PFT (fanmade season) 1
This is a season 'in-between' BFB and TPOT. But all episodes of it will come out between TPOT (the episode where Profily shows up) and (that+1).
After a TPOT episode where Profily shows up I guess.
Fanny: Back already Profily?
Profily: yep.
Fanny: hey, what happened to Four's crew when their show ended?
Profily's oh, well, it's kind of a hard story to tell. How about I have Purple face write his idea of it to me?
Fanny: I don't care how long it takes, I just want to know what happened.
Purple face: so now you guys get to write about your experiences recently, and I'll send to Profily what they should say so it makes sense to the TPOT people!
Even later
Profily: so, TPOT contestants, I'm sure you all want to know what happened to your friends after BFB ended. So I'm here to tell you, reading off of this form Purple face sent me to help explain it to you guys. Though he sent something where it technically said what happened, but it exaggerated some things, so I sent it back and told him to be more accurate this time and even told the announcer to make sure Purple face was taking this seriously.
Announcer: that's not what really happened.
Purple face: but Profily doesn't know that.
Announcer: change it.
Purple face: Okay! Okay...
End of flashback
Profily: hold on, Two, can you bring Black hole over here so he can hear this?
Two: got it!
Black hole: wow Profily, thanks for not forgetting about me.
Profily: so here it is, what really happened, and not his "tall tale" version. You guy's can call this, "purple face's tale"
Epic intro plays IDK what it would be like but y'all can imagine.
Shows screen that says 'May 2021'
Taco: thanks for helping us in our show Flower!
Flower: No problem! But tell Blocky to stop throwing bugs at me!
Taco: yeah, yeah, I'll deal with that.
Gelatin: hey Flower, our new fashion store and steakhouse combination place is actually starting to get in business!
Flower: Great!
Taco: Blocky, did you really throw bugs at Flower?
Blocky: what, no!
Woody: yes you did.
Blocky whisper-shouting: shut it!
Taco: Sigh, of course you did.
Blocky: hugs her
Taco: reluctantly hugs back.
Announcer: so what did you need that propeller for?
Four: you'll see, I'm just making a vehicle right now.
Announcer: well you're gonna have to give it back to those two, now they're stranded. Also don't we have a helicopter?
X: yeah, whatever.
Taco: so how was our show guys?
Baloony: it was cool! Watching Flower was fun!
Lollipop: I notice you close of a bond with Blcoky and Woody you formed, and also, you yourself are good too. Flower is a little less good than you.
Ruby: I didn't know what it was that I was watching, but I liked it!
Loser: I decided to watch it while drinking many different brands of root beer to see how they tasted different.
Bubble: your show was... okay. It was nice.
Taco: that's nice.
Bubble: yeah...
Taco, concerned: Het, bubble, can you come over to somewhere private for a bit?
Bubble: uhh... okay?
Lollipop: what are they doing?
Gelatin: probably noting.
Lollipop: I'm just gonna watch...
Four: The vehicle is built, now I just have to make the propeller work with it.
Profily: hey Four, could you tell me where you're going?
Four whispering: I'm trying to reach the top of a really steep hill, because there's an entrance at the top, and I want to see what's down there.
Profily: hmm... interesting
Purple face: hey, who wants to watch the first episode of TPOT with me?
Profily: I do!
Ruby: same here!
Ballony: yeah!
Loser: I guess I'll also join!
Taco: Hey Bubble, I realized that you answer wasn't as... enthusiastic as everyone else's. Are you okay?
Bubble: Uh... yeah. I'm fine.
Taco: Are you sure? Because everytime I've seen that exact sentence in a story or heard it in a movie, the author was using it to prove the person wasn't fine at all.
Bubble: I'm telling you, nothing's wrong!
Taco: hmm... A lightbulb appears. you know, I've heard Blocky used to be mean to you. I mean come on, what's up with that guy? I wonder, what were times you had to deal with that idiot?
Bubble: what for?
Taco: I dunno, just wondering.
Bubble: well, yeah, he used to hurt me a lot, he was really the reason everyone else realised ho fragile I was, which made me really scared. And people like Snowball and Flower used it to their advantage to pop me whenever they wanted. I know you asked about Blocky, but I also want to talk about SB for a second, he also used to...
Taco listening, in her mind: Yes, I got it. And now I just have to wait for her to finish. Nailed it.
Flower after some customer (literally a blue square) is leaving: Thanks for shopping! Come back soon!
The blue square: Thank you! Bye!
Gelatin: Geeze, we've been busy today!
Flower: Yeah, I know.
Gelatin: Well, I guess it's time for us to be done for today.
Flower: Alright, see you tomorrow!
