Firey Speaker box: Announcer, I think it's time. Hosts keep dying, the show is out of control just admit that-
Announcer: No, no.
Firey speaker box: Dude, these 'prizes' are just hurting people for no reason. And those in the weak trembling fortress escaped. Not to mention...
Announcer: What?
Firey speaker box:...
Announcer: What happened?
Firey speaker box: it was time anyway... that just gives me an excuse...
Announcer: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? (The last word echos)
(Intro plays)
Fanny: Hey Barfbag?
Barfbag: Hey, what's up?
Fanny: Hey, do you, care about me?
Barf bag: uh... why?
Fanny: I noticed you told Snowball not to hurt me so...
Barf bag: Oh no, I just do that to anyone, whether or not I care about them at all.
Fanny: sighs listen, I know that sounds nice, but I'd rather someone be willing to help me because they care about me, not just because 'helping someone is nice'
Barf bag: uh... but you, you know, hate everything?
Fanny: Well now I hate you for giving my hopes up!
(To the contestants)
Needle: Can I be a member now?
Pencil: No! What sacrifice have you done?
Topaz: Yeah!
Needle: Well first I killed Coiny, then I tried to drop my jetpack to Book and Ruby but it didn't work.
Pencil: Neither of those are sacrifices, that was just you doing stuff.
Needle: What IS a sacrifice then?
Pencil: Like voluntarily being used as bait, going in a building or cave to press something... Basically it's only a sacrifice if you die.
Needle: Wait? So I need to voluntarily DIE for it to count?
Pencil: That's like, the definition of sacrifice. And we're going to bring you back immediately anyway. Duh.
Needle:... you know what? You were rude to me anyway, so even if you just made me a member, I'd just ignore it.
Pencil: Huh?
Needle: That's right! Someone would have to be STUPID to WANT to be a member in this.
Pencil looks in the other direction, Ruby looks visablely offended, but Book looks like she's actually thinking about what Needle is saying, and there is a big black rectangle above that says 'Book will remember that'
Coiny: Great choice Needy! Gets slapped. Welcome back!
Pin: Wait! Needle! Why did you insult me back there?
Needle: well... uh...
Nickel: Guys! Can't we be happy for once?
Pin: What's happy about this?
Nickel: Did you forget? Either Book or Ruby is going to get eliminated!
(Cake at stake song plays)
Puffball: Book and Ruby, you're UFE for committing plagiarism and getting yourselves electrocuted.
Pencil: Wait! Can we recover Bubble first?
Puffball: Okay.
Pencil goes to some random recovery center that just appeared and recovers Bubble.
Bubble: Yoy!
Pencil: Either Book or Ruby is about to get eliminated.
Coiny: And you're next Pence Pence.
Match slaps Coiny through the TLC.
Puffball: Anyway, you two got a total of 113316 likes! (This is just what the dislike extension says, the real answer is probably quite a bit more)
Book got 70561 while Ruby only got 42755, so Book gets the prize.
Book: Remember when I spun this wheel for you Puffy?
Puffball: Yeah. Also Don't call me puffy! But I won't slap you, cause I'm nice.
Book: well even if you weren't nice you still couldn't slap me because you're stuck in there.
Pencil: And you don't even have arms!
Puffball: Whatever.
Book spins the wheel.
Prize name: a shredder.
A shredder just spawns.
Book: Okay?
Puffball: Now it's time for the dislikes! The two of you got a total of 44416 dislikes! Let's see the results!
A screen shows up and starts filling up with a drumroll.
Blocky: Hey guys! For a prank, interrupt the cake at stake randomly!
Everyone in the Locker of Loser looks at Blocky, who then looks sad at them.
Meanwhile, in the weak trembling fortress,
Yellow face: Do you need to find a Golfball fast? Well try our new Golfball detector! It can detect Golfballs anywhere!
It starts beeping. Yellow face sees Golfball's leg and pulls her out of the ground.
