Big Day
well this Is the last chapter, yay! or awe :( depending on how much you like the story.
Graduation came and went and Candace was very glad to have school off her plate so she could focus on her wedding and the TV show. She spent most of her time smoothing out a lot of details for her wedding, and smoothing out even more details for the pilot episode of her TV show. Dan had Candace working on more scripts because if the pilot went well they needed to start airing more episodes as soon as possible, Stacy had Candace working on picking her hairstyle for the wedding, and all in all Candace was exhausted.
Finally all Candace's hard work payed off, the big day arrived, it was the night before Candace's wedding and the night that the TV pilot was going to air. Candace was at her Parent's house surrounded by her family, Jeremy's family, Isabella's family, and Stacy's family, in short all the people who were closest to her. The TV was on, people were piled on the couches and sprawled across the floor, there was popcorn, cookies, and other treats provided by Linda. Everyone was talking and laughing, the main subject being Candace and Jeremy's wedding, then through all of the chaos Candace heard the voice of Mrs.Garcia-Shapiro say
"Cálmese everyone it's starting" with those words a hush fell over the whole room and all eyes were on the TV, It showed two cartoon boys, one with red hair and one with green leaning up against a tree, than the theme song began to play
"There's a hundred and four days of summer vacation and school comes along just to end it........." everyone watched in silence except for the occasional outburst of laughter, but as soon as the credits were finished rolling there was an almost overwhelming round of applause (started by Lawrence) and Candace was nearly suffocated by hugs, congratulations, and comments on everyone's favorite parts. Candace was almost in tears she was in awe of the reaction she had gotten, and was overwhelmingly happy with the episode, she couldn't wait for the next one, but first she was going to get married.
Vanessa curled up on the couch next to her dad watching what might very well have just become her new favorite TV show. Her dad seemed to be enjoying it just as much as she was and whenever it got to the parts about him he would make random comments about it. After a while he commented
"Wait a second how did she know so much about what I did that day" Vanessa thought about this. She was baffled, by all accounts it didn't make sense, finally she said
"Uum I don't know, lucky guess I suppose"
----------------------MEANWHILE AT THADDEUS AND THOR'S HOUSE---------------
Thaddeus and Thor were sitting on their living room floor watching a new TV show called Phineas and Ferb, suddenly their older sister Mandy stood up off the couch and said
"Why don't you two have a TV show?" and angrily stomped off to the other room.
-----------------MEANWHILE (AGAIN) AT THE OWCA HEADQUARTERS------------
"Sir you might want to take a look at this" said Carl who was sitting at his desk watching his computer screen
"What is it Carl, I was in the middle of watching Ducky MoMo" Major Monogram said huffily looking over Carl's shoulder
"I intercepted this new kids tv show and look who is on it" his screen showed Perry kicking Doofenshmirtz in the face
"GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY CARL, THIS COULD BLOW AGENT P'S COVER. But on second thought it is just a TV show, no one will ever suspect a thing. It's a perfect cover! Alert agent P at once and tell him not to take any action"
-----------------MEANWHILE BACK AT THE FLYNN-FLETCHER HOUSE--------------
Perry's watch buzzed hand he got a message from Carl saying that if he saw this TV show with himself in it he shouldn't take any action. That was a relief. Perry was afraid that he would get relocated because of this show, now that he was at ease he jumped onto Ferb's lap who was sitting on the floor between Candace and Phineas, the three of them pet him at the same time and Candace said
"Oh there you are Perry, how did you like the show?"
I love the ending, I loved writing it and I love rereading it. I hope you all liked it, please comment and tell me what you think, thank you all for reading, commenting, and voting on this story. Love you all bye!
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