Purple face: Hey, Gelly boy! Flowery! Watch the first episode of TPOT with us!
Flower: okay!
They start watching it.
Announcer: yeah you guys watch that. I'm going back to my home, call me if you need anything.
Bubble, now laying on Taco's lap: then Flower popped me one last time when I legit thought she wouldn't and I couldn't be recovered until my alliance found that magic bubble mix or whatever. And you know, with them and random objects even popping me all the time, I was scared. Scared that 'next time' would be sooner rather than later. And the pain of popping was only the beginning of all the pain in my life.
Taco: man, that sucks. Do you want me to help you with it?
Bubble: mhmm. Wait, Taco.. Did you just... trick me into venting to you?
Taco: starts laughing. yeah, yeah...
Bubble: well... I guess... Thank you. That felt good. The only other person I've ever really vented to is Fanny, and I really didn't want to anymore now that she's gone.
Taco: I think you should start doing it more! Don't worry; I'll try to help you with it.
Bubble: Heh, thanks.
Taco gives Bubble a hug.
The camera zooms out, revealing that Lollipop was spying on them.
Lollipop: You know, I've always assumed that Bubble is the one who is always joyful, but now that I think about it, 90% of the time I spent with her, she didn't even LOOK happy. No wonder she got so mad at me in BFB 23. You know what? Maybe I should apologize to her. She was always sweet, and honestly, even before then, she kinda made me realize what I was doing wrong, so that drew me to her. So I'm glad Taco is helping her.
She leaves.
Gelatin: Hey Lolli! We just finished watching TPOT 1!
Lollipop: Nice! What happened?
Shows Gelatin explaining it as the camera moves over to Profily.
Profily: Hey, Purple face, I've been thinking of a... project that Bubble and Ruby could be a part of.
Purple face: ooh! What is it about?
Profily: I'd rather not say, but know this: I have some friends elsewhere.
(new scene)
Profily on the phone: Hey Golden, now there's nothing stopping those two from escaping... I think... what do you think of the Idea?
Golden speaker box: alright. Cool. What were they doing anyway?
Profily: someone said something that 'ruined the vibe' or whatever.
Gplden speaker box: no like, why was getting the basket importa-
Profily hangs up.
Golden speaker box: dang it.
Ruby: Hey Bubble! How ya doing?
Bubble: oh, I'm doing fine! heh...
Taco: hm... hey Bubble, come over here.
Bubble: hmm?
Taco whispering: why didn't you tell her?
Bubble whispers everything about Ruby.
Taco: ohh... there's just something you don't want her knowing?
Bubble nods
Taco: alright...
Profily: hey, maybe sometime we'll all be in TPOT together then I can tell her, because it will be on screen.
Bubble: then let's go!
Profily: no! We need a reasonable reason to be in TPOT.
Taco: uh.. Alright?
Gelatin: so that's how TPOT 1 went!
Lollipop: interesting.
Gelatin: well, see ya!
Lollipop goes over to Balloony
Lollipop: I just know what he said was insane, can you help clarify what really happened?
Balloony: of course.
Bubble: Hey Gelatin, can I talk with you?
Gelatin: what a stupid question! Of course not!
Bubble: huh?
Gelatin: well, see ya!
Bubble: what did I do wrong?
Taco: too me, it seems like Gelatin is the one who did something wrong here. Though maybe you can phrase it less of a question, or something. But really, I blame Gelatin here. He's kind of an idiot.
Gelatin: oh a bug! Gets attacked by it uh... AGHH!
Bubble: you know what? I think I get it.
Four: when do you think our vehicle will be ready?
X: I say a month from now...
Cuts to Firey and Leafy
Firey: hey, we landed at one!
Leafy: let's go!
Fiery: so what's the plan?
Leafy: I say we look at each island we find, and find maybe 10 really good ones, then we can select just one of those 10 to make into a brand new dream island! Let's call it, dream island deluxe.
Firey: What a good name! Anyway though, we should probably start looking for resources so we don't starve.
Leafy: alrighty then!
Firey: oh, and Leafy?
Goes to what would be the voting scene but there is no voting in this season and you have Micheal talking about how cool this season is gonna be.
Shows screen saying APRIL 2020
8-ball: so what do you think we'll find here?
Firey Jr.: well, there are many things supposed to be hiding in a forest, right?
Dora: says some Spanish stuff
8-ball: eh, seems reasonable.
Firey Jr.: hey, this tree seems weird. Jumps in
8-ball: what's in there?
Firey jr. Blueprints? It shows some sort of exit, but way too high to reach.
8-ball: hmm... well maybe when we meet back with the others, we'll find a way...
Dora: More Spanish sounds
Firey Jr.: uh huh, whatever.
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