Yellow face: There you are!
Golfball: Yep. Here I am.
The screen doesn't look near done, then suddenly a rush of red comes in
Amethyst: What? Why?
Pin: That's what you get for shrinking me.
Emerald: When did that happen?
Sapphire: Don't you know? Ruby shrank Pin a few episodes ago!
Diamond: How do you know that?
Book: Hey, where did you all come from?
Opal: Well now that Ruby's eliminated we have ho reason to hide now. We've all been pretending to be Ruby sense the whole bug dodgeball thing to gain screentime!
Nickel: Well... none of you did anything wrong, so I guess you can stay. Just get the real Ruby.
The scooper comes and chucks Ruby to the weak trembling fortress.
Topaz: Goodbye Ruby!
Pearl: Wait, now can we just do whatever we want?
Quartz: I say we chuck paint everywhere!
Amber: Yay!
They're bouncing around everywhere.
Nickel: You know what? I'm getting rid of them.
The scooper chucks Ruby's sisters over to the cave, but a lot of them hit the propeller of the locker of losers, which starts falling and the contestants inside start screaming. Then it lands near yoylecity and the window shatters but they're all unconscious.
Ruby lands in the weak trembling fortress.
Icecube: Hey Ruby!
Ruby: Hey Icy!
Icecube: I am so glad we can be here together, away from everyone else!
Ruby: Yeah! And nothing bad will happen to us!
Suddenly Coiny shows up behind them with a hammer, and in the next shot, they're both shattered.
Pin: Where's Coiny?
Coiny: Here I am. I was just dealing with something.
Needle: Good.
Coiny: Hey Fries and Tennisball, we want you guys to come here.
Fries: Coming.
Tennisball: Alright.
Fries: So we're here. What do you want?
Coiny: We must unite against Pencil.
Pin: And Book too!
Nickel: Wait! Book didn't do anything! She's just friends with the people who did! And she was scared of what her friends were doing as well? Why are you punishing her? Not to mention you popped Bubble as well, and she legit did nothing.
Pin: :(
Coiny: Doesn't matter! Look, Pencil has shown that she's dangerous, so we need to get rid of her! And we can ONLY do that if we're all working together against her. Let's call this:
Operation Woodchiper.
(intro starts)
Coiny: Wait, we played that already, didn't we?
Pin: Yeah, but let's play it again, for good measure.
(intro plays anyway)
Back to the inside of the Locker of losers.
Someone wakes up Fanny.
Fanny: Wha- who are you?
Coiny: Hey Pencil! All 7 of us made a whole new team together!
Pin: Yeah! We've realized we should all stand together to bring you down!
Pencil: Good luck with that.
Pin: Oh yeah? Well try saying that when we beat you! You will never forget when you lost to- um... wait, what's our team name?
Coiny: hm... how about... wooden operation annihilation holder bunch!
Fries: No! We are not calling ourselves that!
Their name ends up being 'wooden operation annihilation holder bunch no we are not calling ourselves that'
Coiny: Anyway, I think I'm gonna spin the challenge wheel now.
Wheel: Just don't die honestly I'm tired of this just kill each other or whatever.
Everyone looks at Pencil and Book.
It cuts to them running. Then they hide somewhere.
Book: We are so dead.
Pencil: Come on, I promise we can handle this.
Book: Did you hear those guys? They are so determined to bring us down! How are we going to beat them?
Pencil:...we'll see.
Fries: What exactly did Pencil do? Maybe I'm just not paying attention, but I want to actually hear about thi- Pencil unfolds Fries and rips him apart. Then she grabs a fry and starts wacking Tennisball with it, before Book goes to suffocate Tennisball.
Book: That was easy.
Pencil: See? We've already killed just as many members of the other team as there are the two of us!
Coiny: Hey guys, look at this big stick I found!
Pin: That's great Coiny!
Coiny: okay, first we need to find those Two, then we can chase them to a cliff or something!
