, moving up and down at such a slow pace. He whimpered, and I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy making him squirm. I hummed softly against him, my throat vibrating with laughter as he inhaled sharply and his fingers tangled tightly in my hair. "Don'tdothat!" he gasped, his body shuddering as I laughed again. His hands tugged at my hair again, and I had had enough of that. My hands found his, gently pulling away from my head before grabbing hold of his wrists. "Babe-"
I came up quickly, moving his hands above his head as I crawled onto the bed and straddled his waist. "Shhhh." He complied easily, biting his lip as his eyes pleaded for me to continue. My long fingers held both of his hands still as my right hand traveled low, gently guiding his member to my entrance. I winced at the pain, moving my hand as I lowered myself completely with one determined push. A muffled moan escaped him as I leaned forward, pinning him down with both hands once more. "Stay quiet, now. It would be very impolite of us if we woke your parents," I breathed, placing light kisses along his chest as my hips began to rock. Up and down, round and round, dancing to a provocative tune only my ears seemed to hear. "Oh my God!" Kevin hissed, his arms pulling against my hold. "That's not my name, buuut close enough," I teased. He glared up at my smirking face. "Smartass," he huffed, bucking his hips upward just as I came down. I gasped, my head falling back as I let the pleasure consume me. Our hushed moans fueled our intense lovemaking as I moved faster. "Kevin," I moaned. "Oh Edd," he sighed, his back arching above the bed. "Edd, fuck I'm gonna-" and in one swift motion he sat up, breaking my hold around his wrists and grabbing me in an iron grip, lifting me up and down in his lap until he shuddered his release. He bit my shoulder hard, muffling his moan into my skin. That's all it took before I was a trembling mess, coming all over myself and him. We sat like that for several moments, Kevin pressing gentle kisses to the bruise now forming on my shoulder. "Shit, babe. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bite that hard," he apologized, but I only laughed and ran my hands through his hair. "You didn't hurt me in any way I didn't want," I replied.
He chuckled softly, picking me up out of his lap and setting me beside him. I laid back and stared at the ceiling as he put on a pair of basketball shorts and left the room. What is wrong with me? I'd never act so impulsively, I thought, exhaling heavily. But, it was very much worth it. I couldn't help but smile, snapping out of it when Kevin returned with a large bath towel. He had already wiped himself clean and now knelt beside me on the bed, cleaning up our post-coitus mess. He gently ran the towel over my stomach and thighs, taking his time in cleansing me. His eyes shone with nothing but tenderness and love, and it made my face burn intensely, though I had no clue why. "I'm very capable of cleaning myself," I grumbled, pouting a bit. He smiled and kissed me chastely. "Yes, but I enjoy taking care of you." He tossed the towel into a laundry basket in the corner before gathering me up in his arms and laying down. He pulled the blankets over us and held me to his chest. "I love you, Edd," he whispered. "I love you too, Kevin," I yawned, snuggling into his chest. One of his hands trailed up and down my back as the other played with my hair, the beat of his heart lulling me into that hollow space between awake and asleep. "No matter what anyone says, no matter what anyone does, you are the most important thing to me and I will always be here for you, even if the whole world isn't. You'll never be alone, Double D. I want you to know that." I can't remember what I said in response, or if I said anything at all, but I was filled with such astonishment at the love he had for me. I don't think I would ever get used to that feeling.
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