Next Step
Keep an eye out for references to the show!
Candace could hardly wait for it to be a decent enough hour of the morning for her to call Dan, luckily she had to call Isabella, that would help pass the time. By 9:00 Candace had finished her conversation with Isabella, only getting her to say that she was busy with her mom's restaurant and didn't have much time to hang out with the boys. Candace had been eating breakfast in the kitchen while she talked to Isabella and she then walked into the living room with her phone still in hand and plopped down on the couch, after propping her feet up on the coffee table she put the phone back to her ear to call Dan. It wasn't long before Candace heard a voice on the other end say
"Hello this is Dan Povenmire."
"Hi Dan it's Candace."
"Candace! Good to hear from you, did you get all the permission you needed?"
"Yup, I think I talked to just about everyone I know, and my brothers were super excited about it."
"Great, are you ready for the next step?"
"Sure, what do you need me to do next." Candace asked with curiosity at finding out the next step of this journey
"Next I'll give you my email address and I need you to send me pictures of all the people you wrote about so Swampy and I can work on turning them into cartoon characters. Meanwhile you can convert your story into script form."
"That should be easy enough, what's the email." Candace wrote on a piece of paper while Dan recited his email address, then she hung up, grabbed her laptop and began searching for pictures, she surprised herself with how many people she had pictures of on her laptop, honestly she didn't know where half of them came from. The only person she found she didn't have a picture of was Vanessa's dad, so she opened a web browser and typed "pharmacist", after scrolling through a few results she found a picture of a pharmacist with brown hair, and a strangely mantis like posture, who she thought looked like a good evil scientist. she copied and pasted the picture into the email she was making, but after doing so the thought if i'm gonna use vanessa's dad as the character, than the cartoon should at least look like him. she quickly shot Vanessa an email asking for a picture. Candace got up to get a glass of water and by the time she got back there was a new email from Vanessa with a picture of her dad attached.
"That was fast." Candace commented to no one as she sat back down. When she opened the picture she was shocked to see that it was the exact same one that she found on the internet "Wow what a coincidence." Candace thought out loud, and then began compiling all the pictures into an email for Dan. Once that task was out of the way she opened the document containing her story and began converting it into a script, it took her the whole week to do this particularly because her week was extremely busy anyway, but finally she finished and was able to send it to Dan, he responded with an email saying "Thanks, I'll get back to you soon" But as the days dragged on Candace was beginning to think "soon" really meant never. Just as Candace was about to run out of patience and call him, Dan emailed her with concept drawings of the characters and scenery for her approval. She was amazed at how well they we're able to transform her family into cartoons. Dan said that it would be a while while they began putting together the animation and even longer to get the finished product, and in the meantime she should find a recording studio and get her friends to record the voices, and if she needed any help she should call him. So that's just what Candace did, first she sent copies of the script to everyone, and the next week she took a group of people to the recording studio to record their lines.
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