Needle: Great plan!
Coiny: Thanks Needy-
Needle is about to slap him but then the scene cuts.
It shows Evil Leafy showing up out of nowhere.
Shows Book walking over slightly damaged.
Book: Gee, who was that?
Pencil: Who was who?
Book: Some Blue MnM looking person started acting like they were great friends with me, and was competing in the show with us the whole time. Then Firey speaker box said I had to kill them even though they weren't a contestant. So I just picked the speaker box and this shredder I got and crushed them with them.
Pencil:... okay?
Book: Then I heard Firey speaker box talking about something...
Pencil: whatever.
Nickel: Guys! Where is Bomby?
Coiny: What do you mean?
Nickel: Wait. Found him.
Bomby: You think you're cool, huh? Try us. It's on.
Nickel: We're screwed.
Coiny: What? Me you and Needle are all made of metal, and even if we weren't, that doesn't change the fact that we completely outnumber them.
Bomby: youuuuu suuuuuck!
Pencil suddenly rubs a rock on Book's face, causing a spark, then lights Bomby with it before putting it out.
Bomby: Oh no Pencil, you lit my fuse!
She presses Nickel against Bomby then goes on top of him.
Pencil: Hop on!
Book: Okay! Sorry Nickel, it's for the challenge.
Nickel: Okay.
Pencil: Quiet. He's been a team enemy all since he joined Coiny.
Book hops on top of Nickel.
Bomby blows up and they are launched.
They land somewhere behind a wall, and Nickel goes unconscious.
Pencil: Quickly, fill his mouth with dirt.
Book: Wha-
Pencil: Otherwise he might not be all dead!
Book: Okay. Fills Nickel's mouth with dirt.
Pencil: Good girl.
Coiny: Guys, now we know which way we're headed. Just sneak up on them. I'll rip Book in half, then it's only a matter of time.
Pin: Yeah- the cord for my wheels is at its max length.
Coiny sighs and puts extension cables on.
Evil Leafy is looking for someone.
She sees the challenge wheel and realizes there must be someone nearby.
She senses Book for whatever reason.
She's now going over to where Book is.
Book: Okay, not gonna lie that was cool of us, but I'm still not sure we can win this. I mean, aren't you tired now?
Pencil: ...not enough. Coiny will regret making this anti-me team.
Book: haha... yeah... cool... heh...
Pencil: Why are you saying it like that?
Book: Wha-what are you talking about?
They suddenly hear that one sound Evil Leafy makes when she teleports.
Book: Uh... hey... do you think Evil Leafy is nearby?
Pencil: Uh... yeah1
Book: What do we do now?
Pencil: What, here's an electric socket.
Book: Okay?
Pencil: Use the shredder you got. Duh.
Book:...uh... okay.
Book walks up behind Evil Leafy.
Evil Leafy turns around, making Book hide in the grass.
Evil Leafy turns around again, then Book jumps up and grabs her.
Book: You're coming with me.
She goes back, with Evil Leafy trying to escape.
Pencil plugs in the shredder and turns it on.
Book puts Evil Leafy into the shredder, ripping her into tiny pieces.
Book: sigh. She's gone.
Pencil: That was awesome.
Book: Yep.
Pencil unplugging it: Now let's win this.
Pencil sees that they were in some construction tools room, then picks up a screw driver and Two crowbars.
Pencil: Alright, these might help us. Now here's a plan: We knock them out by wacking them with the shredder, then force them into a lake.
Book: Maybe do something less painful?
Pencil: Why, they've been competing against us, and also how? They're metal!
Book: alright.
Pencil: If that fails, I'll use the stuff I got.
Book: Cool, coo-
Coiny shows up and rips Book in half.
Coiny: Sorry Book, it's for the challenge, and this is the only way for us to get Pencil eliminated.
Pencil: oh, uh... wacks Coiny with the shredder, then tries doing it again, but he dodges and catches it, then pulls it back trying to hit her with it, but she also dodges.
