What I thought BFDIA 10 would've been like if my BFDIA 9 was correct
Four: well, here it is! The last episode. This won't fail to make me cry.
X: don't worry 4, you can always have a rewatch.
Four: Oh! That reminds me of an idea I had to preserve the entire show permanently! First tough, let's watch this!
Pin: are we recording?
Coiny: yes we are!
Needle: We havn't given you a proper goodbye yet, so this is it. Let me show you what's been happening.
Intro starts
First, I've personally tried to get us Woah bunchers to make up with team no-name.
Golfball: Really? Why would I ever not hate you now?
Coiny: Uhh... I can help you beat Pencil?
Golfball: okay, I almost don't completely hate your idea anymore.
Needle: Also, uhhh... some people are making yellow face drink purple paint.
Yellow face: Help me!
Needle: Anyway, Firey founded the 'Coiny haters club'
Spongy: Yeah!
Golfball: Can I join?
Firey and Spongy: No, you bozo brain!
Pencil: heh!
Firey: You can't join ethier.
Pencil: wh-
Ruby: Don't worry pence-pence, you still have us!
Bubble: Yoy!
Needle: Oh, and Bubble and Ruby have gotten way closer. They're basically best buds now.
The purple paint from Bomby was removed too, and now they're forcing yellow face into it.
Yellow face: help.
Needle: We've all made our own homes and decorated them!
Coiny brings the camera away while needle keeps saying stuff.
Coiny: I know that none of you will ever see this, but you know how Rocky used to barf a lot? I think I want that back! And I know exactly where to go to do that!
Puffball speaker box, take me to Golfball's underground factory with a manual to create a new infinite matter generator!
Puffball speaker box: Alright then! Grabs him and jumps
Coiny: we're here!
Shows montage of him building it
Coiny: I have it built! Now take me back!
Puffball speaker box: okiee! Grabs him and jumps again
Suddenly, when they get there, she crashes into a rock and breaks a bit.
Fries: Oh no! My best friend's speaker box is broken!
Puffball speaker box: o-ow!
Fries: oh Puffball speaker box, you were my only way of remembering Puffball left! Why did you must go!
Puffball speaker box: Fries, I have a confession...
Fries: what?
Puffball speaker box: lewis never won the lottery, the Firey speaker box just put Coiny and Nickel next to each other and a portal with money appeared.
Fries: Nooooo! Curse that Firey speaker box!
Coiny: Yeah! He's stupid! Because Firey made him! Now time to find a great source of matter to get this thing working. Ah hah! The yoyleite! puts it in
Pencil: wait Coiny no-
Coiny: Shoves it into Rocky's mouth
Pencil: Oh, no!
Rocky barfs the words 'thanks for watching BFDI'
Needle: Uhh... anyway, keep watching freesmart's video diaries to stay caught up, and Goodbye!
Golfball presses stop recording
Four: Alright, time for business. I'm going to re-watch the video diaries to understand what's going on
Goes to a screen saying 'Later'
Four, standing in front of a bunch of connected postcards: You got that?
X holding a notebook: Got it.
Four: Great! Now we'll continue to add onto this every week! For now though, it's time to pull the BIG idea.
X narrating: And so he complied all of the episodes together, and used his powers to put the video into a block, forming the BFDI.
Four: This is great! Now I don't even need my TV to rewatch it.
Goes to a screen saying 'late-mid 2016'
Four: sleeping with the TV on
The TV: say hello to IDFB!
Four waking up: wh-wha?
The guy on the TV: All of the characters from BFDI make a return in this new season!
Four: wh-what?
The guy: You heard that right, the BFDI(A) crew is back!
Four: I-thought I lost them...
The guy: Now some of you might've seen those vids made by freesmart, but nothing will be as big as this!
Four: I need to tell x...
The guy: and it will land on september first, on the day that freesmart will make the 1000th video in their series.
Four, ecstatic: THEY'RE BACK!
Cuts to Firey infront of the hprc
He recovers leafy
Leafy: wai-
Firey: SHH. I don't want people to know I recovered you. Pushing her away now go!
Leafy leaves
Pencil: HEY!
Book: What?
Pencil: Firey recovered Leafy despite her stealing dream island!
Book: OH! Uh...
Pencil: You're gonna have a bad time for this!
Firey: Please, PLEASE don't tell anyone!
Pencil: Alright, fine, we'll keep it a secret.
On one condition.
Cuts to Firey screaming at the yoyle needy
Rolls credits
After credits
It shows Four and X at night, re-wathcing BFDIA 10
Four: heh. Memories.
It cuts to post bfb-30, with the announcer and Taco watching it.
Taco: hey, BFDIA 7-10 never got released, why don't we release them now?
Announcer: Not a bad idea.
Bubble: sigh I was so happy then.
Taco: yeah, but you went through a lot sense. But, now the show is over. You can relax. So take this time you have to heal your mind. You're the sweetest person I know. You deserve it.
Bubble: ... thank you.
Taco: you might not like being alone, but sometimes, it really helps.
Bubble: o-okay.
Cuts to Gelatin and Lollipop standing in the corner.
Gelatin: so... lolli... do you want to tell them that Technoblade just died? Because I really don't.
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