Coiny: Needle! Gimmie the big stick!
Needle gives it to him, who then starts trying to hit Pencil. Then he does the sweep the leg and hits the shredder with the stick, destroying it.
Pencil: Welp. jumps into his legs, grabbing them, then picks him up and knocks Needle with him. Then starts running.
Pin: Hey! Come back!
Pencil stabs into Pin's mech, destroying it, and making so Pin has to roll now.
Then she drowns Coiny and Needle, holding Pin back when she gets there.
Pin starts hopping up, but it's too late, as Coiny and Needle are already both dead.
Pencil: so, it is down to you, and it is down to me.
Pin: Whatever, I guess I'll, tries hopping into Pencil, but she dodges.
Pencil forces the screw driver into Pin's back, then does the same to the front, then forces the two crowbars into the new hole formed.
Pencil: well looky here Pin, it seems you've lost.
Pin: h-how?
Pencil: because Book and I are just better than the rest of you. I mean, I would be fine if you just shocked them, but making them lose? They already basically won!
Pin: They stole my song!
Pencil: So what? At least they remixed it. Stealing an answer in a quiz, okay yeah that should not be counted. But 'stealing' a song to sing as a lullaby for one minute? Who cares about that? they totally should have won! Not to mention that one time you assumed Icecube didn't want to go somewhere when she did, and accused Book of being controlling of her! And, uh, just being overly annoying in the first battle for dream island. I was so glad when you were gone, but then Eraser became like you. No wonder your team name abbreviates to 'wunch'
Pin: first off, are you using my own rant against me?
Pencil: Yes, I am.
Pin: second off, what does 'wunch' even mean?
Pencil: It just means a group of people that are unpleasant, like bankers or something.
Pin: wait, WE are unpleasant? Just because we go against you?
Pencil: uh... yeah? And also because of you doing those things I just mentioned, Coiny coming up with his 'elaborate plan' and all sorts of other things about you guys.
Pin: hold on, just looking for a way to insult someone itself is bad, but looking up something seemingly related to them just to see if an insult could be made out of it is much worse! Yes you couldn't look up what 'sacrifice' means? Because clearly you don't know that!
Pencil: oh please, you have no idea what you're saying.
Pin: of course I do! You think we're annoying, you use my own rant against me, and now you've searched up random stuff in hopes you'd find an insult towards us?
Pencil: Yes. I. Fluffing. Did.
Pulls the crowbars apart, making Pin fly into several pieces.
Pencil: I... won... throws Pin's mech suit in the trash.
Firey speaker box: Hey, it's me again. Hello there Pencil!
Pencil: Oh, it's you. Uh, hi.
Firey speaker box: So, it seems you win. But, now I have to kill you and recover you all in yoyleland.
Pencil: but won't you also have to kill and recover Bubble?
Firey speaker box: wha- I thought I got rid of her!
Pencil: Yeah but we keep bringing her back.
Firey speaker box: okay, ah there she is!
Bubble: Hi! Hey what happened here- Firey speaker box kills her.
Pencil: you didn't have to let me watch that.
Firey speaker box: well the only other option was to have her watch your death!
Pencil: or you could've just, separated us.
Firey speaker box: But she would be too confused and try to see what's going on!
Pencil: well...
Firey speaker box: welp. Gotta kill you now. Burns her
Shows him flying back to yoyleland
Firey speaker box: It's over, it's been over for a while now.
He gets back to the recovery center and recovers everyone
Pencil: Yes! I won!
Book: Really, great job finishing us up Pencil!
Pencil: Take that, you're all noobs, my epicness will always overshadow you guy- oh, hi Book, thanks for helping me.
Book: okay, first of all, you're being very rude, second,
Pencil: Wait, we haven't recovered Bubble yet. Recovers her. Wait, why are Icecube and Ruby dead? Whatever. Recovers them too.
Book: Whatever? Don't you think we should...
Pencil: Ruby, Book is mad at me again.
Ruby: boooo! Pencil is a genius, how dare you!
Book: She just said whatever about your dea- I'm surrounded by idiots.
Icecube: uh... yeah... Book... shouldn't be mad...
Ruby: correct!
Firey speaker box: she's obviously lyi-
Ruby: Hey Bubble, do you want to explore yoylecity with me?
Bubble: sure!
Firey speaker box: uh... HOLD IT! I HAVE BAD NEWS!
Coiny: What do you mean 'bad news'
Firey speaker box: please get away from me.
Coiny: okay?
Firey speaker box: anyway, so you know how stuff is just... happening?
Pin: Yeah?
Firey speaker box: The hosts keep dying, the prizes are just hurting you guys, until a second ago Evil Leafy was just on a killing spree, and even the people in the weak trembling fortress have escaped.
Pin: Yeah, I'm aware.
Firey speaker box: well, you see... something else has happened... that really makes all of this really just... a mistake.
Pin: what are you talking about?
Firey speaker box: oh boy, here it goes.
So the challenge before this one was actually the 14th episode, making this the 15th. The 13th was on Firey, Gelatin, Icecube, oh yeah and also Rocky. Anyway, at first I just wanted to upload episode 14, but there wasn't enough space for it... so I... deleted episode 12, and there still wasn't enough space for it, so I tried deleting episode 11 but accidentally deleted 10 instead, but I guess I was dead set on deleted episode 11 so I did. Then I could've fit both 13 and 14 in there, but I didn't realize that, so I deleted episode 9, then I tried to put in 13 but accidentally deleted it instead, then I figured I could maybe get it back, but deleted episode 7 trying to do so, then I realized episode 8 would no longer make sense without 7 and deleted it too, but somehow 14, just went with it. episode 6 is the last one that still exists?
Firey speaker box: yep.
Yellow face: Are you in a crisis due to a computer? Why not burn down the weak trembling fortress! Burns it with Firey.
Firey speaker box: and now the fortress is gone entirely. And you know what? The budget was kind of, dead.
Pin: We were on a bud- wait, where's my mech suit.
Pencil: I destroyed it.
Pin: dang it.
Firey speaker box: yeah...
Pin: So were we on a budget?
Firey speaker box: Yep, but now, BFDIA, must... be canceled.
Pencil: so... does that mean I win sense I won the last challenge?
Firey speaker box: no.
Nickel: Does it mean we won't be ufe after all?
Firey speaker box: also no. Let's just put up a cake at stake in a month or so anyway, then we'll just do... a 'final challenge' I guess.
Pencil: You know what? Screw that.
Book: Come on Pencil, accept that's not happening. I mean, one of us might win the final challenge-
Pencil: You care about our alliance right?
Book: yeah, but I care about the rules even more.
Pencil: and why?
Book: How would you feel if you were someone on one of the other teams and Firey speaker box allowed that?
Pencil: Well they're inferior to us so it doesn't matter.
Book: no they're not!
Pencil: Are they in the alliance?
Book: no but that means nothing at all-
Pencil: it does too! Now stop disagreeing with my genius self. Anyway I guess we don't need this wheel.
Book: I mean we can still use it for...
Pencil breaks the wheel over her knee and slaps Book over the top of the head for questioning it.
Pencil: quiet! A l t e r n a t e.
Book: Well, Match got out, so can Icy or myself replace her?
Pencil: No.
Book is so angry she leaves.
Icecube: Hey, where is Book going?
Ruby: Over to the bathroom.
Icecube: but the nearest bathrooms are 120 degrees clockwise from the direction she's going.
Yellow face: I didn't even know you could think up that angle.
Icecube: You're just salty because I have legs!
Book hiding beyond a brick wall: geeze, when I first entered this alliance, I thought that its leaders were cool, but now I see it. I can't deny it any longer. Pencil and Match... are huge jerks.
Suddenly, a pause symbol appears, then it zooms out, revealing that it's all seen on TV, and watching it is...
Four and x?
Four, throwing his cereal over X: Oh it TOOK long enough for you to figure that out!
Four: Can you believe this X? Pencil and Match Refused to recover Bubble because Ruby was concerned, they discarded Golfball's good advice because of a date on it where she wasn't even alive yet, she made Book and Icecube 'alternates' they threatened to demote or even expel their members for stupid reasons, they didn't let Book and Icecube into any activities, THEY started all of the drama in their group and gave fake apologies doing it over and over and not talking about it, Gave themselves "break times" that lasted months with only seconds of actually working, they made the alliance, including those not even in it yet to do the hard work for them, they didn't even make it because it was Bubble's idea, they bully just about anyone and yell at them for disagreeing, and she instant offered Icecube into the trash compactor for what? Then the whole thing with Needle, and whatever happened today, and Book only NOW realizes that they're huge jerks?
X: Uhh... yeah, she's stupid.
Four: Aw well, goodbye Battle for dream island.
X: You can always rewatch it!
Four: Yeah X, I know... unpauses it
Ruby: Book! Is there a problem?
Book: Oh, it's nothing...
Ruby: Well, Bubble hasn't been in a video diary yet, so let's get her in one!
Four: ooh! They never removed the lens cap, so it's all a black screen! Laughs
Book: Okay then!
Coiny: Fans, we'll give a proper goodbye next month! Freesmart will keep making video diaries until then. So uh, watch those.
Firey out of the now burnt weak trembling fortress: See ya!
Coiny: HEY!
Firey and Coiny start fighting as Pin 'presses' the stop recording button.
Four: sigh I used to believe that I could be in battle for dream island, but now there is no battle for dream island. HOWEVER. Freesmart is still making video diaries, even if I can't see what's going on, I can figure out by compiling them! And I also have their newest one!
Pencil: Alright Ruby, start recording!
Shows Four putting a disc into a box for his TV
Pencil: Hey guys! Welcome to our newest video diaries! (It's shown from a different camera so we can see them but Four can't) You may have seen that BFDIA was sadly canceled recently, but guess what? we're still here!
Ruby: Hey Firey speaker box, we don't really have a place to stay.
Firey speaker box: huh, that's true, let's all build huts!
Shows an entire 30 seconds of gathering wood except Pencil because she's lazy but Four doesn't see it because the lens cap is still on
Spongy: I think I've lost 5 pounds from all this work alone. Cutting with your legs is hard.
Bubble: Wow, Yoyleland has a lot of trees.
Book: Well, it's nice to eat fruit other than Yoyleberries! And these don't turn you into metal.
Four: Aww... I wish I could see it.
It shows them start building huts
Pencil: Anyway, I believe it's time to introduce you to another member of our alliance, Bubble! Points the still-covered camera at her. Isn't she adorable?
Bubble: Awww... thanks!
Pencil: Bubble here is VERY kind. Maybe the Kindest person in Goiky!
Bubble: Thanks!
Pencil: She also somehow manages to be an overachiever and a pushover at the same time.
Bubble: HEY.
Pencil: Anyway, how about you bake yoylecake for the rest of us?
Bubble: Okay!
Book: did you just forget- whatever.
Shows her making it
Bubble: And now we put it in the oven and...
Book: Hey, by the time that's done, this thing will be out of battery.
Bubble: Oh! Well... see you in BFDIA 15 guys!
Ruby: Keep watching these videos until then! Stops recording
Four: Yeah! Well, I guess I should start trying to figure out what they're doing once the formal goodbye happens. I'm still sad that it's over though.
X: Don't be sad Four. I'll give you something else to watch.
Four: Mmm. Thanks for trying to cheer me up then.
Firey speaker box: Viewers, vote for Coiny, Pin, Needle, Nickel, Bomby, Fries, or Tennisball to get eliminated. You can also like some for them to get a prize! You can vote as much as you want, so please, vote on ALL OF THEM!
(Stinger)(Four doesn't see this)
Shows Book and Icecube getting un-yoyled
Book: Hey Icy, I have something to tell you...
Icecube: yeah?
Book: When we first got into this alliance, I really thought that Pencil and Match were really cool!
Icecube: well...
Book: but in reality, they're actually huge jerks!
Icecube: I agree!
Suddenly cuts, revealing Profily
Profily: Oh you're just NOW figuring this out? Can you believe this Firey speaker box?
Firey speaker Box: Nope. Not really.
Profily: I gotta do something about Pencil and Match. And I mean more of a long-term plan than what Coiny was trying to do. Of course, no one cared when I tried to change those ideas. It's like the other contestants don't even realize I exist!
Suddenly goes back to when Fanny saw someone.
Fanny: Wha- who are you?
They leave.
Fanny: Hey!
They stop when they're right in front of something that looks like a time machine.
Fanny: Okay, stop running.
Someone else who looks just like her?: Hello, me.
Fanny: Seriously, who are you girl?
?: I'm you... 10 years in the future.
2014 Fanny: Wait, time travel is real?
2024 Fanny: why do you think the amount of votes skyrocketed? The 'viewers' won't actually see BFDIA 6 for a long time. By the time they do, the amount of them would've been way more.
2014 Fanny: Wow. I hate that I know that, and I hate that I will do this. Wait, so do you remember this?
2024 Fanny: I wish I didn't
2014 Fanny: Why? I seem to get a bit taller in the future.
2024 Fanny: Oh yeah, I just remembered, man I used to be a bit short. I mean the difference between us isn't THAT big but it's more than I thought
2014 Fanny: I hate talking about this.
2024 Fanny: But now you know. Anyway that's not the point. When I first discovered that BFDIA was back, I didn't really care. But then in BFDIA 9, I saw someone I really missed.
2014 Fanny: Wait, so there will eventually be someone who cares for me?
2024 Fanny: Yes. And you know what? I'm glad no one beat her to it. Anyway, After that I decided to show up in BFDIA 10 to see her, but she wasn't there, and I see she's here now. And also on the first one I brought some living versions of some device that Nintendo will release in the beginning of 2017 with me.
2014 Fanny: I don't even like video games.
2024 Fanny: This girl will make you. Though it will be at the end of 2017... so...
2014 Fanny: Oh. Wait if you remember this, does that ruin the whole 'create a new timeline' theory?
2024 Fanny: Oh no, that does happen, but only if it's absolutely needed. Like if you kill your parents before they can have you or something.
2014 Fanny: how do you know you're not just remembering hearing that from my time?
2024 Fanny: Because I forgot you asked until now but someone else managed to prove that to me.
2014 Fanny: I hate when theories I agree with get debunked!
2024 Fanny: Man... and I thought present me was hateful- But trust me, you may forget that she will exist, but you should try to remember for as long as you can, it will keep you pushing.
2014 Fanny: Okay, one last question. Why was BFDIA 5 the last one the people actually voted on?
2024 Fanny: Budget cuts. Trust me, we somehow were able to see them, and some Green dude with cool powers managed to see this and tell me to go back before anyone else saw it.
2014 Fanny: You seem too positive to be me.
2024 Fanny: Guess why.
2014 Fanny: Okay I got it.
Modern Fanny goes back through, leaving her past self, who wonders if any of that was real.
Firey speaker box: Hey! What are you doing out of the Locker of Losers?
Fanny (2014): uhh...
He puts her back in.
Firey speaker box: You know what? I'm removing the window.
Match: No don't! I want to see my frie-
Firey speaker box: Don't care. Solidifies it. Then goes over to the battlegrounds just in time to see Profily approach Book.
The video ends with modern Fanny going back to 2024, then going back to having the TPOT art style.
Fanny (2024): It is done.
(The video ends)
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